Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

250 days…
Jumped on zoom last night, it was just what i needed… People knowing the struggle and just talking settled me right back to wanting sobriety over the using of drugs to cope and thats all it was a thought in my head id be better off…

Alot of you on here go beyond what makes a person beautiful the compassion and love shared is true mind blowing for me i get love and care from people who babrely know me and it gives me strength to know i can do this on my own…

If your feeling weak or want to break TALK, express yourself anyway that you want to just dont pick up…

The biggest lesson i learnt this year is to not force anything: conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forcrd is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, whatever crashes, crashes. It is what it is


I’m so sorry for your loss. My condolences for the whole family. :black_heart:

Proud of you in so many ways girl. You’re strong, you keep going but you’re also brave enough to admit you need help, you’re struggling and you let yourself be vulnerable.


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The sun rises on another day of promise and endless possibilities and all that needs to be done is stay sober so we can fully appreciate it… I hope you are all well…


Day 129, feeling mentally tired today.

I went to an NA meeting this morning with my new sponsor which was great. Afterwards we had a conversation about life and step 1.

I must say that since i opened up to people that im getting so much well ment advice which is great. The only thing that im struggling with is to really find my own way, and finding out what that exactly is.

I’m sure time will tell, one step at a time.

Have a great day everyone!


975 days alcohol free


Yea exactly that. I will just take it 1 day at a time.


Thanks Laura!

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@anon35096624 - I am glad to see you posting check-ins again.

@marcusmaximus2000 Marc, I am so sorry to hear about your brother.

[quote=“marcusmaximus2000, post:1888, topic:113095”]
“The hammer that shatters glass forges steel”.
[/quote] That’s such a beautiful quote and so true. I am glad you’re a bad motherfucker.

@Foreverfree36 - Who cares why? Just make it stop. Tell it to shut up and that you know BETTER and that voice is a lying scumbag. If you could “control it,” you wouldn’t be here talking about voices in your head. :slight_smile: I hate that voice. Mine never tells me I can control it, only “Why bother?” That’s my scumbag…

@Squirt Given what you know about him, what possible outcome could there be, except more tension? Is it for resolution or just because you’re pissed off? There is far too much energy spent on this individual, at least from my perspective. I see no good that can come from a confrontation and since I haven’t been around, I am unclear why this person is cohabiting with you guys. Wish you luck, deep breaths.

For me: Day 6. I take solace in the fact that I have been sober more than not in the last couple of years. Never, never, never give up fighting for a sober life.


I’m pulling for you April. Good to see you back


Honestly haing a program helped me immensly


Hey girl! I’m glad to be back, thanks for the warm welcome back! :kissing_heart:


Thanks, Olivia! :kissing_heart:

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So happy to read this April. I been thinking about you a lot on here. How much I miss your smiling check ins. And well, I think your pretty cool. I’m going to pray for you that God will put the right people in the right place for you at the right time. And you’re going to get through this.
Welcome back friend.

And I miss seeing what’s cooking down under.
:kangaroo: :kangaroo::kangaroo::kangaroo::kangaroo::kangaroo:


@DLS welcome back :blush:
@AdvntrLane congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Tomek sending strength :blue_heart:
@Mno congrats on 22 months :tada:
@anon89892515 congrats on 2 years :tada:
@marcusmaximus2000 sorry for your loss :blue_heart:
@Rockstar24777 congrats on 300 days :tada:
@Squirt this sounds like such a tense situation, I’m sorry your having to deal with this. Sending prayers for a peaceful resolution :pray:t2: .
@anon27760155 congrats on 250 days :tada:

241 days no alcohol.
209 days no cocaine.

Going to reset the binge-eating counter when I’ve finally moved home. Takeaways are not a part of my diet and it doesn’t feel right to keep adding days while I’m eating them. The good part is, I know I will stop when I move because where I’m moving to is not in the catchment area for the delivery services, plus the moving home stressor will be behind me :pray:t2:

No news from anyone today regarding exchanging. It’s so draining getting my hopes up to be met with silence. Nevertheless I’ve kept busy today with more packing. All that’s left to do now is to bubble wrap and pack a few items I’ve left in my lounge, and then to pack all the kitchenware into boxes, so I’m saving those jobs for tomorrow to keep me busy again, I already decluttered all the kitchen stuff last week so it’s an easy job, no decisions to make.

It will be a miracle if we exchange tomorrow and the estate agents allow me to start my tenancy the same day so I can move in over the weekend, but I’m not gonna hold my breath.


Thank you @CATMANCAM! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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My deepest condolences on your loss, may he Rest in Peace.
Blessings and sobriety!

@liv_m Thank you for your insight, it was really helpful. Yes, I too think that having this rage is a step forward. I was stuck with my feelings, they got me nowhere, but now it’s like starting the process. It seems hard, sometimes impossible to do it without self destrucktion, but that’s the right way for sure.


Congrats on 300 days. Keep on hanging in there, you rock! :confetti_ball: :tada:
Blessings and sobriety!

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Thanks alot for sharing and taking your time to reply to my post, thats appreciated much!

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