Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

I just love a good 9 Mel. And you got three of them. Wow :star_struck:



So wonderful to you you doing this Paul :boom:


Way to go Chris. This is amazing. Great great numbers.

Those are some great numbers! Just got me thinking of angel numbers means something besides that congrats with the Rocket on your background, the Habs rock :metal:


Keep up the hard work, you can get some double digits going just keep believing in yourself :pray:


Day 296.
Like others, today was a bit scattered - started lots, didn’t finish much. Unfocused. Easily distracted. Too much to do so where to start? Yet, oddly not stressed about it. This isn’t even drinking me. This is grade 8 me.
But, you know what? I’m sober. And tomorrow’s another day.

And - there are all kinds of good reasons to celebrate on this thread! From single digits to four digits, this is where it happens!

Momentum’s building
 what do you say, friends? methinks we can do another one tomorrow. :wink:
G’night all, big love. :orange_heart:




Woo hoo! Congrats Mel and @SoberGuyUSA and someone else who’s name is at the tip of my tongue(ya you!), you guys got rock.
Blessings and sobriety!



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Looking at a journal I started 20 years ago. Tonight I wrote in the last page. Every page had the same list of questions I filled casually over the years. My first page under plans for a better tomorrow: To let go and open my arms again. To appreciate whats in front of me. My last page and entry under same subject 20 years later: To stay sober, continue Keto diet and my journey in self healing.

In a few hours I will be sober for 2 weeks. I am greatful I opened my arms again 20 years ago I took a chance and a lot of happy and sad became of it but moments that were truly priceless and brought me to right here and right now. Thank you God thank you universe for ALL the lessons.


Day 7.
Woke after a really rough night of bad dreams and upset over a tricky day yesterday. Checked my phone at 6am and had loads of messages and responses on here offering comfort and support to make things a little easier.
Especially from @Freckles It sounds like your history is very similar to mine. And last night I had even rdered the book you are reading. Currently listening to Catherine grays the joys of being sober and reading Quit Like a Woman on Kindle. Reading and listening to stories is how I process things so it is helping.

Feeling grateful for this community that made getting up for the day today a little easier.


Fantastic! Well done

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It’s the area just west of Aachen. :mountain_biking_man:

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Take care Conor. Know you’ll be missed but do whatever is right for you friend.


Checking in on day 1. 24 hours sober. Did my online meeting yesterday. Woke up today. Got on my knees and prayed. Did my gratitude list. Now reading through the daily suggestions and then big book ahead. Planning the next 24 hours sober

  1. First day of my vacay but there have been days I enjoyed waking up more as there’s drilling and scraping and breaking and godknowswhat sounds all around starting at 8 am so no sleeping in here and I let things slide in my home and in my personal life. A typical morning of thinking I’ll never make it out of this mess I gotten myself in over the last 40+ years.
    Luckily I have my little cat. How she goes to find the little piece of sunshine in the living room after her breakfast where she washes and warms herself reminds me of the good things in my life. There are loads and I’m busy building a better life one day at a time. It’s work and sometimes I just feel tired but It absolutely needs to be done. And it’s a work of love. Sober and clean or I couldn’t do it.
    So here I go to do a week worth of dishes first, homework for group therapy than, and therapy proper later today. Have a good day all, my friends here at TS who play a crucial way in me working on myself and finding some happiness in this mess called life. Clean and sober. Love you all.

@SoberGuyUSA I don’t know where you are but I missed your 900 and know today is 1000 so just making sure I don’t miss your post again. Well done mate your an absolute legend in my books. :+1::tada::fireworks::sparkler::sparkles:


The news is grim. Record number of covid cases and record number of deaths. I live in the second most populated country in the world. It is like a post-apocalyptic scale. The graph is like a wall. Too much happening around me. I am the perfect covid target with a lot of comorbitities. Why don’t I die? So many people are dying everyday. Thosands. And yet I live. And I suffer. I wake up every morning and I am disappointed that I am not dead yet. Depression and covid and lockdowns = toxic mix.


Checking in on day 312
super busy day today so I won’t be around TS much but I hope everyone has a great one!