Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

Welcome Nikki!

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Thank youuu

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Going back to work tomorrow, im gonna get up early. Depressed all weekend.

Thousands of days wasted.

Thirty days since i set the timer. Thank you so much for being a place to go when i need to remind myself why im getting sober.


30 days already Younatasha! Be proud of those! I am! Itā€™s no use contemplating the lost days. They are gone.
Letā€™s concentrate on today. We can make something of that. Tomorrow too. Yesterday is gone.
I threw away 40 years. Yes. I did. It sucks. Theyā€™re not coming back. So working my ass off now to make something of the days that I still have left. Lucky I still have some.
Sorry youā€™re feeling depressed. Thatā€™s hard. Letā€™s work that too. ODAAT and all that. Hugs.


This is true. Yesterday is gone.


68 days for me :pray:
Iā€™ll be honest, today was a little more rough for me. Iā€™ve had more cravings than usual (thought this was supposed to get easier over time :weary:)! Itā€™s proving to be just the oppositeā€¦. is that normal for some people?
So, I decided to have a relaxing evening by reading Worry Less Pray More and FaceTimeing my daughter and watching Little House on the Prairie :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::roll_eyes::joy:.
I really enjoy looking through everyoneā€™s comments and getting that feeling that Iā€™m not alone in this. Itā€™s motivating.
Iā€™ve also spent some time researching AA meetings nearby. Iā€™m currently in a virtual group on Thursdays but this week is my last week and quite frankly that scares me. I want to get more involved with in person meetings at least once a week. Oh, can anyone explain what a ā€œsponsorā€ is?


Hell yes!!! Way to go :slight_smile: really proud of you!


Welcome Kalie and congratulations on your 68 days.
About finding a sponsor

I hope this helps.


Checking in on day 297. Have a good one, and find some peaceful moments if you can.


Congratulations on your 30 days Minatasha
Iā€™m so happy you found us.


Checking in
Today was insanely busy. I rarely had a whole lot of time to read everyoneā€™s posts. I really hope everyone is managing well, staying away from their addictions, and feeling good. Iā€™m excited but nervous about working out tmrw mrng (day 1 of 3 for the week). But I gotta take care of my health. I canā€™t keep brushing that off as I continue to not address my bad eating habits and lack of exercise. My fear of getting addicted to other things is actually stopping me from taking care of myself. I used to have an extremely unhealthy addiction to the gym. Like if I couldā€™ve lived at the gym working out, I wouldā€™ve. I was there at all hours, early mrngs, 2am sometimes, 2 times a day for 2 hours at a time, pushing myself even when my body didnā€™t want me to, getting sooo bitchy if I couldnt work out for some reason. Soooo, I have no clue how to keep this balanced. But I have to try cuz im physically not well in a sense. Any tips would be appreciated of course. Idkā€¦ my life is still soo extreme, black or white. Needing some balance grey areas in there lol


Day 89.
Been going through some pretty emotional stuff and crying alot. At least when things like this have happened in the past, I would instinctively go and ā€˜drown my sorrowsā€™ but not today.


In the past I did enjoy that feeling. But now I would feel guilty and dissapointed.
I made it through those cravings.


Checking in on day 52. Sober.

Made it through yesterdays cravings. Wasnā€™t easy but I gained some confidence that I can make it through one of those days without giving in.

Have a great sober tuesday. Odaat


Itā€™s amazing how stress can affect our entire body.
Hope itā€™s feeling better now :heart:

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Iā€™ve always kind of been an all or nothing kind of person. I strive for balance as well. One thing about the gym and working out is to remember that honestly rest days are just as important(if not more) in order to get the results you want. When I take a day off I imagine and really envision my muscles working hard at repairing and I know Iā€™m doing what I need to to help my body become stronger.


Checking in on Day 43 :heart:


Day 614
Done with work week! Starting with new therapist tomorrow. Forgot April 1st was 7 months for my ed/no binge counter and also 6 years no smoking (for weed and cigarettes).

Wanted to do a longer check in but drained from work. Goodnight!:crescent_moon::sleeping:


Hi Dan, I feel for your pain, know that u can get thru to the next calm spell.
I urge you to get a sponsor if you havenā€™t already, it will make a difference.
I participate in Emotions Anonymous and Recovery International, both good for mental health. Do you do meetings?
Much love to you. : ) :heart::hugs::four_leaf_clover:


Early sobriety can be tough. But keep in mind youā€™re on a jumction right now. That worst self needs change.
And dobriety is the basic requirement for that change.

It may take a while, but it will change mate.