Checking in daily to maintain focus #24

That’s f**king awesome bro CONGRATULATIONS!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Blocking out the negativity of society and honing in on me. Focusing inward. You can’t change the world without changing your self first. Blessings and sobriety to you all.


This is so awesome. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency and patience will get us far. Very proud of you Mike! It’s pretty cool watching someones evolution from afar. :sunglasses:


Huge congrats!! A year is major. VERY major. :clap::clap:

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Day 55. Sober, grateful, and a bit chilly. C’mon weather…this is South Carolina!! :rofl::rofl:


Holy crap that’s huge! Once your fine is paid do you know how long the process is to get your license back? I’m so excited for you! Good for you for sticking with your recovery plan, meds are part of that right now and the only way you will be able to evaluate with your doctor how they are working for you is to stick with it. I have started and stopped meds a couple times before and regret it. Hang in there, Mike.


Going into day 28.
Very itchy forearms and thighs. Is that normal?
I’m freaking out about my liver now.
Have been taking L-glutamine, magnesium, vitamin D, multi vitamin. Will also begin taking liver detox tablets tomorrow.
Each new day I seem to encounter something different happening to my body/mind.


Day 1. Kind of scared. Need a sponsor.


Hello, day 1.

I’m going to outline clear and measurable goals today to keep me on track.

I’m going to keep busy, clean this house and myself.

I’m going to eat healthy and drink plenty of tea and water.

I’m going to reach out to my friends and chat so I don’t feel so alone.

I’m going to do some physical activity.

I have just meditated.

I know I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’ll check in tomorrow to make sure I did what I said I would.


I’m day 1 too!


Thanks ugh

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Welcome to the club and congratulations Marc! Nice job man. It feels fucking amazing doesn’t it? I’m proud of you man


Day 439. What a time in the US, it’s hard for a lot of people. Stay focused on recovery my friends because as ugly as things are in the US right now they pale in comparison to how ugly active addiction is. Stay strong.


Congratulations Marc. I feel like I haven’t known you that much on TS as there are so many people coming and going. And timing I guess. But I am so happy to read your post when I do come across them. You are very helpful to me. And you are teaching me that I need to protect my sobriety and respect the nasty beast. That he (addiction) never goes away. And that my next drink could end my happiness. So glad you got your first year back.


Day 6 for me and every day I feel closer to feeling like my old self again.


Samesies!! That run and yoga I sounded so enthusiastic about yesterday did not happen :joy:!! Ah yes, today is a new day. My new year starts today!! Hope you have a good one!

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Amen to this!! Really proud of you!
:raised_hands::raised_hands: Congrats on 1 year!!


@Fury Welcome to the 200 club. Keep kicking ass!
@anon60334405 You don’t suck at sobriety. . .we all have bad days and need to acknowledge them as just that. You are doing great and are an awesome man and Dad.
@MagicILY Congratulations on 40 days.
@Private50 Have you ever tried the FODMAP elimination process? It helped me a lot to identify foods that aggravate my digestion issues.
@marcusmaximus2000 WHOOP WHOOP. . .1year is amazing.

205 days. Feeling extremely lonely today. Since becoming sober and moving to a new province I have very few friends. Most days I feel like I have no friends and I’m spending way too much time in my head. I might be sober but I feel like I’m not living life.


One of my best friends asked my how I was doing and my first week. I said that I am in a kind of survival mode. She answered if I had food, drink, loo was working, I could call my friends anytime. So that I would be good.
That hurt me and I answered that in regard to this: everything is fine. Her answer : then stop nerving.

I feel low and it cements my thinking, shut the fuck up about how you feel. Do what is necessary. Shut up. Almost 800 days won’t help.


Yea I’ve seen someone on here I forgot his nickname, saying he was recovering from different things than addictions and I related to this a lot.

[EDIT: it was a post from @marcusmaximus2000]

I guess I could say I am a

  • recovering hypersensitive,
  • a recovering obsessive thinker (which is closely related to passion, which makes it hard to draw the lines sometimes),
  • recovering addict (that includes a lot of things),
  • recovering nihilistic existentialist,
  • recovering self harmer (physical, psychological and spiritual),
  • recovering perfectionist
  • and recovering performance-driven person.

Got a lot to work on lol.
I would like to give it more thought. Anyways, I like the idea that I am recovering in all those aspect of myself, instead of seeing those as defects of my personality. It’s just some stuff I live with; I’ve learned a lot from them, and now that I am sober I can see more clearly through those patterns and see my needs underlying it.
Sobriety is really a superpower, because it turns all the defects into insight and cues about something I have to learn about myself and grow from it.