Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

I agree that it’s a grey area. But doesn’t mean we can’t try to be better. Plenty of adjectives that can describe the person. I’m not saying we need to humanize him to the point that there’s no negative to him. But the term junkie isn’t really acceptable.(although I do see how people can self describe as this because it is their truth)


4.90 days sober. No CBD or THC or anything that has to do with marijuana. I’ve been sober longer off of alcohol. I’m about 3 months off alcohol
28.68 days no ciggs or vapes. Yesterday evening I ran out of my 2mg lozenges and didn’t buy any more. My belly feels weird. Kind of like anxiety I think. I don’t know if it’s nicotine withdrawal or not. I have today and tomorrow off from work to battle this addiction :muscle::muscle::muscle:

Stay strong everyone


Nothing wrong with being talkative, i appreciate your stories!

We Cherish our memories. Even we things didn’t go the way we planned. My 21 year wedding anniversary is coming up in a month, it’s crazy to think i’ve been married that long and i’m barely in my 40’s. The memories, the good times, the journey.

I agree: Life IS perspective. When your struggling it’s hard to appreciate where you’ve come and hold on to the good things. Sometimes your just a good cup of coffee away, or in my case, a good swim away, from that ‘rebalancing’ that you need. If i’m feeling in the dumps some days, maybe i just need to slap my headphones and play one of my favorite tunes. My sons love Pete the Cat books. There’s one book that’s so positive, it’s all about no matter what you step in, we dont let it get us down, cause it’s all good. It’s a wednesday, i dont have much going on at work, but am i worried? Goodness no. I just keep on going. Always good to talk to you Mira_D!


Thanks for this :slight_smile:

Congrats on the anniversay! That is amazing. Hope you guys have a nice celebration. :blush:

Funny how I always feel a little spaced out after sharing. I think its one part that Im typing on my phone and technology makes me feel a bit spacey, but another part also putting myself out there for you all to see…man its hard to be vulnerable, but yoh guys seriously make me feel like hey its okay. Been a long time since I had this safe sober place, and I just apprexiate you guys so much!

Swimming is also one of my fav resets. Being by water is something I find so spiritually connecting for me (maybe not the right wording there but there is something to the water). I find jumping in almost like a refresh button. Cant wait to do it today myself. Hear little footsteps I must go!



Day 5 - no alcohol, but lots of chocolate and icecream. Foggy feeling is finally starting to lift.
Hope everyone is having a good day/night!


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 549
Morning TS fam! Todays going to be another hot day. So probably will stay inside again, although i am getting stir crazy from being indoors lol

This morning i worked out as planned. So thats good! And my plans for the day is doing some cleaning, doing my usual morning routine, and making a few phone calls. Thats about it. Hope everyone has a great day! :butterfly:


Congrats on day 5 ! Enjoy the ice cream and the chocolate :yum:


Welcome, Michelle!Glad you are here. You are right about moderation. You’re in good company here, so visit often, lots of threads here to explore, build your sober toolbox, and keep up the good work. :heart:


This is me, two m9 this ago, before I joined TS. Yup, today is day 36 and I’m still going strong, thanks to all you fine people!!! Happy Wednesday, all!


That’s strange. Sunday morning I woke up to a text from an unknown number that didn’t make sense, a missed call from a local Dr., and silent voicemail, all around 7:30. The phone number was linked to one of our hospitals emergency department. I couldn’t get a hold of my ex or daughter and was trying not to think about it bc I had to go to work and unlock the building. They finally responded around 11:30 and were fine. Still a mystery.

I hope things are okay on your end :heart:


@JazzyS yeah, thank you for asking! It all went as well as expected. It was a nice day exploring the city, but had to cut it short because of the heat.


Checking in on day 52, hope everyone is having a nice day! :white_heart:


Wishing you luck with building a community irl. Hoping you can find tools to help you de-stress. Sending you hugs – hope the day becomes less weird and way less stressful! It is exciting to put a new spin on things and change up your patterns.

I am sorry to hear that your conversation with your brother did not go so well in the support department. I do think that especially with drinking many do not grasp the struggle or think its a problem.

