Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

Day 47. Just want to check in and say “hi”. Got the 2nd vax on Monday and felt a little off yesterday. I soldiered through, though, and today I feel good. I haven’t mentioned my SO’s adult (I use that word loosely) daughter is living with us for a while. She tends to get under my skin if I let her. She is very sloppy and that is a pet peeve of mine. Plus she is very loud. Strike 2. And SO gives her so much money all the time. Strike 3, yer out. But, allowing myself to get anxious and annoyed helps nobody, especially myself. I would remove the negativity from my surroundings if I could. But, I can’t so am using her unpleasant presence as an opportunity to develop tolerance and patience.


Need I say more?
Blessings and sobriety!


Lol! I took a shower and ate properly. And stayed sober and did a whole lot of other random things half way, but yeah. Sober ftw! :+1:t3:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 234.
I’ve got like a half of a novel to write here today, but it’s so late so I’ll save that for tomorrow.
Don’t worry, this time it won’t be about tweenie. It’s going to be another episode of my private soap opera called gypsy galore :joy: if you’re new read about previous episodes or ask long time followers.

Well easily explained, my family is crazy, and gypsies and very simple things usually gets a little extra complicated, like in a soap opera. So to make it a little funnier when I whine about it I’ve started some mini episodes about all that drama here, that I call gypsy galore.

Stay tuned my friends because tomorrows episode contains forgotten namesdays, a secret pregnancy (nope not mine, I was done with that 10 years ago) a mad sister, and an upcoming Ederlezi (Gypsy new years celebration) and maybe a wedding vow renewal. So keep the popcorns ready for the newest episode.

I hope y’all had an awesome day today. Hugs from Sweden.


@Beforemy30s Time and genuinely changing your behaviour heals a lot.


Smart move, lady!

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I just shared the whole daughter story with my hairdresser. His response “I would kill her.” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Yes. I would have a reallllllly hard time with that situation. :grimacing:

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The sad thing is…even when she moves out, I fear it will always be something with her. But, maybe that is just looking at things negativity. Can’t waste energy on that.

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Checking in. Day 5. Long day. Messed up at work and I think the mistake was actually made on a day I was slightly hungover… it’s solved but definitely teaching myself lessons every day about this. I am loving Annie Graces book - Naked - control alcohol. For anyone new to this like me, honestly read it ! Hope you’re all feeling good and enjoying being poison free and dependence free. Every time I turn sober I feel like I’ve seen the light! The hard part is staying in the light


Woo hoo! Congratulations @Dolse71! You are kicking some sobriety ass! So f**king proud of you!



Been there. I’m on day 5. For the umpteenth time. Reached 3 months and then relapsed and repeat. But here again sober today. Your friendships grow stronger, and some you don’t even want.


But the best part- is you DO forgive yourself because you’ve taken action. It’s amazing to leave a night out and know you’re not going to wake up in painful awakening to what you have done or who you might have let down/offended/ tried to make a pass at. I never thought I could experience that.


Hellllzzz yeah! :partying_face::star_struck::sunglasses:

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Amazing! Congratulations my friend. :yellow_heart:

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I want to be clear that I am :heart:'ing this while pretending I don’t see the wallpaper.

Nice work friend :slight_smile:


Day 3, after my second crash. I had 16 days in all. Disappointed that I relapsed but I know I can do this.



Beautiful, just like you! Congratulations :partying_face::two_hearts:


Amazing!! Keep up the hard work. Love the background too :+1:

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Ooh… I’m getting excited for you @liv_m.

almost time