Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Thank you! :white_heart: and I most certainly am staying hydrated!


Stretching my legs and staying sober. It’s a good day. :+1::+1:


Days PMO free: Day 12
Days with PS5 in the closet to close the day: 20
Days went to bed the same time with my wife: 20

Went to target last night for some school shopping. It was one of those days where i just noticed how people were dressing and i stared a little too long. 25 minutes into my shopping day with the family, and i was experiencing censory overload. I dont know if it was just guilt staring too long, but the way folks were dressing (which is fine, to each his own) but it was a little too much flesh for me. This is totally a “me” problem and not them, not accusing folks of anything. But i found myself battling my mind the entire time. I just started focusing on my family, asking my wife questions, then i quickly shifted to just gratitude statements. I told her “isn’t it crazy, were school shopping for the kids.” This technique helped me to fight that selfish craving in my brain. I didn’t focus on the folks around me anymore, i forced myself not to look. I just focused on my family. I felt proud of myself leaving the store. But i’m not kidding you, my brain was literally feeling so weird, like i was taking in too much stimuli…I just told myself, “listen, Feeling follow thoughts, shift your thoughts to something comforting.” Gratitude frees you from the prison of self preoccupation, so that’s my go to. This is my daily war and i just gotta keep fighting, everyday.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening all!


I am SO happy for u! I have seen how hard u worked toward getting to this milestone. Youre doing AMAZING!!!


Checking on day 35…


Born in '85 raised in the 90’s. Here we are at the 2020’s era. And I’m still not a grown up. In age maybe but most definitely not in my brain.

And just to make it clear when I say 30 years ago I mean like the 70’s not the 90’s. :joy:


@SelfLove_42 Way to go on working thru that! That must not have been easy but it sounds like u have a method for what works for u in those situations.
@Juli1 way to go on ur day 1! Really happy for u that ur so close to leaving that toxic job.
@Charlie_C good to see ur check ins Charlie! Have a greay day also!
@Rob11 way to go on ur decision to qu
it smoking! Hope all goes well today!


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 548
Morning TS fam! How is everyone doing today? Its going to be another extremely hot day for us so Ill probably be staying inside. Going to do some cleaning, work on my DBT book, and do a load of laundry.

I decided to sleep in today until 7am and not go to the gym this morning. In order to gain balance and not burn myself out 5x a week at the gym, i have given myself permission on Tuesday and Thursday to either do a short 30 min cardio session or to sleep in. And today i felt i needed the rest so i slept.

Not much else going on today. Should be a good day! Much love to everyone on here


Checking in for day 22 AF.


Checking in on day 51. Today is going okay so far, as always, glad to be sober. Hope everyone has a great day. :white_heart:


Checking in. I don’t look at my counter very often but lately my app has been freezing up on the community page and I have to go back to the home page so I see my counter more often, which is interesting. Passed 680 days yesterday and that is pretty neat. Definitely grateful as a former constant relapser. Always one day at a time, and every day is a new day. I think this method works best for me partly because of my experience with chronic pain (migraines, headaches). I can’t always predict when I’ll have pain so starting each day as a beginning with an open mind to what the day brings works for me. I still make plans and set goals for myself, work on my routines and find space every day to just be present. Getting my house put together after moving has required a lot of recentering and finding that space for calm, let me tell ya! I’m so grateful to be going through this process sober.

I recently booked a campsite for us at the end of the month, we’ll bring Lupe also. I can’t wait! We’ve camped there a couple times before (tent camping) and are going during the week so hopefully it will be quiet and peaceful. Then we’ll be back home for a long holiday weekend. So it will be a real weeklong vacation for my husband and some quality time for us out in nature and just together. So looking forward to it!

Thanks, friends, for all your check ins and the love and support I see being shared here. :heartpulse:


Day 83, good morning everyone. Last night was hard the girls were not getting along at all and it was just becoming really hard to deal with. Idk how to redirect the arguing and change the channel sometimes. But the girls were super tired last night and went to bed pretty early, poor addie was sleeping on the floor and the other two girls were above her on the bunk beds, there friend was on the top bunk and had a sound machine which weighs a good 8 pounds in her bed, well it fell off the bed and hit addie right in the face in the middle of the night, she woke up screaming crying and i just felt so bad for my baby girl. She was tough and a trooper tho and came and laid down with daddy. I love my girls so much and I’m so glad i get this time with them, Friday we will be going into town and Saturday we will be having a party for addie and she’s turning 6. It’s crazy how fast time flies. Autumn is turning 8 in September. I am looking forward to bringing their friend home tho i wont lie about that, today i rode my bike into my one on one session and its a nice little break, I’m at my apartment letting my bike charge again and going to go hit the gym for a little bit, i really need it and have actually been skipping out on the gym a’lot lately again which isn’t good, so yeah ill do that and then had back out to camp with my girls. Much love everyone hope you all have amazing days.


Thankfully it is not an ongoing situation. We are in the middle of our 3 busiest weeks of the year but will be able to significantly pull back soon. I’m trying to remember to care for my basic needs because you’re right it is a lot. Hope you have a great day :hugs:


Thank you @Mno . I am ready with my reasons. I’m so lucky to have this place. Today is hard! :heart:


Checking in on day 2.

Wow…… what a difference a day can make!
I had one of the best sleeps of my life last night, and I am taking really good care of myself today. Morning walk with my sweet fur baby, healthy food prep, and maybe even start a new workout routine.

Feeling so much better. Thank you everyone for your kind words…. They truly helped to get me through a really hard day.


Checking in on day 73. It’s the last day of the summer break so today has all been about getting uniforms sorted for the new school year. I’m realising that as the kids get older much more of the preparation is down to them and that I’m more of a facilitator nowadays. My youngest will even be making her own way back from school soon.
I’m looking around the flat and seeing so many odd jobs and tidying that will keep me busy the next while. Junk fairly builds up over the holidays!


Afternoon all. Quick check in to hopefully get rid of some frustration! Boss stood me up last week when he was supposed to come in and discuss a raise. Texted me one minute before he was supposed to be there simply saying sorry. No follow up date or anything. I work overnights and this is my fourth straight day of being woken up by neighbors. Very tired and very aggravated and another 8 day stretch. Hopefully these shifts go quick. Hope everyone stays safe and takes care.


Day 1

Evening checkin.
Back home without buying shit.


Hey, hope everyone is doing good / hanging in there❤
Today I saw a therapist for the first time. It was ofc different than I expected. All in all good. I will go there a few times to see wether its the right fit. I want to try to see another one, so that I can decide between at least two different therapy methods (behavioral / analysis). Trying to be smart about it.

Have been doing acupuncture which helped me quite a lot during my worst times. Now Ive switched doctors. Find it hard to find the motivation to call and make another appointment. So weird how I can be grossed out by even the smallest of tasks.
Want to see whether I can make my health care cover the bills of acupuncure bc its expensive.

I got a diagnosis from the therapist that I have recurrent depression. Ive been experiencing a range of debilitating symptoms for over seven months now, so that wasn’t a big surprise lmao. That Im an addict was already clear haha. During the session I had really bad cognition, I couldnt find words and lost my thoughts it was like I just had brain surgery. Its like that often but was more uncomfortable in this setting.

Glad that I could tell my mom the diagnosis with very little fear or shame. Slept in very late bc I did not want to wake up, but I did and I faced the day and it was okay.
Haha I usually write a kind of diary entry like this in an excel file on my phone (very sophisticated). Now I do the same on here, but its totally different. I know people will read it and “hear” me. Since Ive joined a few days ago, I find that it gives me existential comfort to know that this community is always right here.


Niceee good job! One day at a time👍