Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Day #69

Good Morning all :slightly_smiling_face: Happy Monday, and hereā€™s to the start of a new week!

Yesterday really took it out of me with the extra hour here in the UK; I just felt tired and ended up asleep by about 10pm. Nevertheless, Iā€™ve woken this morning and Iā€™m feeling a bit better. Normally Iā€™d go on a Halloween themed trail here at the Alnwick Gardens around Halloween, but thereā€™s been nothing advertised for this year which is a shame. I donā€™t have any major plans for the day ahead, so I might just relax and get ready for heading back to work tomorrow.

Went out yesterday to buy one of the Sunday newspapers, and I stopped off at a micro-pub and had myself a Pepsi on the way home. It was busy, but there was a local folk band playing. Everybody seemed really into the music, and it felt very relaxed and welcoming. I had my Pepsi and left after an hour or so, but I actually really enjoyed listening to the band play :slightly_smiling_face: Wouldnā€™t have considered it to be my genre of music, but there was quite a lot of original songs which was nice.

I am becoming more comfortable about being in social situations where there are potential triggers. I know that I wonā€™t drink, but itā€™s nice to be able to occasionally go and interact with others in a relaxed environment. At first, when I first began my sobriety journey, I locked myself away, but it was severely having an impact on my mood. Since Iā€™ve been able to be a bit more ā€œfreeā€, Iā€™ve been able to enjoy myself again, albeit by not consuming alcohol.

Christmas will no doubt be difficult for me. Iā€™ve always drank for as many years as I can remember during the holidays, but Iā€™m trying to plan ahead and prepare myself. Iā€™m determined that I will be ok, and that I will have a perfectly normal and enjoyable festive season without alcohol.

Have a great day everybody - ODAAT.


Checking in on day 187 af.
Im spent, cant keep my eyes open. Trick or treating tomorrow. Much love yall!


Coffee. My holiday is here. Yay! Looks like a beautiful day, Iā€™l go out and do a little hike. Havenā€™t done one forever. Been so busy with work and study and therapy I had no energy left for anything else. I wonā€™t wander too far and stay close-ish to public transport as Iā€™m not sure how my ankle will hold up. But I really feel like it. Sober and clean.

Have as goods a day as you can all friends. Make it sober and clean. Itā€™s why weā€™re here. Love from Amsterdam.

@Juli1 Huge congrats on reaching triple digits!
@KarenKW I hope youā€™re OK friend. Thinking of you.


Those look beautiful :heart_eyes:
I got an iPad too with Procreate but all those options overwhelmed me :disappointed: Now itā€™s laying near my computer all dusty and lonely :joy:
Seems I need a good tutorial too to get started.


Day 30 :partying_face:
I donā€™t know why this number makes me so happy, feels like a big milestone for me :slightly_smiling_face:
Today and tomorrow I donā€™t have to work, usually I wouldā€™ve got drunk and sleep the whole long weekend without doing anything for me.
I got an invitation for a Halloween party tonight but Iā€™ll stay at home. Too early to be around drunk folks. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m afraid about me drinking, itā€™s everything else. Loud, drunk people, the toilets (I wonā€™t explain that, girls know), the air, not enough space, guys that only talk to me because they want the phone number of my friendā€¦
So Iā€™ll stay at home.
Maybe a good day to FINALLY watch a tutorial about how tf to use Procreate :sweat_smile:
Have a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart:




Congratulations 30 days is amazing!!

1 Like

396 Days 9am

At 5pm this evening i am having a back tooth pulled. Im so worried about the pain after but it has to come out.
Im just going to chill today, all day also the dentist is litrally 2 doors next door to me whoch i am gratefull for so i will come home and sleep if i can. Depends how long the anesthetic lasts :blush:.
Yes im really not looking forward to it.

Just watching some tv in bed going to make some breakfast soon.
Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:


I remember the day when 2 of my wisdom tooth had to be pulled. I was so afraid, didnā€™t sleep the night before.
I got a pretty good anaesthesia, felt nothing. After going home and sleeping I only had a little pain. Good to handle with some low dose painkillers.
Iā€™m crossing fingers that youā€™re not in pain after :hugs:


Thank you, this gives me comfort and hope. I have to remind myself the pain the tooth was causing and that this time will pass and in a week i should be able to eat properly again.
Scrmabled eggs and soupnare on the menu this week all week.
If im not in pain il even make my own soup in a big batch.