I personally told my doctor the truth about my drinking / smoking / weed consumption because i didn’t want any of what i was going through to be misdiagnosed if it was due to my addictions. Yesterday i went to a different doctor in the same practice and as she was reviewing my history said “oh you drink occasionally and used to do weed as a child - are you still smoking?” FUCK- i quit smoking 21 months ago and was smoking about 2 packs a day then but the drinking was out of hand daily occurrence and weed was needed to help me sleep nightly so WTF was my doctor writing or listening to? I think those around us that don’t understand kind of shut off when we try to explain.

You know you and you know that you need to live a live free of addictions. You know that to do so you need community support and therapy (we can all be our own self therapist but it is important to get an outsiders perspective).

YES!!! I think you are doing an amazing job and hope that the recent conversation did not dishearten you too much. We are here if you need to chat or unload. Maybe find a good support group nearby to join? I find that only those that have gone through it can truly understand and be empathetic.


Checking in for day 23.


@Dustysprungfield Congrats on your 3 weeks my friend! The struggle does get easier -keep up the good fight
@kipper Hey Mike – how are you doing?
@just_laura So grateful that you are at your 6 months and thriving! Looking amazing with your healthy glow – grateful that this time you are doing this for you – it’s gonna stick! :muscle:
@mrsodh That is a unsettling way to wake up but as you said if it was pressing or urgent then they would have kept calling. Hoping it is not a serious issue. Just saw your update – grateful that she can reach out to you and come home.
@saturn81 welcome to the community Michelle – So glad that you are here with us and working on your sobriety – well done with 3 days! It definitely is not an easy road but with support and being vigilant about protecting your sobriety (ie- finding new routines, keeping busy with hobbies, activities, work and having a support system) you can beat this addiction. Hope to see you keep fighting for yourself.

Hugs dear friend! I do hope that something comes your way (job wise) very soon. This environment is super stressful to read about – I can’t imagine how you are handling it daily. A huge congrats on doing all of this sober! You rock!!

Oh man that is rough, having so much alcohol in your safe space. So happy to hear you thinking ahead and making a plan. Also have some non alcoholic drinking options available and something in hand – it stops people from asking you to drink and also keeps your hands occupied. Wishing you strength for the next few days. I hope you can ignore the cases of beer.
@mira_d Congrats on your 30 days! Love the check ins – appreciate you being so open and honest here. What a sweet memory of your honeymoon.
Bhonns congratso n day 5 and I too substituted with loads of ice cream when I quit drinking – enjoy it my friend. Grateful that the fogginess is lifting.
@just_laura My goodness that would also be a very scary way to start the day and I can imagine the panic. Grateful that all is ok with your ex and daughter.

Checking in on Wednesday morning - about to be afternoon
Its a beautiful day and i’m doing my best to enjoy it in any way possible. I have just now finished with catching up here and will try to get some work done. No promises or to do lists for today except to stay clear of my DOCs. Have a wonderful positively charged addiction free day my sober companions - sending much love :heart: :heart:



13 :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_small_square:


Thank you! God it can be unsettlung when you realize that people have no idea what its like. Ofc they dont, I dont know any of the struggles that I havent been through…but yeah.
Oh yes I did tell the therapist about my addictions I probably didnt phrase it well. Your’re right that is absolutely important to be honest about everything with the doctor.
They cant judge you and if they do who cares. They’re just a human person that hopefully did a good job studying and practices well. I mean many doctors suck / fail to understand, lets be honest XD. We’ll see what that brings.

I feel your pain about your doctors notes. Thats even worse bc they are a medical professional and should really know better! I mean addiction is such a huge illness thing. Like come on, read up, watch a documentary about it lmao.

Those who’ve been through it understand- you’re right. It is too hard to go through this alone. You guys rock!!!
Thank you for the support and wishes, I will take them with me☺
Wish you a good day and a calm mind!


Damn. This👍


Alcohol free for 546 days today. Nicotine free for 194. Let’s do this day sober folks.


Day 2

Back home without buying shit.
No cravings until now.
Ugly feeling when thinking about it.
I researched about several methods today.
Furthermore I chatted a lot about personal experiences. I learned a lot.
And I am nearer to what I will follow.
But that will be a personalized individual mix.
As humans are.

Much love :heart: