Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

10 months today. :sob: 304(ish) days. I havenā€™t been sober for this long in 7 years. Iā€™m amazed every day how far Iā€™ve come.


Update on today. Thanks @littlemisschatterbox for your support this morning, Im happy to tell you I got everything checked off my list in the end.
Thanks again x


Havenā€™t checked in for awhile now, but saw in my calendar today is 70 Weeks alcohol free (490 Days!!! Woot! Woot!) so thought I should pop in for an update. Iā€™m starting to understand what they mean by the expression ā€œThe days are long but the years are shortā€. Looking forward to next week when I hit 500 days! Wishing everyone a strong, sober day!!!


Day 2 letā€™s Goo !!!


Day 23
I am happy, on Thursday the adultsā€™ Bible school will re-start, after months of online classes. I miss our priest and brothers and sisters.


Good job. Keep up the good work

Day 58 here, will be going home from Treatment on Day 60. I have dove in head first this go round and am doing everything I can to maintain a sober life. Going to miss all my new family at treatment and it is scarier on the outside but i have faith and trust that I will do this. Not to mention my sponsor, sober peers and all the work I am putting into my recovery daily. Thank you to all of you who are here as well!


Congratulations! 9 months is a big deal!

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Itā€™s a goodbye from me, iā€™ve sat with these ill feelings all night, i still donā€™t get why people think its okay to put their ill mannered opinion over to addictions that they have no clue or idea how much it derails your life but iā€™m only one person and i donā€™t do fake iā€™ve had that my whole life.

Educate yourself before you open your mouth
Be fucking kind instead of spitting out venom and bullshit from your mouthā€¦

Oh look around you and see your no better then the addict next to you even if you have ten years behind you or a day.

Iā€™m done for a while.


People are assholes is why. Take care of yourself, and donā€™t let them derail you.


Danni - please take care of yourself and come back when you can. You will be missed!




Hope you are safe, Danni. I am not aware what happened but you seem to be frustrated. Take care and come back anytime.


@Misokatsu @icebear congrats on 9 months for yesterday :tada::tada:
@Harold congrats on 13 months :tada:
@Dazercat thank you, that made me smile :blush:
@Lisa07 @Its_me_Stella
@RedDahlia welcome back :blush:
@Sanuk welcome back and congrats on your week :tada:
@Charlie_C your break sounds like it will be so lovely, enjoy! :smiley:
@Lou1 sending strength :blue_heart:

274 days no alcohol.
8 months no cocaine :raised_hands:t2::tada:

I finished part one of the ED recovery book today, the second part is the self-help CBT manual that I will be guided through by the therapist. I will start that after this check-in.

Having a pain flare so far this week, which isnā€™t really surprising with the presence of depression. A little stressed because my GP surgery are trying to throw me out since Iā€™ve moved, Iā€™m trying to stay because I have multiple ongoing issues, 3 referrals that Iā€™m waiting for consultations for, and my regular hormone injections and Iā€™m also due my second Covid vaccine within 2 weeks, so lots of anxiety around possibly having to start all over again somewhere new after 34 years of the same doctors and nurses. Iā€™ve stated all this in a response to their message today, and asked to stay, so will see what they say :pray:t2:

The milestones yesterday and today are definitely mood-boosters, itā€™s so surreal even now, I try to analyse how I finally did it after so long trying, but that is exactly how I did it, I never stopped trying, grateful for my tenacity :raised_hands:t2:


@Rockstar24777 cool number :star_struck:
@gmeeb congrats on 10 months :tada:
@marcusmaximus2000 congrats on 70 weeks :tada:


Thanks @CATMANCAM :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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@CATMANCAM Thanks for the shout :hugs:
Stay strong my friend x

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D 148.

Had a rough few days, but it seems that thereā€™s some light at the end of the tunnel this evening.

I got a bit sick on Saturday and had to have my very first covid test done on Monday, luckily it was negative.

The other thing was concerning my fatherā€™s debts and funeral expenses, but it seems that things are working out ok.

I hope yā€™all have great sober day! :heartpulse::hugs::blossom:

@anon27760155 youā€™ll be terribly missed. :cry::heart:


Thank you so much! :hugs::hugs::hugs:Thank you for your support!


I feel ya!

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