Edit: i am going to be eating a huge portion of lagana this afternoon as im sure i wont be able or want to eat this evening. Im also glad my app is late and next door as bed and tv are ready for after.


So Iā€™ve been catching up for the past couple of months, usually Iā€™d congratulate every milestone and send strength to everyone struggling, but to avoid my catch up posts crowding the thread way too much, I have focused on 1 year+ milestones, to show the rest of us that long-term recovery is possible:

@Wunderbar belated congrats on 4+ years! :tada:
@anon9289869 thank you for your reply on 3rd May, Iā€™m sorry I wasnā€™t around to reply sooner. I have been outside in my wheelchair quite a lot since then, and it really is so nice to get out without agonising pain :blush::raised_hands:t2::man_in_motorized_wheelchair:t2: Also, long belated congrats on your 2+ years! And for making changes in your life that will surely help you feel better :blue_heart:
@anon74766472 belated congrats on 3.5+ years AF :tada: thanks you for the congrats on my 2 years :blue_heart:
@fargesia belated congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@siand belated congrats on 4+ years! :tada: Thanks for the congrats gif on my 2 years :blue_heart:
@Rockstar24777 thank you for the kind mention on 7th May, means a lot, sorry its taken me so long to respond :blue_heart: also, congrats on 2+ years and the promotion at work! :tada::clap:t2: Thanks also for the reply on 27th July and the congrats on 11th Aug :blue_heart:
@dansig belated congrats on 1 year! :tada:
@aybee belated congrats on 3 years! :tada:
@mno long belated I apologise, but I love how creative your farewell card from the residents was, Iā€™m glad you found the humour in their messages! Also belated congrats on 3+ years! :tada: Thanks for the hugs on 27th July too, hugs back :people_hugging: thanks also for the congrats on 11th August :blue_heart:
@butterflymoonwoman massive congrats on your 90 days, triple digits :100: , 12 years smoke-free, and 8 months+ clean and sober :raised_hands:t2::tada: thank you for your reply on 27th July too :blue_heart:, and the congrats on my 2 years AF :grinning: Also, Iā€™m so proud of you for opening up to us about your little boy, Iā€™ve loved reading you talk about him, especially about the green balloon! Youā€™re an awesome Mom :green_heart:


@GVLNative belated congrats on 2+ years!
@frantasticooo belated congrats on 3+ years!
@Lorelai thank you for reaching out on May 23rd, sorry I didnā€™t see it until now, but it is still much appreciated that you thought of me :blue_heart: also, belated congrats on quadruple digits :tada: thanks also for the well wishes on 27th July :blue_heart:
@DLS belated congrats on 2+ years :tada:
@Ravikamor belated congrats on 2+ years :tada:
@icebear congrats on your year! :tada: Thanks for the reply on 27th July, my routine is normalising finally :grinning: thanks also for the congrats on my 2 years af, aaaaand congrats on your 500+ days! :tada:
@nordique belated congrats on 2+ years :tada:
@Its_me_Stella belated congrats on quadruple digits! :tada: Thanks for the kind reply on 28th July too :blue_heart: and for the congrats and firework gif for my 2 years af :star_struck:
@dazercat belated congrats Grandpa! :baby: and for quadruple digits! :tada: Thank you for the congrats on my 2 years af too :blue_heart:
@fury belated congrats on 2+ years :tada:


@vaariesga belated congrats on 2+ years :tada:
@darrenuk belated congrats on 3+ years! :tada:
@joy belated congrats on 3+ years :tada:
@C_8 belated congrats on quadruple digits :tada: and now, 3+ years! :tada:
@soberguyusa belated congrats on 4+ years! :tada:
@Desire2ChangeToday belated congrats on 3+ years! :tada:
@misokatsu thank you for the well wishes on 27th July :blue_heart: and the congrats on our 2 years af :blue_heart: belated congrats to you too :tada:
@clarity belated congrats on 2+ years :tada:
@eke belated congrats on 4+ years :tada:
@Twizzlers thank you for the well wishes and congrats on the 27th July :blue_heart: belated congrats to you on your year! :tada: Iā€™m so sorry your Mom was so cold when you wanted to do something nice to celebrate with them :broken_heart:


