Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Eteenpäin sanoi mummo lumessa :muscle:


Day nine.
I successfully managed a Saturday evening with two old (they’ll hate me for saying that lol!) friends visiting for homemade pizza, alcohol free for me. The friend who was staying over had some wine, and apologised for forgetting that I don’t drink nowadays, but I told her I felt comfortable with her having wine herself. I had bought in plenty of AF options for myself, and other treats besides so I was well prepared. The other friend was driving home later so she opted for alcohol free lager, which was great.

The three of us are very good at talking about these things in the open so I felt very comfortable and at ease. All in all it was a lovely evening.

The thing that’s left to do now is for me to help my son prepare for going back into school tomorrow morning after the drama of Friday morning. He has been accused of saying something incredibly offensive to a friend that he is insistent that he did not say, but it has led to other boys making physical threats towards him. I’m going to write an email to the school to support him and will make myself available should he need additional support. I’m glad that I was able to help him to relax over the weekend by ensuring his social media was shut down and that he knew he was safe. I can hear him talking about how he feels with an out of school friend, and although I can’t hear exactly what he’s saying I can hear from the tone of his voice that he’s sounding fairly confident and philosophical about the situation.
I’m so glad I’m not a teenager!
Hope everyone has a good and sober day.



Yikes, Dana. I think you should put it out there in the universe to go where you will be more appreciated!


Is there something you can do to make management (I have no idea about the structure/hierarchy at your work) more aware of the dangers you face? And make them take better care of your safety? This sounds totally not right to me.


Checking in @day #9

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! Mine passed in 2013 but she would be proud I’m celebrating sober :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks everyone :heart:

I had an emotional reaction to few things and I was conveniently at a club. I was tired, I was hungry, I was angry, and I was lonely. And I even had the means right there in front of me. I had a few shots and a few ciders. Compared to everyone else, I had next to nothing, but with having not drank any alcohol in almost two years my tolerance was low.

To answer your question Fleue @Misokatsu I do think it was both a slip and a relapse, but I don’t think I will go to a full on relapse. It happened yesterday, it sucks, but I still know that it isn’t what I want.

Just goes to show that you always have to keep working on it. My emotions got the best of me when I was at such a vulnerable state and I was at the worst possible place given the timing…

No hangover, no anxiety. Had fun. Basically no “negative” consequences. Yet I have zero cravings or interest to continue. Just to stay on the safe side though I need to check in here more often again as well as making sure my basic needs are met and I stay on top of what I am feeling.

Not sure what I wanted to say with this post. But I am okay. Of course I am bummed, I was going to hit two years this summer. Disappointed, surprised. But I also am otherwise at a good state of mind and life is good. My wish and a hopeful belief is that this was a one timw thing.


Wow!!! Congratulations on 3 years! Amazing work! Great job :slight_smile:


I have been asking my HP to show me or give me signs of what my purpose is and where I need to be to best help people. The past couple days I have been thinking about outreach work. Like going out onto the street with an organization to help others with harm reduction supplies or supports for homelessness etc. Idk if it’s God showing me something or if it’s me and my thinking lol


Honestly… myself and others have complained about the way things are set up here. Some houses don’t even have an office to go into or metal doors, so the clients end up smashing their way in and have hurt staff. In this situation, we have complained about how they want us to constantly engage with her at all times. She doesn’t like this when we are in her space all the time, and she shows us this by being aggressive or flipping furniture. I have been shown by her, that she doesn’t want me around her so I go into the office to give her space. The team lead will literally tell me to go back out there after 3 min. I have to fight for my own safety and say she’s not ready yet for interaction. Idk why they feel that we need to constantly engage with her. She doesn’t like it :frowning: I wouldn’t either if I had staff 24 hours a day here.


Sometimes, checking in is just a matter of accountability.
But you seem to be very aware of what happened. Good to see you check in again with such refelection on what happened :slight_smile:


Praying for your safety @Butterflymoonwoman! That sounds harrowing, and so upsetting for your boss not to be more supportive!

Checking in at 1971 days. Shout out to all the moms today on Mother’s Day, especially the single ones! We have double duty, but it makes us strong. :heart: Going to my usual women’s meeting today. It will be another day sober.


Thank you, I appreciate that! :pray:


Huge congratulations on 30 days Marrianna. Proud of you!
Keep going :raised_hands::two_hearts:

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Happy Mother’s Day to all! As mentioned earlier…as a single mom it’s amazing the strength God gives us to keep going​:pray:t4: Thankful to be sober​:pray:t4::heart:


Congratulations!! One year of healing, hard work, determination and finding strength within yourself, like you never knew you had. Enjoy your day, and be proud :clap::clap:

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Great job on 2 weeks :ok_hand:

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Wow, 3 years is inspiring, well done :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great job.! :sparkling_heart:

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Hey guys. Checking in day 5. Missed last night checkin as I drove my mum to the airport. She is off to india for 2 weeks.

In the morning today, I had an urge to use and watch but I was strong enough and blocked my mobile internet. Its a small but important step in the right direction.

Have a great day guys. Much love. Peace.