You are missed #3

@Becsta give to @Girlinterrupted my kind regards.


Is @Englishd still around?


I am. I have been posting sporadically these days. I am sure some are quite fine with that haha.


That’s awesome! I’m happy for you brother. Thanks for checking in. Glad to hear things are going well :innocent:

As well as can be!
Extremely stressed and trying to keep my composure with everything life has to throw at me.
Also started the process of moving on top of it all but I am alive AND sober.
Also, I’ve been averaging 6-8 hours of sleep a night and in bed before 11pm which is fucking unheard of so I mean, there’s some good in the bad.
Strict diet and exercise have some hand in that.

Thank you for not forgetting about me.
I miss yall, especially you @Dazercat.

I’ll try to pop in to drop some memes here and there but forgive me if they had already been posted in the thread already


Great to hear from ya!!
I’m up to my ears in boxes :ear: :ear: :package: :package: Just the 4th night in our new desert home. I think :thinking:
I found my Chemex coffee maker so all those other boxes can just fucking wait their turn :rofl:

Good luck with your move.
I don’t know about you. But sometimes I stay sober because I don’t think I got another recovery in me😬. Easy does it when you can.
Bedtime’s been 10 for me. Got to get those puppas walked pretty early in the desert.
You take care of YOURSELF :pray:t2::purple_heart::cactus:
Thanks for checking back.


@SinceIAwoke hi Dan :wave: I’m still alive and kicking
, just not in here now for the time being so I can stay focused on living instead of counting my clean days on here etc… sometimes it’s refreshing to be fully present in the real world than on
Line, you know? :slightly_smiling_face: I do miss y’all very much tho :heart:


Right back at cha :wink:

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That’s the reward of living a sober life! I’m happy for you!


Yeah!! Great to see you…glad you are well!!! :heart:


Hey :blush:

Thank you for the shout out :blue_heart:

I’ve been under a cloud of heavy depression for a couple of weeks, trying to claw my way back up into the light. I made it back into triple digits though, I think it’s 103 days today. I’m 12 days and about 1400 posts behind on the checking-in thread, so now I start to catch up… :sweat_smile:

I hope you are well?



I am so glad that you are here. Don’t stress yourself with keeping up. I find it very stressful and almost impossible. Baby steps. :upside_down_face:


@IamThechange how are you doing, Ami? :wave::blush:

Hey Donna! You are the sweetest! :heart: I am hanging in there just trying to get through each day, the physical stuff is wayyyyyy better but the mind stuff is brutal. My mom was here for a week and just flew back home. It was so nice having her here and I’m missing her right now. Thank you so much for checking on me, definitely makes me feel noticed and cared for, and I definitely need the accountability! How are you doing?


That’s great to hear, and cool your mom came for a visit. I’m good here, just home from work so chillin. :sunglasses::wink:
I was talking to someone today about not drinking and how it took me awhile but it just clicked for me one day. I feel lucky that I can see it for what it is.


wheres @Hailstrom at??


Yeah @Hailstrom, I feel alone on the straight edge thread man, I hope everything is fine for you ! :v:t2:


@Pat_m Don’t want to speak for him but last time we chatted (recently) he was doing great, living life and busy! Not on TS as often these days but doing well.


Thanks for the news !

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Marie, I miss you.