Checking in daily to maintain focus #32

I have no knowledge of the subject either sorry JJ. There is some info onsite here: Search results for 'espranor ' - Talking Sober - Addiction Recovery Forum & Support Group or maybe try a search for buprenorphine. Success!


Congrats Olivia! Awesome work lady!

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Thank you!
& @Tomek
& @Mno :slight_smile:


Thankyou :heart:

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Big congratulations @SoberGuyUSA wonderful achievement!

@Jj2021 I donā€™t understand ur situation, but hope someone more knowledgeable can help u out or that search works.


Hi John,

Welcome to the forum! If you use the search bar :mag: in the top right you can look up all kinds of things, like the results @Mno posted to you.

Some posts have tags (which can be added when people make posts, and also added by regular members to existing posts) to help make them easier to find. There are a few recent threads with the tag ā€˜opiatesā€™:

This thread also has some general info about the forum and links to lots of threads which might be helpful to you :blush:


Day 351
I am still at work for a few more days and the kids are off. That means preparing their lunch in the evening for the next day, coming home from work to a house that looks like a bomb hit it, then once I am home they are ā€˜boredā€™ and want attention. Grateful for healthy, loving children, but lacking a little time to myself.


Good morning friends - day 256! Kind of going through the motions of life last few daysā€¦ I know that things are good - Iā€™m sober, we have food in the fridge and a roof over our headsā€¦ sometimes a little bored, but boring is better than drama.
Work is fine - maybe Iā€™m just tired. I wonā€™t drink today - because I donā€™t drink! (Thanks Eric @Dazercat )

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


About to pass my longest stretch of 47 days on my ED.

I had 210 resets on that counter this past year.


Congrats Beth!!!
Maybe you have 210 resets, but you have picked yourself up 211 times. That speaks volumes about your relentlessness and no-nonsense attitude! Whoop whoop!!!


Hey all, checking in on day 409. I hope everyone has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations, Olivia! :birthday::four_leaf_clover::innocent::confetti_ball:


Just encountered a 15k watermelon :watermelon: for 3,50 euro,
39 Celsius allready and with my arm the taking it back to appartment part suckedā€¦

Check inā€¦

Bless yaā€™ll


Vielen Dank!

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  1. Check in. Got call this am to come and join family for tail end of holiday. Only an hour away so have joined them now. Heading to an aquarium now. Have a sober day everyone.

Day 997.
Exhausted from this weather. Endless rain. Sunday will bei 18 deg here. I feel like I read, really need vacation but canā€™t plan yet which adds to my mood.
Excited and prepared I am for the kittens to come tomorrow evening. I am taking Friday off to not rushing them and I think I might not sleep too well tomorrow night.


Iā€™ve no experience with your doc but years of experience with cravings and having that first one. At some point we just have to get uncomfortable and sit through it, you already know what happens when we have just a little bit it never stops there. So here we are back at the beginning and itā€™s the only place any of us can start, stop making excuses bc trust me next time you have a craving you will manage to get your hands on it if thatā€™s what you want but STOP, BREATHE and REACH OUT. Many times Iā€™ve sat on this forum wasting away the hours to stop me picking up. Iā€™m proud of you for even realising that one is too many, itā€™s the beginning of a very important learning curve.


Thankyou very much all this help and advice is appreciated x


I love looking for lightening in a thunderstorm. It probably wonā€™t hit ya so just enjoy the show.

Awwwww girl, thank you!!! That means so much to me and really puts it into perspective a bit. Itā€™s such a hard addiction, because you have to control it. How many times have we learned that we canā€™t control alcohol or our DOC, right? But when you have an eating disorder, thatā€™s exactly what you have to do. Iā€™ve been struggling with this since the age of 13, so thatā€™s 37 freaking years!!! Itā€™s been my way of life for so long.

It feels so good to be ā€œnormalā€. Iā€™ve already had at least 2 heart attacks that we know of. My heart is now damaged. I STILL couldnā€™t stop. WTF? Itā€™s you guys here for sure. I donā€™t feel so alone. Maybe my hair will start to grow again too lol. I think Iā€™m finally starting to get over being sick to my stomach when I put food in it too, whoot!