Hi thank you :hugs:
I was just about to come and say hi to you and see how you are as always see your name on my notifications ans thought yh id check in with you.
So it was very nice to see you :blush:


Congratulations :clap::tada: :clap:


You made it!
Party yourself :call_me_hand:t2:
I am glad to joyn your journey and what you are sharing.
Taff girlā€¦ And super nice plans :heartpulse::two_hearts::purple_heart:


@kat261 thanks for the mention on 27th July, and congrats to you on your year+ free from Meth! :tada: Thanks also for the congrats on 10th August :blue_heart: p.s havenā€™t seen you post lately, how are you doing?
@GOKU2019 thanks for the shout out on 28th July :blue_heart: and belated congrats to you on your year! :tada:
@Mx_elle belated congrats on 4+ years AF :tada: also thank you for the congrats on my 2 years :blue_heart:
@fargesia belated congrats on 3+ years :tada:
@jesile thank you for the congrats on my 2 year af :blue_heart: itā€™s good to see you back at it tooā€‹:blush:
@Jasty2 thank you for the congrats on my 2 years af :blue_heart:
@dryin785 thanks for the congrats :blue_heart: I was very unwell mid April-Aug, gratefully on the other side of it to some extent now :raised_hands:t2: p.s thanks for noticing me on 21st August :blue_heart:
@cjp thank you for the congrats on my 2 years af :blue_heart:


Iā€™m ashamed and embarrassed that I drank again last night. :pleading_face: So itā€™s day 1. Feeling like a failure. Iā€™m trying to sort through the reasons why I did it. On another app I use, todays lesson was about distress intolerance and that seems quite relevant. I struggle with any type of negative emotion and just want a quick escape. I think Iā€™ve always been this way. I grew up having to suppress any big emotion. The suck it up and move on mentality. Thankfully I have a therapy appointment tomorrow.


@faugxh thank you for the congrats and well wishes on 10th August :blue_heart:
@soberwalker thank you for the congrats on 10th August :blue_heart: I also had my gallbladder removed while Iā€™ve been away, so Iā€™m pleased to read that after the complication, you are recovering and getting back to your walks. Iā€™m amazed at the 4 and 5 leaf clovers you discover, they bring me so much joy when you post the photos :heart_eyes::star_struck::four_leaf_clover: also, congrats on 4+ years! :tada:And also 1500+ days! :tada:
@sunny11 thank you for the congrats on my 2 years AF :blue_heart: congrats to you for yours too :tada: and now, for 800+ days :tada:
@planipennia thank you for the congrats on 11th August :blue_heart:
@miranda thank you for the congrats on 12th August :blue_heart: sorry Iā€™m so late replying too.
@ELY83 belated congrats on 4.5+ years :tada:
@Mbwoman belated congrats on 1.5+ years :tada:
@Wcan belated congrats on 2+ years! :tada:
@dolse71 belated congrats on 2+ years! :tada:
@hoofhearted belated congrats on 4+ years! :tada:


@dmcg1987 belated congrats on your year+ :tada:
@rosacando belated congrats on your year :tada:
@olivia belated congrats on 2+ years! :tada:
@5.9maga833 belated congrats on quadruple digits! :tada:
@axsis belated congrats on 3+ years! :tada:
@jjc92 belated congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@marcusmaximus2000 belated congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@minatasha thank you for the mention whilst Iā€™ve been in the background, sorry I didnā€™t see it sooner. My brain wonā€™t let me start posting check-ins before Iā€™ve caught up, but it is also an enjoyable and inspiring mission, with lots of relatable content. :blue_heart:
@wasabi79 belated congrats on 2+ years! :tada:
@LAB belatwd congrats on your year :tada: