Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

Checking in substance free for…

As I left the house yesterday to open my homegroup I was raging. During the first 5 months of my recovery the chance of relapse last night would definitely have been an 8/10. If I use the tools I have to gauge where my mind and body were at I can clearly see I was walking on thin ice.

Was I …
Hungry :white_check_mark:
Angry :white_check_mark:
Lonely :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Tired :white_check_mark:

In the moment I had no other option but to get my ass to my homegroup because I had the key. Strangely enough none of my homegroup members showed up until 7 pm (when the meeting starts) forcing me to spend time with myself in a spiritual environment. Then as usual my higher power (in this case the program of NA) gave me the opportunity to chair the meeting, shut my bitchy mouth, be humble and listen. They say “Service keeps you clean”, I am proof of that today. I am not surprised I feel better today either.

I haven’t been on top of my game this last week but it’s Friday so I have made it to the weekend and I am still clean. That simple fact that I am clean means I fucking won.

Have a super Friday everyone.


Congratulations to you my dear friend.
I baked you a special cake.


I’m so happy for you.


Good job Rob on quitting the cigs. It is hard. I’ve posted this before. It worked for me. Maybe you’ve seen it. Nicotine is out of your system after a week I believe. The rest is habit. Good luck.


Yes and Amen and a Goddamned Yes to that friend!


You got’ll pass. We’re here for you.:fist:t4:


Love the selfie, you look serene.
Have fun tomorrow!!!


Way to go Ray!!



Oh Lordy, I made it through the night with such a painful migraine and haven’t been tempted to drink to oblivion that badly in a while. In tears! But I didn’t drink and I won’t drink today. The migraine hangover feeling is awful, but I know that alcohol would have made it ten times worse. I really hope my doctor and I can come up with a new plan, possibly an elimination diet. That’s one of the few strategies I have yet to try other than different/heavier meds. My mother-in-law resolved her migraines by switching to a gluten free vegan diet. Sigh. I’m still feeling low this morning and quite nauseous but the pain is easing. @Dazercat your post on the gratitude thread helped, thank you for that. Hope your pain eases soon. We can get through all kinds of challenges sober, and better off for it.


Huge congrats, Olivia! :partying_face::purple_heart:


Congratulations on 25 days, Mike! :partying_face::purple_heart:

Thanks Eric! I’m still on the patch and for some reason today’s the hardest so far.


Good luck tomorrow!! I’ll check and see if theres a site I can track you on.

@Fury have a great time in California :blush:
@MagicILY congrats on 60 days :tada:
@TripnMN welcome :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on 43 days :tada:
@Its_me_Stella thank you :blue_heart: and yes you fkin did win :clap:t2:
@Hopeful777 thank you :blue_heart: nice job on getting through the week and reaching out to meet up with a friend :blush:
@Misokatsu that’s great progress :raised_hands:t2: congrats :tada:
@Olivia congrats on your year :tada::star2::trophy:
@Dmcg1987 congrats on double digits :tada:
@icebear sending strength :blue_heart:
@Dansig congrats on passing your exams and finding new ways to celebrate :tada:


@Mephistopheles have a great run tomorrow :pray:t2:
@RosaCanDo I’m sorry about the migraine and residual effects, I hope you feel better soon :pray:t2:

417 days no alcohol.
385 days no cocaine.
23 days no binge-eating.

Feeling really peaceful as I’ve just caught up on some meditations that I missed this week, plus today’s ones too. At peace with the gloomy weather here in the UK, though it does seem to enable my agoraphobic tendencies to hibernate. I’ve got absolutely no desire to ever go back to the gym or swimming at the moment, going to hold off from cancelling my membership in the hope that I’m ready to give it another go once I’ve got some weight off, because I did really enjoy having it as part of my daily routine and I know exercise is good for me physically and mentally. I’ve spent most of the day reading a book I started a long while ago, before I moved in April, it’s called The Book Of Joy, and it’s conversations between the 14th Dalai Lama and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, I’m really enjoying it, I haven’t done much reading lately because I’ve found it hard to focus my attention, hopefully now I can continue as I have so many books to read.


Not feeling too zippy today, but reading the milestones going up here are so encouraging. I’m proud of us all. :purple_heart::blush:


I got half a month down , it feels so good to get off of work and not stop off at the store for some drinks. Yesterday was a good day at work but yet a physically exerting one. Waking up on my day off feeling like hell my whole body hurts but I never felt better can never say for sure but I plan on staying sober this weekend. Also want to thank everyone on this forum for there support.
Much love and respect to you all.


Thanks Rosa.
I cannot imagine the migraine pain. I’m grateful for my back pain over migraines any day. At least I can get comfortable on my ice with my pets. I hope you can figure something out really soon.


Congrats :v::tada::rainbow::balloon::sunny: Olivia :raising_hand_woman:


Thank you I will definitely give it a try with you all


Congrats cool chick!! :heart: