Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Nice, no smokes !!! Doen! Go for it as well


It really is a wonderful day to be free. May the freedom carry on for many more


Thank you so much :blush:

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Way to go Paul! :confetti_ball::partying_face: :tada:
Congrats on 10 months sober, odaat thatā€™s the way we do it. Keep on sobering.
Blessings and sobriety!


Praying for your full recovery Chris.
Blessings and sobriety!


Happy to see you here Brian, youā€™re doing great. Keep on doing you and building those relationships!
Blessings and sobriety!


I know itā€™s easy to say, but this too shall pass.
Whenever I find myself in a dire situation, I just think about a time in life when everything was great. The only difference between now and then is the passing of time.
This. Too. Shall. Pass.


Veel succes Claartje!

I am feeling new growth today after a session with my counsellor yesterday: he suggested I take time to sit with my fear (my fear of failure, my fear of not being good enough). Set a timer, 5 minutes, and sit with the emotion, face it, no running.

It feels good, like fog lifting; like a weight is gone and I can stand, balanced, independent. Hereā€™s to fear, and seeing it, facing it, one day at a time. :innocent:


Day 344

Talked to my sponsor for the first time in three weeks. Afterwards felt more focused and close to my path in sobriety. It doesnā€™t have to be an AA sponsor: a counsellor, a peer, anyone, but someone who ā€œgetsā€ it and is there for you to be accountable to and talk things through with is great (even if we just rehash things we both already know really, that recommitment is useful).


Thank you very much Marie! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Good morning friends, day 249! Still no internet at home and getting frustrated with it. I was able to work from Emilyā€™s house yesterday, but the techs are coming to my house this morning and I need to be here. I can use my work or personal phones for a Hotspot, but the performance is crappy and connection intermittent. :frowning:

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Iā€™m in a similar state, taming overwhelming fear (of the decision Iā€™m about to execute). For me the breakthrough was realizing that no matter how strong the fear is, it doesnā€™t mean that it has any grounds. It doesnā€™t mean that I failed or Iā€™m heading into the wrong direction. Itā€™s not a sign, that somethingā€™s wrong. The fear itself is a completely different thing than reality. Itā€™s totally natural. I donā€™t have to overcome it and weigh it down, that would cause an abnormal situation. And I shouldnā€™t hand the control over to it either. Iā€™m terrified, but I live my life regardless of it, because itā€™s a feeling, no more, no less, and I decide wheather it has an effect on me or not.


Day 340

Have a nice day everyone :blue_heart::raising_hand_woman::raised_hands::dizzy::two_hearts:


Just plodding alongā€¦.

Happy Hump Day, if you work M-F.
Happy Wednesday if you donā€™t work.
Everyone else: Have a lovely day!


Hey all, checking in on morning 402 of no hangovers. Have a good one!


Day 1 . No comments. I feel hurt and disappointed again with myself


Checking in for my front porch 5 years 27 days. With my espresso and my dogs. Waking up this morning to one of the most beautiful views that you could be thankful for. Very little pain, no pain pills yet today which is awesome, God, has sent me this little creature on my front porch this morning, where he came from only God, knows and the person who dropped him off for some cruel reason. I guess heā€™s ours now. One more cat will not make a difference=4. I guess itā€™s that time of the year. We will name him Wilbert.

Hope everybody has a wonderful blessed day and I hope all your wishes and dreams come true. I love you all! and Iā€™m thankful that you are here.


I love this. Thx Tomek - wise words :innocent:


Threads up!! Come on in!! :heart::heart: