Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Me too! I can’t even imagine having to drink, like, a half beer a day to stay alive and keep that under control (sorry if that analogy is tone deaf). In any case, wishing you strength @CATMANCAM.


@MrsOdh Congrats on the year and on your first class. Keep moving forward one day at a time and everything will be fine.
@Complicatedmama Awesome job on the house, prayers for your little man
@anon27760155 Hope you’re well
@Thirdmonkey Holy shit Lol
Congrats on all your milestones everybody.

As for me its day 745 without alcohol, day 591 with no drugs and 279 without nicotine. I am trying to live a balanced life. I go to roughly four twelve step meetings a week, pray, volunteer cook four times a week, work with counsellors, a sponsor, even a sponsee. Trying to rebuild relationships with my parents and sisters. Applying for school, going for hikes and bike rides. Focusing heavily on being grateful everyday and its changed my life. I am grateful for cognititve behavioural therapy. I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful that I got tired of hitting bottoms, because it took more than one for me to even start to get it. I’m grateful that I stopped seeing all the old people, places and things and took back my power nobodies gonna give it to you, it takes work, lots of work. @Soundlab put in the work i was chronic relapser but i changed we all have a choice to change.

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You can do this I believe in you. Ya you!!


Checking in sober. I had a little bit of a close call and the last hour has been an emotional one but I am tucked in and feel ok. I read a lot of posts earlier and was triggered or set off in a way where I felt like I wanted to pick up. My first though was no, not here too!! I thought about not reading or being part of TS for a bit to be on the safe side, which would suck, but then I thought…this shit is going to happen all the time anywhere I go so I’d better start dealing with it. It isn’t what someone else says or does, it is how I interpret and react to it. A song lyric that plays on repeat in my head lately is, “Oh and darling, instead of running
I think it might be time you sit down…And deal with the pain.” So that is what I did. I thought through the reason I felt like I did and traced it back. I know exactly why I felt hurt and pain in that moment. I know how I felt as a kid and how it followed through adulthood. When I was affected, I disappeared, became invisible, curled up and drank. Now, I have to recognize it, stop it in its tracks, observe and let it go. It is in the past and I am in the present. That’s all for now. :two_hearts:


Thank you Stella :purple_heart: I am so excited…my emotions are everywhere! But in a good way!


I can understand this and at certain points in my recovery I have 100% felt the same way. You are right eventually we are faced with all of this stuff but learning how to maneuver around it safely is imperative. I commend you for taking a step back and looking at what was going on inside of you, that’s some awesome recovery work you did there. Congrats on your days, big hugs.


Good morning all , checking in :blush:


Hi. Sorry everyone, I have struggled with not drinking but resetting and still wanting this. 7 days no smoking though so that’s been good and have started a counter for no contact with the ex. Seems I go downhill when I’m around him, not blaming him but just seems to be the way.
I feel this next week will be a good one.


I’m trying,but it’s hard. However all your beautiful words in here made me feel a lot better yesterday. That was our first though as well, so we asked, they said it wasn’t but they didn’t want to tell us who it is. So we’re suspecting either our cranky neighbors again. Or tweenies foster care mother. Lately tweenie have made a lot of posts on social media, blaming us for a lot of things that’s not true, so there’s a risk it all comes from her. We’ll see tomorrow.


Thank you. Well as I wrote above, they say it wasn’t. So we’re suspecting either her foster care family or the cranky neighbors of ours. We’ll see tomorrow, it’s upsetting no matter what. Basically our system means that everyone can make up whatever they want about people, report it to the social service and create a lot of problems. But at the same time I know that our system is trying to protect those who really needs it. (usually it doesn’t work but I guess that’s another story)


Good and productive day
Taught and planned a cool thing for tomorrow
Ran errands and worked on step work
I’m pretty tired and miss my nightly wine but I know one turns to 7 :roll_eyes::joy_cat::raising_hand_woman:
Sending hugs hope and love to this online community

Day 92 here :two_hearts:


Good luck Kelly.
I’m glad you’re right up and trying again.

If nothing changes.
Nothing changes.



Ah really sorry to read this, especially so when you have accomplished a massive milestone. You have done amazing Sophia :green_heart:


Hey again Kelly. I dug this up for you. Might be interesting to check out.

And @Soundlab
@MagicILY I know you got 29 days. That’s awesome! But thought you might like to check it out too. There’s some good stuff on it.
This shit is hard. But so worth it. And y’all are too.


247 days

Did some baking yesterday, been ages since i have done that, felt nice, homely. Off to aqua class first time, followed by a sauna and steam a treat. Pretty steady emotionally which i am grateful for.

@anon27760155 how are you?
@Complicatedmama what a great positive, your own home,driven by you and your sobriety :green_heart: best wishes for your son

@Soundlab hi Matt, i was a relapser, i relapsed so much i was not putting serious thought into each attempt at recovery. My last relapse battered me mentally, i took serious time to think about how i felt, did i want this in 10 years time, would i make another 10 years? The answer was no . It was like a light switched on. I read, found Annie Grace, The Naked Truth a great read, listened to podcasts, developed new daily regimes, stayed away from events with alcohol for 6 months, came here, that worked for me. I love not drinking, its not easy buts its worth it. You can do this but your person journey requires more tools , and i wish you all the best in finding these. You can do this :green_heart:

Have a good day all :innocent:


Congratulations on your ONE YEAR and a Day!! I am super happy for you on that! You have kept your sobriety safe with much turmoil and sadness around you! I admire you for always making the best of everything!
Here is a L.P. sweater for you! Enjoy in good health and let it remind you how special you are and what a loving heart you have.

Hoping for the best for you at the meeting. Hoping it is just a process that has to be gone through bc they had the complaint and nothing other than that.

You have a whole Team here who will vouch for you for the care and consideration you give to your children, Teeny and all those around you. The special lessons/teachings, cooking lessons you have done w your sons. You do what many Mom’s may want to do but never get around to doing for all the reasons.

Thinking positive and saying prayers.

Stay Strong! It DOES matter whether you drink or not!

Reposting another pic of LOVE sweater since I can’t see it on my apple device, others probably can’t either. Hopefully this works.

  1. Second coffee and a late shift coming up. Happy I was able to do a bike ride after work yesterday. Getting a heart rate monitor has given me some extra incentive it seems. Not opening a bottle straight after work helps too :sunglasses: . So glad I’m done with that. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean, one day at a time it remains. Love from my ride yesterday. I can’t decide between the pic where the cows are better in view or the one where the clouds are better visible.

@Complicatedmama Love it Patty! So happy for you. Hard work paying off. Huge congrats!


Good morning friends, day 290!
Up early today as I went and ‘kidnapped’ David. Linda was missing him and we didn’t see him yesterday. I brought him over for breakfast and then I’ll take him to school. We’re about to go in and surprise her.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Thank you so much, Stella. I feel so much better today and hope to continue taking a step back and viewing things more objectively. An author said we can treat emotions like birds and be bird watchers. The birds aren’t good or bad, they just are. We can view them and let them fly away. That was helpful for me.


Hey all, checking in on day 443. I hope everyone has a great start to their week today!


Day 385

Pottering along. Not great, not awful, but drinking is the last thing on my mind.

@Soundlab That “I deserve it” “everyone else is” logic can be powerful. Fight against it. “I deserve sobriety” “I don’t want to be a sheep” etc

@MrsOdh Sending strength. And congratulations on one year.

@anon27760155 Still thinking of u.