Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

#day 1400 :tada::tada::tada:
I like the look of it :hugs:
Not much to share beside it was freaking hot yesterday in the Netherlands. I worked and I was happy because of the airco I have there.
Slept ok and here is a new day to start :facepunch:
Let’s tackle it and do it sober!


Wishing everyone the best possible with the heat wave… … and wishing everyone else everywhere best possible with everything going on in your own world, mentally, physically and sobriety wise…

@BrianP these people who say these nasty things do not deserve much, I know it is upsetting. Yes, practice a polite way to quieten them and be sure to add: "Be kind or I am going to have to call Mindymoo!’ @Mindymoo
Anyone who doesn’t back off after that deserves the police.
It is all not worth losing your precious sobriety over. You do get challenged a lot and you have done an excellent job of holding your ground and staying sober! Your pics are lovely, love the collage, thanks for taking and posting

@Mno Glad so many people, including you, were able and wanting to get out, indulge, and enjoy a little bit of the heat wave! Hopefully an event that is even less frequent than the treasured ice skating days.

@SoberWalker Congratulations on the 1400!!


You look so healthy and are obviously feeling great! Keep up the good work


Same here bro. Keep saying tomorrow on cutting the shit food out. I did good today but late night TV and cookies and cereal. Don’t even smoke weed anymore but still carried that with me. Still sober though is first and foremost.


Congratulations to 4 month of sobriety! :tada:


Congratulations to 100 sober days! :confetti_ball:

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Wow, 1400 freaking days! Congratulations Claudia! :tada: :tada: :tada:


Amazing stuff! :purple_heart::clap::tada::purple_heart:


That was very well put, thank you Menno. :heart:


Day 11. I commit to my promise to myself and my family that I will not drink today. I’m greatful for all that I have.

I knew this, but it is more evident now, that alcohol has a huge impact on my mental health.
I always have anxiety/depression/ruminating the next day. Even if I moderate and there was no scene. Sometimes I would have shame and ruminating for a week, and drink to feel better. A vicious cycle. I never want to feel that way again!

I wish you all well. Have a peaceful day!


Hey all, checking in on day 766. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 50, feeling pretty good, a little nervous and worried. But I’ll get through it, breakfast went great this morning got some help with the French toast and I cooked bacon, turned out good. Ran out of my abilfy medicine and worried about the depression kicking back in, I’m hoping I can get it filled fast enough. Much love, gonna make it a good day, probably hit the gym


Lovely numbers! Congrats on your sobriety!


Day 768 clean and sober. Spent my days off doing a lot of reading and napping but also got a lot of chores done. Today’s my Monday and I hope everyone has a beautiful day, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 4.

Still disappointed I had to reset. Starting over isn’t the end of the world but, it does sting. 4 is a good enough number for today, just gotta stay focused on that.

Woke up half past midnight with the worst craving for artichoke, so I got up and steamed one. Craving solved, but it’s past 5am now so it looks like I’m just gonna stay up. I think starting with a hard “bed time” will be the way to jumpstart a sleep routine, waking up too early might just have to be part of it for a while.

Gonna start the application process for a local brewery. I know that sounds backwards but it would be good $, and I’ve always hated beer. Besides smelling like hops it sounds like a reasonable gig.

Hope everyone has a great day! And congrats to everyone hitting those milestones!! :yellow_heart:


I am struggling today.

It’s like the clearer the need is, the need for me to take action, the more I pull back, reflexively, like I’m wincing and pulling my hand away from a hot stove.

I know, in my head, that I should do the opposite here. My path forward is clear, the steps are not dangerous to me, so I need to take them.

Still, something about this time, something about these recent weeks, is scaring the shit out of me. It’s like I want to hide. I need to do the opposite though. I need to reach out to my group and get connected.


Sorry to hear you are struggling Matt. Do you have a chance to stop and take a minute to work out what it is you are feeling or explore some of the cause of it?

I know things are super busy for you right now but taking a moment can help.

Always here for a chat if you need it.


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 156
Off to my CPI refresher training now. Slept like a baby honestly which is surprising bcuz of how I’m feeling. But it’s another beautiful day here. The heat has toned itself down a bit so we finally have some relief. Hoping all goes well today. I usually despise hands on training so anything like CPR or CPI, the introverted part of myself hates it bcuz I have to do things on display and be tested on it haha BUT it needs to be done if I want to keep my job. Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Sorry to hear you are struggling. I am not sure exactly of the situation, is it a kind of f-you reflex? I sometimes don’t want to do something even if it is the right thing to do, even if I want to, because I feel told to, or obligated. You say you feel scared, so maybe that is not it at all. I am sure with reflection you will come to understand what is going on.


This is gonna paint me as a nerd, but reading this reminded me of a Dumbledore quote from Harry Potter.

“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time where we must choose between what is right and what is easy.”

Of course, I don’t know your situation or if this is applicable at all. Either way, change can be uncomfortable and scary. Running might sound like the easier or more comfortable route. On the other hand, if there’s something in you telling you to go for whatever lies ahead, even if it may be scary, maybe it’s okay to run with it instead of away from it?