Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

492 days AF
The heat is unbearable, yet I remember very vividly how I struggled last summer, so have to be reminded how is not so bad this time.
Need for summer to end.
Love to everyone


Sounds rough. Kudos for making it through those shifts one day at a time. Hope you get the chance to talk to your boss, not okay that he didnt make another appointment! Take care


All of that sounds amazing. Im feeling the vibes!


Big timeā€‹:+1::+1::+1:


@JennyH thank you šŸ©µ I can definitely relate to that. Definitely be persistent with your Gallbladder referral. The NHS is definitely struggling, I just received my first appointment with Cardiology, I was referred 18 months ago.
@Katiee congrats on 50+ days :tada: feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Catmama23 well done for taking care of you and giving your notice :clap:t2: good luck finding something new :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@SadMemeQueen Iā€™m so pleased you had a positive experience with this doctor :raised_hands:t2:
@Bear21 welcome back :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Twinkle2 welcome :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Cjp congrats on 2 weeks no nicotine :tada:

1100 days no alcohol.
565 days no cocaine.
80 days no vape.

Slept long and heavy last night after zero sleep the night before. So woke up very late.

Have felt very sad and depressed all day. Its been hard to do anything so I havenā€™t been able to do much, but Iā€™ve done my fundamentals; morning routine, one walk, meditations, and now checking-in here. That will have to be enough for today.



464, checking in.


46 days AF af


Checking in sober day 30.

People have really been trying my patience today. Probably because sleep was worse than usual last night. Anxiety is also terrible. Just all around feeling shitty. But I wonā€™t make it worse by drinking. OFDAAT


Way to go Karen! Youve worked sooo hard to reach this milestone. Proud of u! Im sorry ur feeling crappy today tho. Hoping it improves for u


Checking in
Day 548
Today has been hard work. Hard work with trying to break old patterns and build new healthier patterns. I actually got a headache today from thinking too much. Doing whatever i could to change my thinking. This all has to do with this DBT program/book that im reading. Its bringing up alot. But its all good things.

The heat wave we are experiencing isnt helping either. Makes me more irritable. Every year we say we are going to get an air conditioner and every year we never do lol we have loads of fans throughout our home tho so that helps a bit. Hope everyone is doing okay today.


Partway through sober day four. Fuzzy head after a long daytime nap.

Some family issues slightly simmering and a death probably imminent (by old age and poor health).

But those donā€™t have me off-balance or unsettled much (as far as I know). The real problem is that I have been sober for a few days and am doubting my commitment to this or wondering why Iā€™m doing this.

Luckily I only have about two dollars in the bank at the moment.

As for fans in the house, I have A/C but itā€™s inefficient so I rarely use it (to save money). Two or three years ago I had the bright idea to get a window fan for the bedroom to blow cool air in at night. (During the day I donā€™t mind a warm house, plus I have a little tower fan on my desk, which is where I spend most of the day.) I also have a dehumidifier, but thereā€™s a trade-off: when I run that, it warms up the house.


tonight will be day 532 of no self harm.

seeing that number is insane.

started my increase dosage of anxiety meds. I wasnā€™t anxious until I started to get nauseous (I get nauseous every day never sure why) and then I got anxious because I have emetophobia. Iā€™m also really tired but I know Iā€™ll adjust itā€™s just the meds.

tested negative for rheumatoid arthritis. but I know I have osteoarthritis and my joints are just getting worse. yesterday I got down one one knee and couldnā€™t get up without using my arms to push myself up, my legs just werenā€™t strong enough at all to get back up. Since treatment for osteoarthritis is limited I got a cane (literally just got it like an hour ago) Iā€™m hoping it helps. not going to lie, Iā€™m not very happy about using a cane at 21. and my family has already been mocking me for it saying itā€™s ridiculous and for attention. I only plan to use it in public since I canā€™t always sit down. weā€™ll see how it works next time Iā€™m out the house


Now that you have a cane you can give them all a sound thrashing.

Seriously, I hope that someday soon you can leave all those abusive characters in the dust.


I was actually playing around with shooing people away with the cane lol. I hope so too :heart:


Thank you. Hoping your trip to Australia goes well.


Grateful that you are giving therapy a chance - i think it is smart to try out different methods and see which feels more comfortable.

not weird at all - i know when iā€™m at my worst the last thing i want to do is talk with anyone even it is to make an appointment that will just be helping me out. Deep breathes my friend - i do hope that you are able to get health care to take care of the expense and get back into the acupuncture - especially since you saw a benefit with it.

exactly what the community is for - let our your thoughts and know you are surrounded by people going through similar situations and here to help!

Here is to another addiction free day for the both of us!


Wow checking in with 15+months sober from weed and alcohol and 2 weeks from nicotine. I gotta share. I was offered a really nice promotion at work.

March 2022 i was recently fired and a drunk. I drank and drank and drank and my problems didnt go anywhere and bills were piling up. In may 2022 i said id try 30days again. I found a job in may and have been there ever since. Theyve only known me as a nondrinker.

Today i was offered a promotion. Im healthier than ive been in atleast 5years. I have a peace and joy i didnt think was possible for me.

The Alcoholics Anonomous 12 step promises are truly coming to fruition for me. I owe all my progress in the last 15+ months to AA and the 12steps and the shift in my thinking.

If you are on the fence, please, give AA a try. What do you have to lose?


I LOVE :heart: your post!!! Congratulations on 15+ months of freedom my friend. Wow! Its amazing to see what is happening in ur life since u got sober. And now 2 weeks for nicotine. Another huge accomplishment :clap: im so proud of u!!


Just gotta keep working recovery and taking that next right step even when its uncomfortable.

Thanks @Butterflymoonwoman


Well said! Thank you for your supportā€¦ ah yes, not bearing to talk to anybody is a delightful state of mind, no? :joy: