Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

@Dragonflygirl82 How exciting to be in the newspaper, congratulations!

@Joy Your days are always a joy to behold! (pun absolutely intended)


Checking in on day 2, feeling better and sleep better overall, just had breakfast and, about to have online classes :relieved: good day to you all!


Day 1, here we go :slight_smile:


Enjoy your Egyptian adventures and congrats on 6 months sober.:confetti_ball::tada:
Blessings and sobriety!

  1. I’m good. Hope you all are too. Clean and sober for one. All the rest follows from that for us. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can my friends. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam where spring is on halt for now.

    @Ark Welcome back A! Let’s do this! Together we can.
    @DKGuy Yay for making it through day one. If you can do that, you can do day two too! Etcetera. Have a good one friend.
    @Dragonflygirl82 Going from strength to strength Courtney. Much love. The big one coming up. Hugs.
    @Misokatsu We see it Flo!
    @funnydad Hope you’re OK Chris.
    @I.cant.We.can You’re handling all this stuff like a pro Brian. Hell, you are a pro. Good going.

We live, we learn, we get over it and move on.
Alcoholics of our type can never safely have one drink.


It’s not ‘Bye’ its a cry for help. ‘Thank You’ yeah stick around and you’ll have something to be thankful for. ‘Sorry’ Who you apologising to? Not us, your sobriety does not affect us. Pick yourself up, shake off your self pity and show yourself what your made of.
I’m not where I am today by being on my own or learning a harsh truth or two along the way.


Today is the only day that matters! :pray::sparkling_heart:

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Checking in. At the end of the Daily Calm meditation, Tamara always says ‘have a wonderful day’. And this morning I thought huh, maybe it will be wonderful. Only one way to find out.

Have a wonderful day everyone :sparkles:


Thankful for the strength to stay sober yesterday and praying for strength today. Stay strong friends, we can do this.


Checking in sober, Day 399 (57 weeks AF as of today). Was woke twice over night by the snowplow so its gonna be that kind of day. Got a busy day on the phone and getting things done, so the early start is the universe telling me to get my ass in gear. Wishing everyone strong, safe, sober day!!!


Hey what’s up everyone. Yesterday was a good day. Good lift session, today will be squats. And I’m excited my buddy is getting out of jail so I’ll be going to see him after my session. I’m hoping he will choose sobriety, but if not then hey that’s his choice. Istill plan on showing my face and showing a good example of what sobriety can and will bring you. Hope you all have a great day much love


Good morning friends, working on day 87! Had a nice day yesterday, but was really tired all day. I must not have slept well.

Anyway, back at work today and going to do it sober!

I love patterns and lucked in to catching this



Good morning TS folks. I reset my timer for the 45th time yesterday morning. So I made it through the first day…yet again. 🤦🤦🤦 I’m not going to beat myself up, that’s what I did yesterday. :sob: Today I’m starting new and moving forward. I’m going to add to my daily routine slowly instead of trying to stay super busy so I do not relapse. Virtual hugs to those of you who are struggling. I am so inspired everytime I come back here. You are all so amazing. Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone!!! :heart::grinning:


Checking in Day 37:-) Read that the polar vortex will last until next week! HOWEVER, only 39 days until spring… that will be day 76 for me… I am so stinkin excited for day 76!


Hey all, checking in on day 240. Hope everyone is doing well!


305 today. Got the 2nd covid shot yesterday and not feeling as well as I’d like. But from what I’m hearing it shouldn’t long. Another day sober.


Congrats to you

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Woohoo… I’m ready for spring too