Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Day 321 sober

Working working working
I am so tired.
But I’m sober so I’m happy



My starship is wrecked on the dunes. It is not as bad as it seems. I think I can still fix it.

So after almost two months of sobriety and a totally new perspective of life I relapsed on my vacations. I know I will totally do no changes to my new way of life. I know it will work. I totally understand my mistake I made and I think I got to do it. It meant to be.
Lately I felt like some of you actually wanted me to fail. Well guess what. I will take what it’s mine and I will continue my Journey. I trust my Higher Power and it is the biggest step forward I’ve ever made. I will not blame anyone. I am happy with my progress.


Thank u so much!!! :smiley:


1 .25day no weed
39.88 days no ciggs or vapes
108.90 days no alcohol

No weed this morning and I had a much better day then yesterday

1hour 34min left of work and I have the evening off

I can’t wait



Evening checkin.
Survived all the cravings without a stop on my way back. (it had been like 17 or more, didn’t have one the first 11 days)
Back home now

No shit in the fridge.

Will prepare some zero passionfruit
lemonade drink now!


Human services. Going for my casact, possibly lpn as well


Day 330

Still Covid positive, but there is only a very very thin line. I hope that tomorrow morning there won’t be a line any more.
For the first time this week I cooked a decent meal and ate all of it, that’s good. My taste is still a little wonky, I hope that’s getting better in the next weeks. I love food, it would be awful if everything keeps on tasting like paper with a little salt.

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


@timetochange great job on not listening and giving into that voice. Sorry it lasted for so long – keep strong my friend – you are doing great at 64 days!
@mischa84 if you haven’t already done so – check out the Netflix Hulu HBO Apple etc…… binge ideas please! thread for some recommendations – Happy watching

A lot can change in a couple of weeks. Grateful you did talk with hubby and the talk helped. Wishing you luck in making this decision. I know you are feeling overwhelmed so do take time for you in this process and make sure you have your “me” time going forward as well.
@soberbilly HA HA – I was actually thinking of you when I picked up the pack cause you had mentioned learning that Oreo’s are vegan :wink: Footloose and fancy on a Sunday – you rock this beautiful day!
@juli1 damn those cravings are acting crazy love – I’m sorry! I do hope you are able to find ways to occupy your mind and re-train those urges. You are strong as hell Jules with your 13 days! Saw your evening check in – you get it girl – no shit in fridge and no unnecessary stops. YUMMY lemonade – enjoy :yum:
@rob11 thanks for checking in even when you are in overdrive- I do hope you can relax and find some calmness. Doing amazing with your sobriety and your treatment journey
@mindofsobermike Hey super Mike sounds like you are having a rough day processing. You have been busy with camping and school orientations and tomorrow is first day so you may just need today for YOU. It’s ok to have time to yourself maybe go to the gym or get some fresh air. Sending great happy vibes your way my friend. So much to do to stay out of the boredom mentality – hope you have an awesome Sunday
@katiee Doing great on 63 days my friend – grateful you side stepped those triggers and seeing another beautiful day sober

I do hope you get your taste buds back soon – that would be totally awful – I too enjoy food oh so much and couldn’t imagine not tasting all the wonderful flavors! Wishing you a quick an healthy recovery

Checking in on Sunday afternoon
Much love my sober friends. Its been another emotional day but i am hanging in. Nope not going to crawl into temptations or escape. I may sleep a shit ton of hours. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I did not sleep well this morning and the buckets of coffee i’ve dumped into this body really isn’t doing its job. Grateful that i took time to catch up here - you all always help so much - thank you for being here! Hope everyone has an amazing addiction free Sunday - sending all you warriors much love :heart: :heart:


19 days AF. We had some trouble giving Smokey his B12 supplement which involves a needle but it’s ok, it’s not required and we can try again next week. Attempting to not let anxiety and disappointment make me ungrateful that we have the chance to try this medication at all.

Been feeling tired, I think it’s all the emotions of the last two weeks catching up to me. Went to a traditions AA meeting this morning to see my sponsor and her husband who is in Al Anon. I’m so grateful for the nonprofit that allows us to have meeting space there. We pay rent but I’m sure it is highly discounted. I’m also reading the 1st-3rd step daily meditations which are really beautiful. My mom and I had a short text convo and she actually sounded good and “normal” and it was a nice exchange. I feel stronger since rediscovering my spiritual life. :yellow_heart: happy sober living folks 🩷


And huge congrats @CueBall8n9 :smiling_face::+1::1st_place_medal:


Afternoon check in sober day 42.

Dealing with medication side effects. I’ll call my doctor tomorrow morning. It may just be a matter of my body adjusting.

Also dealing with a difficult situation with a friend. Trying to balance being supportive and protecting my peace.

Thankfully leaving for vacation Tuesday morning.


I am sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now?


Checking in, been a really busy but relaxed day. Went for a long walk and picnic, then to a National Trust place as we were close. It was lovely and my kids are so happy and giggling together. Sibling relationships at their age are so complicated so hearing them happy is such a joy.

We are off work this week and have decided to go into London tomorrow to do the proper tourist experience. Thames boat tour, Tower of London and more. So excited! I am definitely an outdoor in nature person but the in your face history of London definitely appeals too, will just need a long walk in the woods on Tuesday to recover :rofl:


Sending you strength my friend. I believe in you :heart:


Day 7: no grazing
Day 756: no pills


Day 20
Second check in:
To be honest today has been really hard, not so much to drink or use but just really down,I finally made a call to a friend in the program I just don’t want to continue to screw up my life. Just for today :upside_down_face:


day 543 of no self harm

bad health day. feeling really sick and weak and nauseous. I know it’s probably dehydration and/or lack of food. I genuinely do not feel thirsty or hungry. thirst almost never and hunger only hits once my blood sugar has already dropped and I feel like hell. by the time I realized I’m hungry I’m nauseous. it’s miserable
it’s a symptom of autism so not much to be done. I did plan to be productive and clean a small area of my room but i can’t even manage to change my clothes today. exhausted as well.

getting desperate for a job, I’ve called every place I’ve applied to 2 or 3 times now but no one ever reached out. because I’ve been feeling my health get worse I may end up waiting until my doctor’s appointments are over and I have some answers about my health.


How are you doing Billy? Glad that you called your friend and checked in here - hoping that it helped. Day 20 is amazing my friend! Keep strong - it does get easier :muscle:


hey Megan
i do hope you get hydrated and get some food in you - both are essential if you want to heal (need nourishment). It may be hard as our stomachs shrink once we stop eating and it is hard to feel the hunger sensations. would you be able to set up eating / drinking schedules and start small portions. I know it seems hard- it took me 8 months to start eating properly and stop living on skipped meals. I really do hope that you start feeling better soon.

So sorry you are not hearing back for jobs. I do hope that you do get some answers soon and your health starts improving!


I did download an app to remind me to drink water so hopefully that helps. my food options are so limited it’s hard to find meals aside from fast food which I can’t go buy everyday. it’s definitely something I’ll have to work on in therapy