Checking in daily to maintain focus #57


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Checking in for day 4.

The last night was tough. We tried to sleep in our new apartment but the air mattress was wasted. So we went to my brother in law house right in the middle of the night to get some sleep. Exhausting…


Hi All, checking in on Day 48. Slept badly so struggling a little this Monday morning :sleeping:

Finishing my coffee then ready to start my working day, week. I am unsettled at work at the moment but think it is just a phase.

Realised recently that I have dumped decades worth of stuff recently, this experience has been so good for me in working through things and letting go. I am sure holding onto the bad things was affecting my health (chronic fatigue syndrome and all the neuro stuff). I am feeling really positive and so much calmer. Naturally I still have problems, but they are my reality now, not holding onto things from a long time ago. I no longer freeze when I see an ambulance, or expect negative things as was my pattern before.

Onwards and upwards. Wishing everyone a peaceful and sober day.


Good solid job distinguishing the voices👍. Can get tiring to have to constantly be on our own butts and inspect our innermost thoughts. But you’re doing it one day at a time still.

It personally helps me when I think of /refer to my addict voice as the “hurt part of my brain” or my “fried brain”.

This came from a scientific documentary I saw about how while drinking/ using, the memory creation in our brain drastically changes!
The result is unnaturally strong memories that burn themselves into our brains, with several times the intensity of any memories we make while sober.

So quite literally our brains are branded with memories about using. The mental picture is clear.

When I think of it that way, I have less fear / hatred towards this unwelcomed voice in my head. I have more sympathy and will feel the urge to do my body / brain’s health sth good. Eat / drink sth healthy, go for a walk, learn a new language, whatever.

My brain: Really, sincerely want to use
Me: There, there Fried Brain


Congratulations on everybody’s sober counts! :partying_face:
My dear sweet community I am so grateful to you.
Every single person here makes me feel better. :heart:


Day 133 checking in


Thank you, Catmancam! I already feel drastically better mood wise. Now that Ive said this, it’ll surely get immeadiately worse :joy:.

Relate a lot about feeling drained from socializing. Can be damn hard to live on low energy. Feels like you have to miserably drag your body every step, while everyone else is on roller skates, haha.

But still respect that you did so much socializing. Great job :+1: Hope you can find small, innovative ways to micro-recharge your batteries during these busy days. That’s a challenge, I know XD

Wishing all the energy for your busy week!
So proud of everyone here. :clap: Let’s just get through today, team.



One day off work. I have to take Luna to the vet today. She’s not well, trying to eat but having a very hard time at it. Drinking or drugging couldn’t be further from my mind. Spare us a thought or two. And have as good a day as you all can. Love.


Healing thoughts for that sweet kitty. I’ll be thinking of you two today.


Jasmine, never ever say sorry for replying late okay? :people_hugging:
We all appreciate your kind and caring soul on here so much :heart:
Yes the boss does only care that the job gets done somehow. They even want us to come back as soon as we don’t have any symptoms any more, no matter if we’re still positive or not.
We won’t do that. We’ll get back to work when we’re free from symptoms and negative.
@Mno sending good healing vibes to your kitty :heart:


Day 219.

Top of the morning sober people. Ok… it’s midday and I’ve been only been up for an hour. But what an hour! I managed to drag myself out of bed and make coffee! If that’s not an achievement, I don’t know what is.

Yeah, I’m absolutely fucking exhausted. So I’m taking it a bit slow today.


Morning guys checking in. All by my lonesome for a few days. Well I got the 3 dogs, but wife took the last kid down the shore few days before college on Thursday, so I’ll be trying to stay busy and get some stuff done around the house. Have a great day :v::green_heart:


Wishing you both well :pray:


Great job on a week sober Julia :v::green_heart::muscle:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 8

Back at work.
Talked to the hospital, even with the antibiotics my husband now also have pneumonia.

I didn’t have to talk much with the hospital because I’m at work.

But it more or less feels like it’s getting worse again.
Today’s tests didn’t look good.

Had to reschedule my Thursday when I’m supposed to start early at work. Switched with a colleague so I’m starting late, can leave my kids at school at instead habe to work late and close our school section again.

That’s all for now

That’s all I know.


Hey all, checking in on day 1163. I hope everybody has a good one!


Ah Sophia
This is such a scary time for all of you. Im grateful that hes getting good care and is being looked after. Sending loads of healing energy his way.
We are right here with you love. Thank you for keeping us updated. Sending you strength as well - You are not alone. :people_hugging:


Oh shit @MrsOdh I am at a loss for words. I believe in the power of prayer Sophia and I hope that others who do here on TS join me in prayer. Would you share your husband’s first name please. I have a saintly friend in nortwest Georgia who has prayed for me and friends when I request it . She is 93 and absolutely connected to the Universe. She has had the Benedictine monks pray for me! I am so sorry for your troubles Sophia.


Days PMO free: Day 18
Days with PS5 in the closet to close the day: 26
Days went to bed the same time with my wife: 26

Great weekend. Had my fantasy football draft party with my bros over the weekend, hung out with my wife and kids, overall it was a good weekend. Thankful that i’m sober but i’m still on red alert. For some strange reason at the 3 week mark this year i kind of lose my mind and i know what that means. That ‘Cured’ behavior kicks in and i start being stupid again. I’m in a good groove, i just want to keep it going. I briefly watched sportscenter in the bathroom and that’s a red flag. As many of you know, that’s my trigger spot, so again, i just have to be smart and use all the tools i’ve gathered to help push me forward. But i’m thankful and hopeful. I’m sober, and i just want to keep it going. Have a great day everyone.


Congratulations @tailee17.


Day 8 is great! Thank you for keeping us updated. :pray: