Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

Checking in sober day 63.

Mostly a relaxing weekend but dealing with a nagging headache.


one week! 7 days AF :smiling_face: getting clarity on a lot, many things shifting, feels good i’m excited to be here and continue :metal:t4:


Checking in on day 55.


Congratulations on ur 1 week!!


My bonus daughter is here sleeping over!
Day 343 sober

We have to figure out some things for her house, so for now, she’s spending the night :blush:


@catmama23 just thinking of you today – hope you are doing well.
@holysquid great to see you and doing so well at 195 days!
@sadmemequeen Yikes – sounds like a hell of day yesterday. I do hope you are much better now and grateful that you and your grandpa are ok. Beetlejuice the musical –wow – have a wonderful time! :heart:
@jennyh Hope you had a wonderful day. Sounds super productive. Love that you made your space into a sanctuary – so important to have space for yourself.
@sabrina80 I do hope that some rest helps and the tired feeling is not long Covid bs. Grateful that work is feeling less stressful to think about . Yeah to having the psoriasis calmed down!
@calgary5577 Way to go and stay strong today – not falling into the urges and doing self care instead. Do not let the shame and guilt get to you – you are doing so great my friend and feeling those feelings will only result in making room for your DOC. Sorry that you are dealing with a SO drinking around you – may want to check out the following thread - Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?. Hoping it helps.
@galen_82 way to go my friend – changing up your daily routines and finding healthier habits. Keep at it – the tiredness will lift in time. Beginning is rough as our bodies are going the detox phase. Stay strong :muscle:
@will3 great sober time under your belt – I am sorry you are having struggles in other parts but grateful that you are doing so sober!
@icebear Do hope that you start to feel better soon my friend. Grateful that you will be attending a meeting tonight – do hope it helps with these drinking thoughts. We are right here with you – you are not alone.
@butterflymoonwoman You are absolutely right – YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG – screw other’s opinions. You are a beautiful caring human being and we love you to pieces. I do hope you and your son have a wonderful time together tomorrow! Much love my dear friend – Here’s to making changes – I am with you on that – Tomorrow is a new day!



Have a wonderful date night with hubby - you deserve this and so much more!

LOL - you made me laugh with the imagery of you shaking the apple tree - hope you got some yummy apples :yum:

th (1)
Celebrate you today and celebrate loud – say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!!! Its your day.


@lotusflower Hey Des – way to go on finding healthier ways to deal with the feelings and not escaping with a substance. 5 days is awesome! Keep going strong. Looking forward to your treatment starting soon. Grateful to have you on this journey with us.
@JuliaLuna Way to go on your 1 week milestone Julia! Keep strong and fighting for a better life.
@tailee17 Hows Sunday treating you Lam?

Checking in Sunday evening
270 free of alcohol and weed
685 days free of cigarettes

WOW - it’s been a low key day and I did get in a 4 hour nap today (Damn that felt good) – it was just from being tired cause i stayed up late - not because i was hungover or dealing with my CF. Feels like a normal Sunday afternoon activity. So much catching up here - i love how active TS has been lately. Love how so many souls are here working on a better addiction free life.
Much love to all you beautiful souls! :heart: :heart:


Woo!! Made it with my sobriety in tact… had an emergency wedding decor help session and I turned down everything but a soda! I got this! Day 97.5!!


Thank you Jasmine.:purple_heart:

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Day92 without alcohol
Home from the lake. Glad to be home. Wishing I had one more day. I’m house sitting and dog sitting next weekend for a friend but I’m really wanting a weekend at home for myself. It’s been a lot traveling every weekend for the last few weeks.

Lizard season here in AZ and my cat keeps catching baby lizards and bringing them in the house. Really not up to catch and release.

My back is bothering me. It’s been painful as of late which is disappointing. I will call and head back to the pain management doctor for next steps. Bummed it’s cramping my ability to live the kinda life I want. It could be worse I suppose.


Checking in
412 days no booze
30 days no tobacco
Wandered around in a mostly dried up crick bed for a few hours with my boys. Saw a mountain toad and the dog licked it. He foamed at the mouth and I flushed him with all the water I had on me. On the way back to the vehicle he was acting kinda goofy. Maybe he was tripping a little.
Ended our day at the lake. Apollo was being a dirty little butthole until I gave him a fish. I ruined the dog’s manners but it’s probably the healthiest thing that he eats. Happy Sober Night to Everyone.


Happy happy birthday @Mira_D , you beautiful soul :green_heart:
I hope night out was fun and apples tasty :wink: You are doing great with your life, I truly adore you.



Checking in, commited to stay sober.

I have some hunting worries in my head this morning. It’s about the life changes and the new apartment. And why I am so hardly tired all the time. If I am doing things right.


Sunday Funday! No not really :upside_down_face:

Slept in which was nice. Leisurely watched a movie while listening to neighbors hooting and hollering over the Bills game. I am no sort of sports fan. After warming up with a shower I felt motivated to clean. But then procrastinatingly thought of where to start for so long I ended up with only an hour. Spot cleaned the bathroom, put dishes away, put away some clothes, and vacuumed. Better than nothing.

Developed a headache on the way to get my daughter. Those new LED headlights are fucking blinding at night. It’s like permanent high beams. Anyway. Just had a sneeze attack and my eyes are itchy. Feel like sleep is the answer.

Goodnight all 🩷


day 565 of no self harm

it is almost 1am just got home from Beetlejuice the musical. I laughed for most of the show , I’ve seen a handful of musicals on tour and this was by far the best in terms of fun. it was like a comedy show and a musical together. so much better than I could’ve imagined.

heading to bed now so glad I got to experience this


Day one, again. Third time of getting sober, this will be the hardest, but i know i can do it with everything i’ve learned the last two times. I had 18 months and the relapsed for a year and a half. Sobered up again for two years and relapsed after a hard break up.

Started drinking again while dating, i pretend i managed it at the start. But i never really did. Found myself in another relationship, for comfort, drinking almost ruined it once. I promised to not drink anymore. Quit fot two weeks and then hid my daily drinking from her for the last 8 months. She travels for work a lot, so the times she was gone i hid myself in my house and drank morning to passout.

I’ve maintained my job and my house, but i have become a recluse. I hate how i feel. My girlfriend has to move across the country because of work. We are ending things. I found this out two weeks ago and have drank myself to the edge.

This weekend was my breaking point. I’m tired of being controlled by alcohol! I know how to be sober, i want a life! I am a fighter and not a quitter, i will not let alcohol take me out or control my life.

So tonight I poured all of it down the drain. Day 1 starts now, i’m done!

I’ve been a part of this community for many years. Love the support it gives, i need it now.


standing ovation


This is fascinating. I will take it to heart, thank you!