Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Happy hump day! Make it a good one.


Just wanted to say that it always is good to read your progress when remembering your last relapse on and off story. You fought back and is awesome how far you’ve come. :four_leaf_clover::sunflower::sunny:


Day 158
I’m on my way home, the day was good. Going to clean and eat when I’m home.
I’m still not in the mood to cook something nice for me, don’t know what that is :thinking:
Very rainy now, yesterday and this morning we had a rain-snow-mix. Unusual for the region where I live. Of course there was a bit of chaos everywhere.
That’s all for today :smiling_face:
I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Hey there! Haven’t talked to you in awhile; how are you?


Lol I haven’t heard of that!!???!!!


I forgot to post my day 1000 here last week but im a member, lol


Thank you, that means alot and I agree I was in such shambles and so confused I didn’t know how to get out of my relapse. But I’m glad I never gave up and I pushed and pushed and now I feel like I’m on the right path again. You guys are all such inspirations to me


Hi sober community! I’m on day 15 and I’m curious if other folks experienced “brain fog” or forgetfulness during early sobriety? Anyways thanks for sharing all your stories I feel less alone coming to this forum :purple_heart:


@Noshame thank you :blush: :blue_heart:
@Lola good luck :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:t2: and good vibes :stars:
@DryIn785 welcome back :blush: keep trying :people_hugging:
@FeelingBetter congrats both on your week :tada:
@IA_Matt welcome back :blush:
@KevinesKay congrats on 5 months :tada:

940 days no alcohol.
405 days no cocaine.
27 days no vape.

Did a different walk this morning, to the shopping centre to stock up on orange, lemon and pineapple squash. Also managed to get a pair of Adidas joggers in my size, that match the lightweight hoody I wear for my walks when it’s a bit warmer. They were half price. Pleased with that.

Had therapy, I don’t like it at all, I’m not finding it therapeutic in the slightest, when I try to talk he just shuts me down like he’s not interested at all in me doing any talking. I won’t be continuing after the agreed 12 session contract ends, but I wish I could end it sooner. I guess until I have something else in place I should stick it out. I’ve emailed the charity I’m waiting for long-term therapy with, to ask my position on the waiting list as I believe it’s been 3 years nearly, I could be wrong though. It might be only 2 years. So that’s another year to get through if so.

I feel slightly better than yesterday, my mood is still very low, but I haven’t had suicidal ideation so far today, so that’s a relief.

I’ve done my meditations and walks, I’ve also done some of the booster sessions for my diabetes course. Now, TV time. :blush:



8 days

6 different people called me today to go to bar with them (to drink). This never happened before, 6 different people. I though someone’s playing with me lol
Don’t know how, but I actually stayed home
P.S. its 10pm here


Eeeep it’s tough love daddy English… I am grateful for your presence here but also scared about the day I receive the tough love :sweat_smile:


@KevinesKay well done on your 5 months. You have been working so hard :blush:
@Rockstar24777 oooooh snap nearly at 1000, hell yeahhhh!! :metal:


30 days sober today!! I mentioned on the grateful site…but wanted to let everyone here know too that i did it…with ts forum help


After a million day 1s, it’s finally sticking. I actually joined this site back in November 2021. Sober date of January 7, 2023. The IOP was a lifesaver. I’m also on here every day and started a daily gratitude practice. It’s been a lot of work to get here. And I’ll keep it up ODAAT.


Great job! What is iop?


Big congrats Karen! And yay to you! Here’s to persistence, to not giving up, to keep going one day and one try at a time! Just keep going and you’ll never be stopped.

@Markjackson IOP = intensive outpatient program, the words sort of explain what it is yes


Ooh ya…intensive outpatient…iop


Had a pretty good day. Did some prayer, mediation and self care for the first time in 2 weeks. Wrote a letter to my friend Theresa in prison on my laptop, took it via USB to print at the library and return some books.
Darn near killed me. :hot_face: Getting back was slightly easier. Didn’t have the weight of the books, but I had to detour to mail the letter. Wasn’t so long ago I could carry my 65L hiking pack across the city. Now, the library is challenging.
COPD is supposedly incurable, so it’s probably going to be like this the rest of my life. Still, trying to accept what I cannot change. :v:


Hey Mark! How are you? Thank you for checking in on me. I REALLY appreciate that. Ive been doing okay overall. Today hasnt been the greatest tho. Had some ups n downs recently but i feel like im handling life alright.


Congratulations on ur 2 months!! Im so proud of you! :star_struck: