Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

2279 days. Woke up with a scare thinking it was Monday and the clocks said 8:45am. I thought I blew it and my kids were missing their 1st period class. SHIT!! And then I realized it was Sunday and ony 7:45am. I immediately reset the downstairs clocks. I am having a lazy morning. Did the NYT puzzles and Taz is sleeping next to me.


I wholeheartedly agree! I had work at 5am which meant 4am for my tired body! :sob::sob: Daylight savings time doesnā€™t do anything except mess with everyoneā€™s circadian rhythm :grimacing::sob::roll_eyes:


I checked in this morning and said I was getting my energy back and it is cold and gloomy here. All I want to do is lay around and sleep.


@Teresa.13 congrats on 11 months :tada:
@Scorpn congrats on 5 months :tada:
@FeelingBetter congrats both on double digits :tada:
@Nordique congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@Hoss @rsvf congrats both on your week :tada:
@Amy30 Iā€™m glad the dentist went okay :people_hugging:
@Minatasha you know it doesnā€™t work like that, but congrats on airing the thoughts :clap:t2: :tada::people_hugging:
@Markjackson sending strength :blue_heart:


@Noshame congrats on 3 weeks no weed :tada: I hope thing get easier at work :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Hesmyportion congrats on 2+ weeks :tada:
@Battle_for_the_Sun welcome :blush: congrats on 26 days :tada:

944 days no alcohol.
409 days no cocaine.
31 days no vape.

Well, I ate something I shouldnā€™t have, on Friday evening, and as a result, other than being awoken by a delivery company with the food for my cats, feeding the cats, and taking my morning meds, I slept all the way through until 5pm yesterday! Missed all my meditations, both of my walks, and the support group I was really looking forward to attending for the 2nd time, a whole month until the next one. I fed the cats, took my evening meds, couldnā€™t stay awake so went back to bed, therefore missing my check-in here, and didnā€™t wake again until my cats were yelling at me to feed them at 9:30am this morning! Madness. I need to learn from this that sugar is very harmful to me. I still donā€™t feel right, my whole body feels heavy and achy, and Iā€™ve got no energy., which is how I used to feel before my diabetes diagnosis.

I have managed to do both of my walks and stay awake today, but the walking was a real challenge, I donā€™t usually need to stop on benches these days, but I did this afternoon.
Still glad Iā€™ve been able to get out into the fresh air and move my body.

I hope youā€™ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



110 :muscle: chilling as always watching Netflix nice cuppa of tea heating on as a tad nippy

Happy sober Sunday everyone


Day 18 of 365
Youtube free 8 of 365


Well, Iā€™m back. And back on day 1.
For at least the past month, Iā€™ve been drinking almost every day. It is starting to affect my career (again) and keeping up with classes, assignments and studying. My house is a wreck. And I look and feel like shit.
So today, I am doing just a few chores around the house, listening to podcasts and will go grocery shopping in a bit.
Really trying to not kick myself in the ass too much. I guess at least Iā€™m catching this before it gets completely out of control. Right?


Day 315

Coffee with a sober sister
Cooked a healthy lunch
Folded some laundry
Now chillin with Boscoe

Drop some food off to my mom and chat
Pick up some loose leaf tea
Cook a healthy vegan dinner ( i hope i dont miss the meat)

Productive sundays were never a thing in the before days


I can very much sympathize with the sugar ordeals. Itā€™s my most difficult addiction for me personally,. I have made it five days so far, but it is a struggle. I am definitely living the odat mantra, sometimes even one minute at a time. I wrote messages on my mirror to remember how crappy I feel when I have it and how hard it is to.kick it, that is helping a little. Hang in there!


Today is 7 days! One whole week clean and sober! I feel great, more energy, less anger!


Welcome back :sparkles:


@FeelingBetter congratulations on your 10 days and glad you got to celebrate cocktail free with family!


@Mommylife congratulations on your 7 days.


@KrispyMac, welcome back. Glad you were able to self check yourself and come back to the group. We are all always here to help one another if you just need to talk.


Congratulations on having one week behind you! That is awesome!


Congratulations on 10 days!! Thank you for sharing!


Day 162
I got a message from someone asking if Iā€™m okay and why I donā€™t post. And when one is concerned maybe someone else is too.
So hereā€™s a sign of life :wave:
Iā€™m in a shitty mood at the moment. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t post. I donā€™t want to spread this feeling that I have. I know that there canā€™t be sunshine all the time and talking about your feelings helpsā€¦but right now? Nope.
I wonā€™t drink, no worries.
Itā€™s most likely the hormonal rollercoaster combined with some other things.
Take care fam, Iā€™ll feel better eventually.


5 days alcohol feee!


I am here :upside_down_face:
I am glad that you are here too Mark!
We canā€™t go as twins, but we can go this way together!
