Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

16 :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_small_square:


Can’t be friends with everyone. I know you know. Just saying. Wherever you’ll walk in life, you’ll meet folks that are not for you. Walk on. Take what’s yours and leave the rest.


I used to spend a lot of time worrying about people not liking me and trying to understand why. I seem to be the type of person that annoys a lot of people. I have now realised that I can’t change who I am fundamentally and as long as my intentions are good, I just have to accept that it is other people’s right to not like me. A lot of energy was saved after that point. I am still sad about a lack of childhood friends but it is what it is. You have done really well to make it this far without experiencing this so please don’t let it put you off.


Day 217.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Did I say fuck?

I have a lot on my plate, I feel like I’m not doing enough. I’m worried I’m making a terrible mistake. I feel stuck. So fucking stuck.

Anyway, checking in. Sober. Sorry for being so overdramatic.


I think you put too much value in what others on an internet forum think of you. Just be you and focus on your sobriety, that’s what truly matters.


Hello everyone, checking in on Day 46. Ready to get moving and face the day but husband and daughter still asleep (tiring day yesterday).

I managed the gym, swimming and sauna yesterday and it felt like a real treat. It has been hard finding time to enjoy a slower pace over the summer holidays and yesterday felt like a gift. I really missed the family while they were out but finishing work and then having a few hours to myself was wonderful :blush:

My hours increase in September, so full time mostly. A little nervous about how to achieve that but so proud as it would have been unthinkable even a few years ago. I expect a few weekends will be spent in a chronic fatigue crash initially but hopeful I can build up.


You are lovely​:heart: :pray:
Thanks for seeing me. Thanks for almost making me cry first thing in the morning :wink: I think I hear you.

Thinking of you and genuinely hope you have some ease and some fun (!) today no matter how external things may turn out. Laughing is so important. You’re amazing, friend. Respect👏


Not overdramatic, being overwhelmed is horrible. Can you build some time in to step back to help you gain perspective? Take care of yourself


Day 322

I either have a bad cold or I got Covid from my coworker. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.
Although it’s warm here I needed 2 blankets last night.
Cancelled my hairdresser appointment already bc that would be too much.
But I have to get up to buy food that helps with the cold. Meh.
The good thing is I don’t feel worse than I did last evening :+1:
Now coffee.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


Thank You. Maybe You are right. I should focus less energy towards this. Because that drains my energy. Sometimes I do not understand why I put so much energy towards others. Maybe because I do care about them.

What I think is only my opinion and I think the most I get from this advice of Yours is try to blend this together.
I think we need to put more value in opposite as people around are our mirrors. It’s not that just ignore the parts that you dont like. Know them and know yourself. You also learn from opposite. Todays society teaches ignorance. It teaches you to not accept criticism. Too much attention is being put into so called ‘‘Success’’. Be succesful they say. I think this world is enough of succesfull and ignorant people.

Its like todays music for example. (I mean most of it) That’s what you get by ignoring criticism and only accepting apllause. The music sucks.

I definetly will not ignore criticism. I suggest to put more attention to it (that’s what I suggest, only my few cents) yet do not give too much energy to it (I agree with you 100%) Thank You

and as @Mno said just take what’s yours. You right here.

So Thank’s everyone, I really don’t want to start a long conversation here, as
I always reply to people and some people accept that as me being
greedy and that I am kind of person who demands last word. No sorry. I just always Reply and never ignore. At least I try.


I don’t know if it’s allowed or correct to suggest this, but my recommendation would be zinc, Vitamin C, and ginger tea.

Get well soon!


God, these pics give me a breath of fresh air😂
Thank you for being proud of me. I am massively proud of you just the same :heart:
Yes we cant change the past. Helps me to remember that it doesn’t really exist. Nor does the future. Taking ODAAT so literally XD.
It’s just a yes or no question in the present: have we learned now or not? If we have, it can’t get better than that. You’re golden👌 all of you.

Allow me to stick this one right onto my brain :+1:


Hey all, checking in on day 1161. I hope everybody has a good one!


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 6

A huge thank you to everyone for your kind words, encouragement, positive vibes, thoughs and prayers.

Talked to the hospital this morning, the situation is worse but stabilized in the bad state (Probably not the correct term, but I mean that it doesn’t get worse than this at the moment)

Infection is really High, fever is really High. They still don’t want to do the surgery in this state, but if they don’t he might get sepsis and die, so they asked me if I allow them to try anyway.
At this time he can’t speak for himself. He is barley conscious.
I said I do allowe them to try if they think that’s the best thing to do.
Either way it’s a High risk.
If they do nothing he probably won’t make it out alive, and if they go for surgery he might or might not make it.

To be honest it was probably the toughest decision I ever had to do.

Hopefully it’ll turn out great.
Hopefully I did the right choice.

Still haven’t told the kids, I’m going to wait and see where it turns.
They know that he is really sick, and might not come home for a long time.
That’s all for now.

Wishing y’all a great Saturday.
I’ll be back with updates tonight when I hopefully know more.


Thank you for the reminder, I forgot to take Zinc.
I took a high dosage of Vit C yesterday and I’ll do the same today. Can’t drink ginger tea :weary: It’s just ugh!
I got some chicken and will make a soup later.
Now: Covid test.


A healing candle burning for your husband while he goes through the procedures today. Holding him and all of you in thought and prayer and hoping for the best outcome.
The candle is blend of lemon balm, cedar, heather and ocean.
Big Hugs Sophie. Thinking about all of you. Fingers crossed.



I noticed You are very smart and intelligent person. Have to give a credit. Zink, I agree that is very important :+1:
Get well soon @Sabrina80 Lots of :tea:


Thank you :blush:
Unfortunately it’s Covid :grimacing: I’m positive in the test. I hope it doesn’t get worse, I’m feeling okay-ish still :smiling_face:


Wishing you a speedy recovery Sabrina. Do you have someone who can bring you medicine, vitamins, soup etc?


Nope :smiling_face_with_tear: But I have everything I need, I somehow knew something’s coming and hit the pharmacy yesterday after work :+1:
That’s the negative side of being a single without any family :disappointed: