Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Thank you :black_heart:


Absolutely totally worth it!! Itā€™s your passion and something you want to become your livelihood so worth every penny I say! How exciting :clap::clap::clap:


Glad you are here with us, you deserve to live a happy and healthy life. Donā€™t listen to the bullshit your head tells you. Keep checking in here as much as you need to, we can help you get back on your feet. Weā€™re stronger together.



Super exciting :blush:

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Checking in. Gonna be real for a moment.

Every now and then, someone says ā€œRelapse is a part of recoveryā€ and sometimes it gets stuck in my head (like now). I am thinking, I have been sober for over 3 and a half years, is it time for a relapse? I mean, many people say itā€™s part of the journey, right? Maybe I canā€™t truly recover until I have a relapse.

Iā€™m going to Vegas next week and will by in large be by myself, I could probably get away with it, if I wanted. I donā€™t want to though, and I wonā€™t. But Iā€™ve been in a dark place mentally for a few weeks and having this thought in my head is kind of fucking up my vibe.

Anyhow, Iā€™ve reached out to some sober friends, Iā€™ve played the tape through and meditated on it. Iā€™m pulling out the tool box and using them. Iā€™ll not likely relapse, this time.

I know we want to make people feel better about their actions, but relapse is NOT a part of recovery, itā€™s a part of addiction; big difference.


I struggle with this statement to be honest. But I lean more towards believing that relapse is not apart of recovery. And the reason why I say this is bcuz when I have been told that relapse IS apart of recovery, I dont find it helpful. To say that substance use is a part of the process of recovery, for me, created a dangerous cycle of me excusing my behavior of using drugs during my recovery. And even tho it is common to relpase, I donā€™t find it to necessarily be apart of recovery. For me anyway, relapse happens when I am not doing something that helps me to continue on with recovery. If that makes any sense. If im doing what i need to do to stay clean, relapse doesnt occur. Thoughts of relapse are a warning sign for me that something isnt right with my recovery. Its a sign for me to do something so that i dont follow thru on the actual act of relapse. Iā€™m glad ur sharing ur thoughts tho and Iā€™m glad ur working thru these thoughts :slight_smile: wishing u only the best for ur trip :slight_smile:


Congratulations Carolyn !!
Happy 200 ! :slightly_smiling_face::tada::sunny:


Itā€™s silly really. :man_shrugging:

But youā€™re right, itā€™s an excuse!


So happy for you Callie! 5 months is a big one !! Congratulations!!!


@HoofHearted I was in exact same headspace last week (I am coming up on 3yrs). Without the tools, knowledge and some sober time behind me, was I am to use sense and reach out. I really struggled to keep the nosie out of my head - (even playing the tape through), but this community helped me. Relapse/1 drink/5 drinks is not an option. You got this!!


Itā€™s just remarkable really how our minds can literally twist and turn anything to almost justify our using/drinking. When I think back to some of the reasons or thoughts surrounding why I would relapse, it was silly lol but our minds are powerful. Probably even more powerful than we think!


Congratulations Dana! :cherry_blossom::slightly_smiling_face::muscle:t4:


I know this has been debated to death.
And youā€™re right, itā€™s part of the addiction.
Further more.
Premeditated relapse is just choosing to ignore your own strength and submit.
I glad youā€™re talking about it. Itā€™s important to talk about it.
Thanks for sharing that. Hoof.


Day 55 AF
3pm Tuesday and Iā€™m in bed. Been pushing myself hard with work, exercising and home duties recently and feeling a little overwhelmed and extremely tired. Being a sole parent to a 17yo with mental health concerns is really tricky and difficult most of the time. Hope everyone is doing ok


5 months :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom::boom:
Congratulations Callie.
I live it :pray:t2::heart:


Thank you, Cam. :blush: Iā€™m not having to deal with any creeps. That happened early in my time here and Iā€™ll nip it in the bud if it happens again. :wink: Iā€™m speaking of the community as a whole. I know of two people who have left because this happened to them. I donā€™t want to see anyone else get hurt. Our sobriety is important and this isnā€™t a dating site.




You got this too!!

Thanks! Being here helps, knowing Iā€™m not alone helps! Letā€™s get one more day!!


Thatā€™s a shame. I know that Sassy recently bumped the Reminder on inappropriate posts, personal boundaries and flagging to educate new members and remind old members how to handle this kind of stuff.

If anyone is uncomfortable in DMs all they need to do is add the @moderators tag then block said person.


I can relate to this alot man. I thought I was working my recovery pretty well when I had the 456 days. I still attended meetings and meditation all that but I still would have those thoughts of relapse and when I went to my uncles idk why but I just didnā€™t even really try to stop myself. When I got home I carried the relapse on for a little bit and I remember when I went to my first meeting after the relapse I spoke and got my feelings out. And I remember one of the ppl looking at me after and saying yeah well relapse isnā€™t a part of recovery and it just rubbed me wrong, like the person was better then me or something it felt like he was saying because he hasnā€™t relapsed and idk thatā€™s just how it felt my ego was probably big at the time. Who knows. Either way, even when we work are recovery I still feel there is a chance of relapsing you just never can say never or know whatā€™s gonna happen idk how to describe this, even after the relapse i still catch myself thinking about relapsing.