Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.


Thanks for getting the Taylor Swift song stuck in my head… guess I’m a swifty for the rest of the day


Just doing my part


Day 44

Hey all!

Thank you @CATMANCAM :people_hugging:. Wow, it sounds like you are doing so well! Good on you! I’m so happy to read about all that is going well in your life :grin:.

@JazzyS :people_hugging: You are a very strong person to go through what you are going through every day! I don’t think I’d be able to be as positive as you are, to be honest. You’re a badass! :grin:

Welp, I got my boyfriend’s cold. But, while he’s been out solid for three days, I have a milder head cold. It’s mostly my sinuses/nose. Could be A LOT worse. I think the walking, trying to eat more healthy foods, and of course, NOT drinking the poison has REALLY helped a lot.

I went for a short little walk today for fresh air. Now I’m just going to rest and try my hand at making some curry soup, which I’ve never made before. It’s fun and rewarding to try new recipes. This is something I lost when I was boozing all the time.

I’ll try to go to an AA meeting tomorrow when I’m (hopefully) feeling better. It would suck to make other people sick.

My medication increase is not very noticeable yet, but it’s only day 3.

Stay strong Sober Warriors! We got this! :people_hugging::heart::muscle:t3:


Day 0

Back home without buying shit.
Body and mind still need some healing effected by the last days. No cravings.
I reached out for help and it’s in progress.

Much love :blue_heart:


Happy Monday everyone, checking in on a warm evening while sat in my back garden with a coffee, really tired today but happy to be closing down 27 days.

Hope your all well


So it wasn’t in the BBC version apparently (misremembering my youth), but it was in the film. Although Chatsworth was the inspiration for Pemberley. Apparently Jane Austen was inspired when she stayed locally in Bakewell (wish I had known when I was there on Saturday). Bakewell did look very Georgian.

Chatsworth is stunning though and would definitely appeal to an Austen fan.


It looked just like Pemberly from the BBC miniseries. I’ve seen a couple other versions in film so I’m sure I’ve seen it. Still so lovely. Thanks for sharing and the info about Jane Austen’s inspiration. Very neat.


Day 2 check in


Celebrating Day 311


@KellyKelly congrats on 500 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: so glad you were able to spend some more time with your cousins, sorry it’s triggered a flare-up though, I can fully relate, makes everything bittersweet. I hope some rest helped. :people_hugging:🩵 Also, congrats on 650 days smoke-free :tada:
@M-be-free49 days like that never get old for me either, so I’m with you on that. Glad to see you checking-in again :blush:🩵
@zzz congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Juli1 glad to see you check-in, please never stop trying :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Brian1965uk congrats on 9 months :tada:
@Starlight14 congrats on 350 days :tada: sending strength 🩵
@Mia2 welcome to the forum, congrats on your courage :tada:
@Amy30 I’m just so glad you’re not going through this alone :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Brl81 congrats on 3 weeks :tada:


@Smurph welcome back :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@MrsOdh congrats on a great first day at your new job :tada::blush:
@Ceeds congrats on the recognition at work :tada: and well done for reaching out for psych support :people_hugging:🩵
@GenG thank you :blush: 🩵 feel better soon :people_hugging:
@Hopeful2 welcome to the forum :blush: congrats on day 2 :tada:

1099 days no alcohol.
564 days no cocaine.
79 days no vape.
30 days no impulsive spending or nail biting.

Didn’t sleep for a single second last night. So tired. I gave up completely at 4am and went into the lounge to do today’s colouring.

Anyway, so I caught the bus and got into town with 40mins to spare before therapy. Got a Starbucks and got a giftcard for my brother as its his bday on Sat, my eldest step-brother has his bday on Friday, I got some cash out for him, and I already got their cards on Saturday. If plans haven’t changed, I believe we are going out to an Italian restaurant Saturday evening.m, where I will have the same salad I had last time as it was so good.

Had therapy. It went okay. We talked about the issue with the Sharpies and discuss why I prefer them, and it came up that it’s because I can finish a pattern much quicker to get to the end , a constant anxiety in everything in my life, even toiletry bottles etc, she said it could be related to ADHD. I did my reward chart wrong as well because I put an ‘X’ everything time I didn’t do something, so I went to the stationery shop after the session and bought some grid paper, some shiny stars stickers, and a pencil sharpener. They didn’t have any of the pencil grips, but I’ve ordered some online thst will arrive next week some time.

Spent the rest of the day relaxing with the cats. Trying but not succeeding to nap. Hoping to sleep after I’ve caught-up here.



Oh goodness, you are doing so well for someone who hasn’t slept. Massive well done for keeping going and going to therapy. That is so interesting about the sharpies and how it relates to your life.

I have been pondering recently why I find it so difficult to walk slowly, or wait longer to go somewhere, wait for the lift etc. It actually feels painful if I don’t do something in the most efficient way possible. Like once I have committed to something, it needs to be done asap. Your post reminded me of that.

I hope you sleep well tonight.


Checking in on day 50. Besides having a cold, everything is going well. Hope everyone is having a great day! :white_heart:


Welcome back @Smurph. Sorry you have to go through all this shit again but it’s good seeing you checking in here. Hope you feel a bit better by now. Try to stay hydrated for today and start the battle again! You can make it!


Checking in sober day 29.

Not really much to say.





Great job on the 50 Days sober AF Katiee!!
Sorry you got a cold.


Good to see you found us Hopeful :hugs:
Congrats on day 2
I’m glad you’re here.


Thank you for your kind words that make me feel warm before going to bed. Im glad and relieved to be here with you. I send a bunch of love and comfort right back. And a splash of serenity. No, as much as you like xD