Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Welcome, Stevie!! Congrats on the great numbers - coming up on 4 months alcohol free AF!! Glad you are here!


Checking in Day 33


Day 151: Thanks for the love yesterday, amigos! Itā€™s pretty amazing to be approaching half a year. What a ride. Like some of you remind me, it has been a rough one at times, but I am so grateful to have gone through things like medical/physical health concerns, chronic pain, the terminal illness and death of my dog, the holidays, winter blues, pandemic woes, etc. ALL SOBER. Being sober and working on my recovery has allowed me to not only get through these challenges, but thrive through them. I couldnā€™t have done it without the support of my amigos here, spending a good portion of each day reading the nuggets of truth and hope you all write, hearing about other people going through challenges and learning how to manage what life throws their way, seeing people spring into action to offer love and support, and celebrating the successes in our TS community! Watching this community navigate some sticky situations, handle changes in membership dynamics, and create a solutions focused response has been really fascinating to watch and be involved in, too. I learn so much about people, mutual support, and about myself by being a member of TS. We are human, and just like in real life there will be conflicts of personality, beliefs, expectations and ideology. We are not all going to like each other. Not everyone is going to like me and vice versa. I personally struggle with conflict and with the understanding that I canā€™t be friends with everyone and not everyone will want to be my friend. But that is not a realistic expectation, and itā€™s okay! Imagine being almost 40 years old and feeling like a little girl wanting to be liked all the timeā€¦it makes me laugh. Anyway, enough Rosa rambles for one day.
Sending loving vibes out to the TS-sphere today, I hope you can feel them coming your way. :heartpulse:


Hey all, checking in on day 236.

@Charlie_C That is so frustrating! The exact same thing happened to a friend of mine and he missed a full week of work because of it. Work wouldnā€™t allow him back until he had government paperwork showing that the one test was a false positive. I definitely understand all the precautions though, and Iā€™m glad everyone is negative in the end at least.

@anon60334405 I didnā€™t have a chance to reply to your post about the pizza delivery last night but that is so frustrating, Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with that but it sounds like you handled it properly and can move on now Stay strong man :call_me_hand:

I hope everyone has a good end of the week/start of the weekend! :v:



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@littlemisschatterboxā€¦Let the chocolate celebrations begin! :heart::heart::heart: congrats!!!

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Day 53.

I had test run zoom with this one organisation who asked me translate a speaker next week. It would be from English to Finnish.

We had to a test run ā€˜cos my phone usually lags when I charge it and the battery heats up. It went ok, so it seems that Iā€™m gonna be busy next week! :sweat_smile:

Itā€™s good though, I get to keep this skill alive and also the speaker is a really good friend of mine, so looking forward to it. Am a wee bit nervous ā€˜cos I havenā€™t done it so much lately. Well, there was one half an hour gig about a week ago, but this time itā€™s full on Mon-Fri!

I hope all is well in the TS kingdom! Have a great sober day! :hugs:


Checking in on day 171.
I didnā€™t realize how much I relied on alcohol to handle my emotions. I have a lot of cravings the past couple of days, but no desire to act on it. Itā€™s conditioning, just like Pavlovs dog ā€¦ every time I feel sad/happy/nervous/excited about my upcoming move I think of drinking. Itā€™s crazy. I really donā€™t want do drink, so I just ride it out and hope to grow from feeling it ā€¦ also, Iā€™m also doing a loooot of youtube workouts (Lilly Sabri really kicks my butt!) and go for even more walks. Sports and sobriety podcast keep me going at the moment :penguin:


Awesome number!! :partying_face::open_hands::partying_face:
Excellent work!

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Good morning :sunny:
Checking in with 400 days sober.
I been trying to think of something fun and witty or or some kind of gif or meme to put down but I got nothing.

So Iā€™m just gonna have a great fucking sober day. And yā€™all know Iā€™m not drinking today! And Iā€™m probably not drinking tomorrow.

We need only deal with the problems and joys of today. If we try to see too far ahead, we lose touch with the reality of the here and now. The Lord lets us know what we need to know when we need to know it.

Sober on friends :pray:t2::heart:


This is an internal struggle of mine too, Rosa. Being a perfectionist is something Iā€™ve needed a lot of help letting go of. Along with some codependency, of course. Iā€™ve really had to rearrange my f#ck budget.


Congratulations on being sober for 500 days Laura. Youā€™re so worth it. We so need you on our team.
Youā€™re a blessing to us all.


Great stuff @Dazercat.


Thanks for the solidarity, Mitch. I am definitely a recovering perfectionist codependent. Itā€™s a constant struggle, but Ive made more breakthroughs on this in the last few months than ever.


Checking in at the end of day 33. Another sober Friday. Love it.
Goodnight all, wherever you are. :zzz::sleeping:


I experience this exact thing all the time. Like you, I never actually want to drink but itā€™s crazy how many emotions cause my first instinct to be ā€Well this is a good reason to drinkā€

It really has become engrained in our brains as a coping mechanism, for good and bad times.

@Dazercat :four::zero::zero: days!! That is such an awesome milestone, congrats!!


Itā€™s a big boat. At 61 I still struggle with, notso much everyone liking me. But the conflict thing. resonates really well. And I always think what if I upset this person by what I said or wrote. Like Iā€™m responsible for someone elseā€™s feelings about me. It must be some magic power I have.
And that perfectionist thing is a bitch. Things are not always black and white. Thereā€™s lots of grays and colors in between.

One of my favorite memes was.
ā€œQuit trying to be liked by everyone.
You donā€™t even like everyone!ā€


Wow!! Amazing. You found yourself quite the tat artist. Love it and congrats on your soberversary and your celebration of it.

Absolutely yes, to everything you said. I truly believe participating on this forum is helping me with all of the above.


And hasnā€™t done so for five-freaking-hundred days!! You inspire! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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