Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

@DetLionsFan Great job Mike! Two weeks is a real success. Every day is its own victory.
@MolotovMoxie One month! Great work!
@Its_me_Stella :

This sounds like a move I would make. I have a history of inevitably destroying anything that leaves a record of my personal doings, which could have been useful to have later.


But the upside is you might be less likely to fall in them when youā€™re sober? :laughing: Great job with the reception!


Checking inā€¦
630 days substance free

I feel the need to check in self injury free. Since last night I have been sitting in a lot of fear around someone dear to me being very ill. The feeling of being helpless makes my addict beg for something to control. I have already been in a terrible state with my ED and am now having some pretty intense urges to self injure. My feelings are pretty steady, they are a constant burn of pain not a tidal of emotion that I can not handle. This emotional response I am experiencing is different to what I am used to and my previous reactions would definitely not fit. It wouldnā€™t feel right to scream, cry and lose my fucking mind like I would have in years past and maybe even last year. But because this is new I feel like I am still unsure of what to do with it, my head keeps trying to go back to old means of coping. They just donā€™t fit anymore though so here I am talking about it, I will just make sure I am not alone today and I will get myself to a meeting tonight. I posted this on another thread the other day, it is what I am feeling right now thoughā€¦ in a huge way.

Congrats on your recovery everyone.


Thatā€™s growth to me friend. Big time. Iā€™m glad youā€™re checking in here. We got you and I feel you actually got this. Hugs.


Iā€™m glad you posted Stella. Itā€™s the hardest thing to feel so helpless and be trying to let go and let God. I hope checking in here helps until your meeting. It sounds like you have a cautious good plan. There is no going back for us.


Iā€™m glad you followed that need to check in. The uncertainty of the future can be so scary sometimes, especially when it involves the possibility of someone you love being taken away. You are doing amazing. Hang in there. You have this. My thoughts are with you and the person you are worried about.


Thank you! Theres alot of drunked memories unfortuntely but they are a good reminder to why im doing what im doing :slight_smile:


36 days today. Spend alot of the day asleep again!


@apes2020 I hope your back feels better soon :pray:t2:
@pinkcloud thank you :blue_heart:
@DetLionsFan congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Iwebt congrats on a sober wedding reception :tada:
@Sunny11 congrats on 400 days :tada: I always love your photos :star_struck:
@Its_me_Stella Iā€™m sorry the pain is heavy for your suffering friend, sending love and strength :blue_heart::pray:t2:

405 days no alcohol.
372 days no cocaine.
11 days no disordered eating.

I went to the gym and swimming today! :raised_hands:t2: Something made me feel frustrated early this morning and I needed the release from the gym, had to pace the flat until the centre opened at 8am but I was there soon after. I did feel fear in the changing room afterwards, and very nearly walked home instead of going swimming, I was really knackered too so that made it harder to push myself, but I knew I needed to cross the fear barrier, so I did it. Nothing bad happened today apart from a whole world of pain which was to be expected due to inactivity for around 6 weeks now. I just wish I could say Iā€™ve been in a better mood because I went but I really havenā€™t. Memes are helping though.


I wish there were a way I could rip that pain away from you. The saddness/hurt youā€™re feeling for your friend must be overwhelming. The feeling of helplessness is really tough. Sending you love and strength. :heart::muscle::heart:


Beautiful picture for a beautiful milestone.




@CATMANCAM Yay! So proud of you for going! :swimming_man:

@Its_me_Stella As I know u know, sh would not help ur friend, and if u are dear to them the way they are dear to u, they would want u to respect and protect ur body, I know I want u to respect and protect ur body.


Sunday evening going good watch the baseball game my team won and hoping my football team wins tonight as well clean & sober from self harm life is beautiful :heart:


Happy Sunday and 20 days for me today!!Iā€™m totally amazed at myself. Iā€™m feeling really positive about being a sober person today. Have a lovely day yā€™all! :heart:


Checking in after being gone from talking sober for years im 4.38 years sober and need a support team in denver


today is my birthday and at midnight tonight itā€™ll be a great way to start my next life stage. 50 and sober.


Happy Birthday my friend!!!


Congratulations Paul, watching you grow into sobriety has been such a joy. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Oh, and welcome to the fifties :+1::kissing_heart:


Just wanted to say have a good one just not meant for this community anymore, itā€™s hard to describe, I can feel the disconnection between alot of you and itā€™s fine, we all move different, much love


Sounds like your addiction talking in your own voice. Also sounds a lot like how you sounded before you went out the last time.