Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

This was the first thing I saw this morning. Made my heart smile :heartbeat::purple_heart: I love that you keep coming back, I know you’ve got some serious shit happen recently. That resilience is something I look up to in you. Such lovely artwork!!! Can’t wait to see mine :star_struck:


Had a nice day at the beach today! Feeling like a drink but won’t. I have a friend I haven’t seen in months coming for dinner. I told her I’m not drinking but she is welcome to and she replied she hasn’t drank in months so she’s good! This made me happy to hear for her, me and our friendship :butterfly:


That would make a beautiful tattoo :cherry_blossom:


5 weeks 1 day. Im amazing :see_no_evil: Off to work, just finish my coffee first. Have a great day everyone, stay sober, positive and happy :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on day 11 :vulcan_salute:

Give this a try :wink: Slow down, focus on your breath, heartbeat and environment for 1sec, take your time to pick up on the details of each of the following…

  • What are 5 things you can see right here, right now?
  • What are 4 things you can feel right here, right now?
  • What are 3 things you can hear right here, right now?
  • What are 2 things you can smell right here, right now?
  • Now point out 1 good thing about yourself…?

Enjoy your day or night whoever and wherever you are fellow friend! :heart:


258 days

Nice night out seeing people at the reunion, but busy bars and loud music not for me anymore thankfully.

Congrats :clap: @Charlie_C and @JB.5280 on 300 days @LeeHawk on your 6 months @Dona on 60 days
@Rockstar24777 those photos are amazing watch a catch
@Littlehummingbird24 welcome to TS :slightly_smiling_face: lots of valuable resource and insight here
@anon27760155 loving your art :art: good to see you posting :green_heart:

Sat morning, so off for a very long dog walk to clear my tired head. Have a great sober day/night all


Good morning, TS! And I can say that because I finally slept last night!!! What a relief. I have learned some things from this particular bout of insomnia and will take those lessons forward.

I’ve stopped counting days, but I (Edit: can) tell myself with pride and through working on my recovery that I’ve had two drinks in the last year as of Sept. 7. I’m pretty damn proud, actually. Both those occasions were lessons, as well, and there’s no way I want to go back to the binging and hiding and lying and misery that was before. It’s a steep steep slippery slope for me, so best to cut alcohol out completely.

After breakfast we are headed to our favorite little wilderness nearby to hike in woods and prairie with Miss Lupe and will finally spread Chucho’s ashes in a few of his favorite spots. He passed January 10th, so I guess we just were waiting for the right time. Then BBQ this afternoon of smash burgers with gasp American cheese (a bit of a forbidden item in our home, but dammit these are smash burgers!) and some farm fresh veggies and sweet corn, close to the last of the season. It’s looking like a great day, and I can look forward to it because I’m rested and I’m sober. Hope you all have a splendid Saturday, amigos. Much love :heartpulse:


Thank you :heart: I definitely will be around more this platform is exactly what I need. Definitely motivating to see the progress of many who started from where I am it shows me how far I can go. Thank you for the warm welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


@050Nl sorry about that sh*t getting posted to you, and the reminders of loss this month, sending strength :pray:t2::blue_heart:
@al2017 congrats on double digits :tada: hope you’re having a great weekend with your son and the dogs :blush:
@Squirt I’m so glad you’re protecting your sobriety, sorry you’re having to deal with this, but congrats on 450 days :tada:
@1in8billion congrats on double digits :tada:
@Mark2 congrats on 30 days no pills :tada: hope you’re having a great weekend away :blush:
@pinkcloud congrats on your week :tada: and the skin picking, that’s something I struggle with too.
@RosaCanDo sorry you’re struggling with insomnia, it’s been a lifelong struggle of mine too, the most helpful bit of advice I once read was to go to bed and get up at the same times every day, whether you’ve slept or not, and over time, your system will reset itself, but you have to find the times that works for you, I’m currently on 9pm-2am. Personally I still struggle when I’m going through stuff, but instead of laying there wanting to cry because I just want to sleep, I’ve started putting an audiobook on and just laying with my eyes closed listening to that. Just seen your more recent post, that sounds like a great way to honour Chucho, sending love :blue_heart:
@Charlie_C congrats on 300 days of doing it sober :tada:
@C_8 yikes! :scream: I hope you’re not in too much pain after the dentist :pray:t2:
@Singtone congrats on 250 days :tada:


@CueBall8n9 congrats on your week :tada:
@Its_me_Stella congrats on 20 months :tada: I can feel your gratitude for your blessings :raised_hands:t2:
@LeeHawk congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Clarity I’m sorry about your friend and your daughter’s dad, Sending prayers that they find their way out :pray:t2:
@MagicILY congrats on 40 days AF :tada:
@anon9289869 sorry you’re struggling, sending strength :blue_heart:
@Littlehummingbird24 welcome :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@JB.5280 congrats on 300 days :tada:
@anon27760155 Congrats on 400+ days, loving your art :star_struck:
@Dona congrats on your month+ :tada:


@pinkcloud thank you :blue_heart: I myself have gained 8st overall, managed to lose 2 and a half between this time and Xmas last year, kept it off until very recently gaining a stone back, due to the excessive bingeing and lack of exercise. It’s such a mind game. What recovery has taught me though, is to never stop trying. I have tried exercising at home in the past but I never have the motivation, my cats get in the way, and with my problem with my feet and legs there isn’t really anything I can do, I even tried ‘beginner’s yoga’ but I couldn’t do the positions without a lot of pain, which is why I started swimming, it’s the only time I’m not in any pain.
@Tomek lots of good suggestions, it would probably be good to check some self-care media out, thank you :blue_heart:
@Clarity @Olivia @icebear @Chiron @siand @Mno thank you all so much for your compassion, it truly means a lot :pleading_face::blue_heart:
@KellyKelly thank you for sharing some of your story, I grew up with a best friend that went through all of that so I can empathise and I’m sorry for your pain :blue_heart: I’d never have the confidence to speak to the bullies, I didn’t even dare turn around to see what they looked like, I keep wishing I did so that I could be mentally prepared incase I see them again, but I was too terrified and my learned from trauma response is not fight nor flight, but the lesser known one, freeze.

396 days no alcohol.
364 days no cocaine.
2 days no disordered eating.

Checking in for yesterday. Will do a proper post later on.


Hey everyone, day 454 today. I hope everyone has a good start to the weekend :grin:


Day 12! Up early on a Saturday, already on the soccer fields! No hangover for the win! My brain was all jacked up last night and wouldn’t let me sleep, I guess it’s used to me passing out and not waking up. I was definitely having some anxiety about getting up and ready on time.

Thank you @CATMANCAM! It’s just me and my boy, so we’re getting some rare 1:1 time, and we’re going to see the new Marvel movie! So excited to be present for every moment.


Day 456 clean and sober today. Getting ready to start my shift. Have a great day everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


@CATMANCAM Your checking in posts are always amazing. :heart_eyes:

Your summaries of what’s going on with others is my favorite read here.


Morning everyone! Haven’t been on in quite some time. Wanted to say hi to the old timers and the new people on here :slight_smile: I have 2 days clean and sober. Feeling good. Trying to tame that addict voice lol I know it gets abit easier as time goes on (well gets easier in a sense, recovery in general can be tough)… just have to get passed the initially 3 day hump for me (that’s when I 1st get intense cravings). Anyway, I’m off to work. I’ve been busy with online meetings, baking custom cakes (its my side hustle lol), and practicing yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. Trying to stay busy. Want to get back into involving TS into my recovery routine too. Glad to see some familiar faces :slight_smile: hope everyone has a great day and a safe 24


You are right it is a simple realization but it is a huge one. Something that our addicts, the cunning fuckers, brainwash us to believe otherwise.

I also thought

  • I was boring without alcohol
  • I couldnt function without alcohol
  • nobody would like me if I didn’t drink
  • I wouldn’t be able to be in social situations sober
  • I would never last a year in recovery
  • I wasn’t worth the effort

The list goes on and on and it was all bullshit. I hope you had a super sober time with your partner. Congrat on your days.



View from my apartment last night. It’s still bone chilling 20 years later. Have a safe day all


So happy to see you back here and checking in @Butterflymoonwoman!! :blush:


Love this.
Congrats on your days, have fun with your friends!