Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Wow congratulations! You look amazing! I started a cross fit 3 days a week to start. Really need to start physically feeling better and stronger. Your progress is very encouraging!


My almost daily is 11:11 I swear I use to trip myself out. I havenā€™t dived into numerology but from what I read about my recurring number I was like ok Iā€™ll take it. Lol

Whatever makes us feel good right


Checking in 15 months sober, 8 months no ganja and 17 days no tobaccoā€¦ Cā€™mon!

Attitude of gratitude and loveā€¦

May thy will and mine be oneā€¦


Haha we will be tested!!! Super job staying positive I hope your day stayed on track.

:muscle: :heart:


@Tragicfarinelli Whoo hoo! Congratulations! :tada::clap:

@Lorelai May he rest in peace :purple_heart:


It did, had a great doctors appointment and just been staying positive. Heading for a meeting now.


Still day 3. Posting to find a distraction for a moment.

Got out of the house, went to my momā€™s and then stopped by my old roommateā€™s for a while which killed a couple of hours. Itā€™s too hot to be outside, so I came back to my cave-like apartment to hide in the ac.

Drove past the shop where my ex works on my way across town. I mentioned in a rant a couple of weeks ago I had sent him an apology and hadnā€™t heard back; Iā€™ve really been trying to put that all behind me, but now Iā€™m curious if my number is blocked. Must not call to find out. It has to stop mattering.

Gonna try to catch up on West World and stay awake. Also gonna start the meme thread from the top, thatā€™s always a good distraction.


Something like this might be easyā€¦ Maybe have him wear black or something for boys, lol




Good evening friends, finishing up a successful day 612 at a meeting. Busy day. Worked about 12 hrs today. Not too rough. Kind of just trudging the road of happy destinyā€¦
Have an awesome evening!


@Tragicfarinelli Congrats for the triple digits!
@Mindymoo Love the color of that aquarium; itā€™s hypnoticā€¦
@Alicat22 Nothing worse than hot hangoversā€¦ except still being drunk in the heat. I will either puke or pass out. A good friend of mine insisted on spending the entire summer drinking on the beach when I lived in Norfolk. :face_vomiting:
@maxwell I have the same struggle with mediation and restlessness. I even got a book, "How to Meditate" by Pema Chodron. I canā€™t still long enough to read it!
@Lovelyoutlook I have this annoying nerd habit of looking for patterns in everything, not just repeating numbers.
@Lorelai I wish there was something I could say; Iā€™ll keep you in my prayers. :pray:

Well, today was as boring as a boiling hot day in Kansas can get. Spent most of the day trying to dig up my employment history to fill out this job application. Now I have to take it in tomorrow and interview. Iā€™m not normally nervous at interviews, but Iā€™ve worked for these people 6 times already and I canā€™t blame them if they just laugh at me.
OTOH, if I work this job for 6 weeks, I can make my hiking trip happen this year!
And I somehow managed to pick out the 3 worst movies at the library. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: forgot the best part of my day. Either the house has shifted, or the wood is expanding from the heat, but whatever it is, I cannot lock my door. This isnā€™t a violent crime neighborhood, but then again I wouldnā€™t have an Amazon package left on my porch.


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. :blue_heart:


@Lorelai sorry to hear about your loss. Here to give support via this community.


Congrats on 100 days!!! Thats awesome! Keep growing!


I have that problem with my back door. Itā€™s crazy!

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:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 155
Feeling a bit better mentally since this morning but physically my stomach is killing me. This transition back to eating carbs again has been a slow process :sleepy: and it hurts and is soo uncomfortable. But this too shall pass (I keep telling myself that lol). Had to get meds for my belly. Feels like someoneā€™s hand is twisting and ripping my stomach apart. Kind of wish honestly I never did keto. But I just have to push thru it. Google said it would take a week or two for my belly to settle. Anyway, things are okay I guess overall. Have to get back into more of a routine for my recovery. I will have an early day tmrw too as I have to do a refresher course for my CPI certificate for work (Crisis Prevention). That will take all day. Just need some self care tonight. Hope everyone is having a good day/Night


Day 276

Quick Check in

Feeling super tired today. Been eating a buncha garbage foods again. But hey, I am still sober.

Goodnite everyone! Take care!


Coffee. In a bit of a hurry to leave for work. Did get some sleep thanks to my fan. Still very warm but itā€™s supposed to cool of later today. Iā€™m sober and clean. Thatā€™s about it for now. Have a good one all, or at least as good as you all can. Love from Amsterdam.


Sorry for your loss Laura. :broken_heart:


Congratulations for the :one::zero::zero: days :tada::tada::tada:
Triple digits feel good isnā€™t it!!