Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

I’m here I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 4.

Haven’t slept at all. I think my husband got a bad food poisoning yesterday at McDonald’s. We had a long way to go to pick up my daughter, so we stopped for food.

He’s been really I’ll all night, and was the only one who ate something different than the rest of us.

Because of that my boys haven’t slept at all, because they heard him through the night and got worried. I spent the night sleeping on a blanket in my oldest boys room.

Then I had to go up for work. I called and asked them how to do, but there’s no one Elsa that can come in and take my shift so I still had to go.
But now it’s only 4 hours left. The cafeteria served hot chocolate for breakfast and my husband feels a bit better. So it’s all good.

Hoping we can go to our planned trip by the Sea this weekend. Even if the weather decided to change so it’ll still be raining.

Besides that my daughter actually seems determined to change things and get her life together. I hope she’ll make it. We’ve already helped her book a meeting with the social services (She has special needs so she might be able to apply for extra help with an apartment and some economcal help from them in what we call LSS. Law about Support and Service)

I gave her a list yesterday on thing she needs to do to get help from them.
Change her address, get a electronic ID, and a few more things. And she actually set the morning Alarm and got up to do this things.
I’ve never seen that before. So hopefully it all turns out in a good way.

Besides that I feel good.
Apparently I created a small storm yesterday by my choice of words. And normally I would’ve got super anxious, delete, apologize and worry about which people who might get mad at me.
Not this time. Instead I find myself defending and discussing my point of view without anxiety or worry.

Don’t know where it actually comes from,and I’m actually a bit surprised by myself here.

Not that I’m proud of the idea that I might have offended someone,but I’m proud of the fact that I actually can stand up for myself without getting scared or feel bad.

Lunch break is over, so I’m going back to work.
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.



Thank you Menno, I appreciate your words. Anxiety is what’s causing me to stop talking, but I’ll do everything I can to fight it. It’s an odd and isolating sensation. Anxiety is clever, in that it separates you from the herd. Starting to talk again is really hard, but I am here. Thank you X

@Starlight14 I was on here a few days ago and mentioned I had a massive anxiety attack while I was driving. I pulled over and just sat there crying my eyes out. I waited for the traffic around me to calm a little, then slowly drove home. I haven’t driven since xx


Ahh ok im not on this thread alot to be honest just now and again. I absolutely hear u with the panic attacks tho theyre awful, try not to put too much pressure on yourself with the driving…when u do maybe try some relaxing music on that u like to soothe u at the same time. Try not to go so inward when u get stressed …try and talk it out here where your safe…because u are safe here…ive had to learn myself to do that even when i dont feel like it because it really does help xxx


I’ll do my best, thank you :slightly_smiling_face: :heart: xx


Morning guys, checking in, busy but SAF. Talk to you all later today. :v::green_heart:


Checking in, 48 days sober!
I’m amazed how quality of my life changed last 7 weeks. I eat better, I run, I sleep better, I’m less nervous, less moody… It’s frustrating that I don’t lose any weight but it’s not the most important thing tho.
Today I have one extra kid for few hours, 3yo daughter of my friend bcs she has some appointment. So I have 4 toddlers on the board :scream: Pray for me :wink:


Hey all, checking in on day 1159. I hope everybody has a good one!


Days PMO free: Day 14
Days with PS5 in the closet to close the day: 22
Days went to bed the same time with my wife: 22

Didn’t get much sleep last night as the kiddos jumped back into our bed and immediately started kicking my back, Parents on here know what i’m talking about. Immediately got up and started on my Recovery podcast. Haven’t had any slips or anything lately, but i notice that my ‘cured’ behavior is starting up, sort of dropping my safeguards. So i took some notes and journaled first thing this morning so were off to a good start. I’ll get a swim in at lunch for the third time this week, been averaging about 185g of protein, so overall i feel positive about my eating/exercise habits. Overall i feel happy this morning, i just want to get this First month behind me and for some reason week 2 to week 3 have been a bit troubling so i’m on red alert this week.

Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening all!


Hi :wave: day 4…oh my word I’m struggling today, my anxiety is through the roof I feel a little unwell which is probably withdrawal, my mood is rock bottom and all I want to do is get home from work and open a bottle of wine, I will be honest and say I’ve definitely been naive in thinking this would be difficult but not this hard, it is all I’ve thought about today, so I’m going to go out walking with Cooper my dog after work and pray I don’t give in, thanks for the welcome and support everyone, it is so appreciated and hope everyone gets through today :heart:


Heres a couple of things to do later to keep u occupied… .

Read or listen to Allen Cars easy way to quit drinking- a bit repetitive but changed my mindset on drinking forever

Watch the Stutz documentary on Netflix…great for life lessons in general

Its hard but the first days are the hardest…if u stick with it it does get easier so hang in there its so worth it :pray:


Thanks for the tips :blush: I watched the Stutz Documentary when it came out on Netflix and it is great, but I wasn’t ready to stop then, now that I am I’ll definitely give it another watch so thanks for reminding me of it hopefully it hits a little bit different now​:+1::heart:


Great! I actually watched it twice and took notes the second time :heart:


5.89 days sober
Very very greatful I’m at 5 almost 6 days sober from any form of marijuana including alcohol for over 3 months
29.68 days no ciggs or vapes. Today is my second day no nicotine supplements. I have a bit of a headache but that’s about it :slight_smile:

So far so good

From this point on I’m saying non smoking :no_smoking: for cigs and vapes. It’s going to be 30 days today non smoking. I’m so happy about this. This is the longest I’ve ever went sence I started 17 years ago

All of this is worth the trouble
I’m very proud of myself for all of this :blush:


Checking in for day 24.


Day 37.looking forward to another day of freedom. Happy Thursday, all🤗


People can be baffling sometimes. And it has way more to do with them than you.


@Binx So glad to see you checking in and I’ll second what @Mno said that you wouldn’t be bringing anyone down with a miserable post. I know the feeling of isolating myself when feeling anxious and depressed and it’s not nice, but we’re all here for each other no matter what.
I always say to throw everything at it so, yes to the medication but also mindfulness and breathing exercises, some exercise would be good too. Are you able to get some child free time over the rest of the holidays? (Our schools went back yesterday and my anxiety was definitely higher during the break)
I really hope you start feeling better soon, I’m glad to see you posting again. X


Day 85. Feeling extremely selfish today bc all I want to do is go back to Plattsburgh and my apartment. We came to town yesterday and Im just feeling triggered I don’t want to be here. I told my mom and she said oh well it’s only for s couple days, but just the other day told to me to tell her if I’m having a hard time. She’s right it’s just a couple days but still I’m struggling and just want to go where I feel safe. Idk Saturday I’ll be back I guess much love


Day 75 and the second day of the new term. Edinburgh is right in the throes of the festival and we live in the city centre so everything is so very busy. I got a haircut and then went to get new boots (I almost bought them online but wanted to try them on and the shop is just a 20 minute walk away) On the way back a friend called and we chatted for a bit (I sat in the sun in a graveyard lol) and I’m planning to meet up with him sometime next week.
I’ve been stream of consciousness writing each day lately. I think it helps to get the garbage out of my head!
Wishing everyone an addiction free day!


Day 53. Missing people from my past, but staying strong. Have a good day everyone :white_heart: