Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

It was a typo :grimacing: 352 is correct :+1: Still almost a year whoop whoop :muscle::heart:


I’m on day 68 , feeling good.


Checking in on day 85, I decided to have a good day today, so I am :smile:
Have a good day everyone :white_heart:


That’s a good message! Thanks for sha!


Day 1003,

Feeling wounded, worked further on family set-up. She asked me if I need to be near them again and what I need if I’m close by. Feel so disconnected. I’m done for the day :heart:


Hey guys, I wanted to quickly check in to let you know I’m doing well.
This past week I’ve ended my treatment with my psychologist as I’m doing so well. I will however start working with a practical help to help me become more responsible with everyday tasks, such as having a healthy diet, cleaning and hygiene.
It was difficult, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that I can’t fix those things on my own. Even if my ego (and almost everyone around me) tells me otherwise.
I am enjoying the new job a lot. I feel appreciated there. And I’m already my manager’s right hand.
It has helped me heal the trauma that my old job left on me.


Good to see you check in and sounding so well! Glad you’re accessing help that’s available to you. And that you’re new job is going so well!


0.43 days no weed
Smoked yesterday :disappointed:
Reset it to midnight

133 days no alcohol
64 days no cigs

I relized I have no self control
That’s why I’m still using the lozenges and picking up weed

I’m going to work on that big time

At work
More later


Day 1. My husband is close to 60. Ive been here many times but finally feel like I’m officially done with alcohol. I’m sick of it. Tired of wasting money, killing my body etc. I just have to get through the hangxiety and nausea. Currently nibbling on a pickle to try to keep it at bay while I work. I cannot wait to feel better tomorrow and never have to feel like this again if I choose not to. Its up to me.


@danam56 I’m sorry that your back is causing you pain. It is disappointing that the back procedure did not offer more days of relief. I do hope that they are able to figure out a better pain management for you love :hugs:
@curtis-81 WOOT WOOT 1 month no tobacco – you must be feeling fantastic! OH my – didn’t’ realize that mountain toads could have such trippy side effects…hope Apollo is now calm and grounded.
@juli1 being exhausted at the beginning of our recovery is totally normal. Your body is trying to regulate itself and this takes time. Grateful to see you on day 17 and fully committed – the tiredness will lift in time – just be gentle with yourself

Welcome back and great job on taking back control of your life! We are here with you and I know you have the tools to make this time stick! Much love on your journey – we got your back!

Its great being on day 38 but you got to remember that this is still early sobriety and many feelings are still raw and needing attention. We are right here if you need to talk out the anxiety. Wishing you a stress free day at work. Keep going strong :muscle:
@mia2 so good to hear from you my friend. Grateful that the MBT model is working for you and your stiff neck issues are cured (this is fantastic). Please do see a doctor if your symptoms carry on much longer – no need to torture yourself with sickness if a doctors visit can help. Also – please do not beat yourself up over not checking in here – this is meant to be a tool to help you not berate you. Of course we miss you but the important thing is that you are doing well. Thank you kindly for your sweet words – I am having a fairly good day today :pray:
@deelzebub ah love I am soooo sorry to read this today. Big comforting hugs to you. I am grateful that you do have your son around to check in on you. Do make sure to try and have some liquids at least (even if you can’t eat). Its ok to selfcare in bed (try to meditate while lying cozily in your bed). Are you able to call your therapist for a phone conversation? You are not alone in this – I do hope you start to feel better soon :people_hugging:
@hisharleyquinn1318 You are killing it with 98 days! I am so impressed with how well you are doing and way to go on not giving in to the temptation.
@catmama23 So good to hear from you and know that you are staying connected to your sponsor and working on your sobriety. You are doing fantastic – I know the unknown can be scary – we are right here with you.

Baby steps my friend – you are doing amazingly well with one week of freedom. Keep up the hard work and enjoy some free time to focus on self care! :heart:


Can’t say it was easy. I’ve been tempted a lot lately. Stress is trying to break me. But I will keep my eye on the prize.


Oh Mike – I know its hard after your weekends to feel like you are missing out on stuff with the girls. Do realize that you are working on yourself and making some positive changes. You are being an amazing role model for them and they do know how much you love em. Grateful that you do have group so that you can get that connection. So important in recovery. I do hope that you are also able to get your gym sessions back into play – that release and gain of endorphins will be super helpful to you. I think you are doing so well – super proud of where you are at and what you are accomplishing!
@calgary5577 5 days Hell YEAH! And wakign up early without the residual effects of the night before – you are rocking this journey! :muscle:

I decided so I did accomplish – AWESOME – glad you did both and doing awesome with 85 days!
@noshame It is a hard road – grateful that you are sticking to it and not giving up on yourself. You can win this battle – ODAAT!
@megameg Hey – great job on day 1 and coming to this realization. The beginning is tough and this journey takes a lot of work but you can and will do it with support and vigilance. We are here for you and I do hope you can find some good support and practices to do in real life to help keep you on the sober track! Keep super hydrated today – It will help flush out the toxins faster.
@Butterflymoonwoman Hows your day with your son going? I do hope you have been able to do some of your recovery activities this morning - i am right with you and working my recovery practices. :hugs:
@Hisharleyquinn1318 that’s the key - keeping your eye on the prize and finding healthier ways to fight the urges (hopefully with more clean time the urges will lessen). Just so happy for your progress!

Happy Monday my dear sober friends
It is a lovely day so far - feel a bit tired but not enough to slow me down. I am well caffeinated and have managed a very mild 40 min yoga session. Going to get ready for my PT in a few hours. The movement is causing my body to swell but not moving is causing my mind to not feel well so I’m taking the swelling for now. A healthy mind can face anything :wink:
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


God is testing me. I haven’t broken and I refuse to break. Thanks to all of you for letting me lean on you when I struggle. Yet another test will be in 3 weeks when he leaves again this will be more times he has seen them since the twins were born.


Thank you for believening in me
I might come across to some who might think I don’t want to quit because I keep picking up
I feel like it’s ok to pick up then immediately regret it. It’s a head game with the weed as much as addiction or dependentcy.

I have to do this for me. I need more self control big time. I get so focused on work that I tend to forget about real life

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Honestly I know I couldn’t like in that sort of arrangement. I know you have a lot vested in the relationship and are doing what you can to make it work. I am so sorry that you are hurting in the process.

Grateful that you are working on your clean time and ate least getting yourself stronger mentally / physically and emotionally.

Your resilience is shining through! :hugs:


I’ve been where you are and could easily be back there at any moment. I don’t even know how many times i would say no i’m not picking up and within hours i was back at it. It was disheartening and honestly did not know how i was going to leave that life behind. I did finally manage and I know you can too. We are forever fighting our addictions - it is easier to do with support as we can not do this alone.
You have conquered 2 and now are not taking this one lightly – i know you feel like you fail when you pick up but I do see you fighting to quit. Don’t ever quit quitting.

The path is different for everyone. DO what you must to find the self control or distractions or support groups to keep you focused. We do believe in you!


Thank you Menno! Just arrived this morning but allready in love with this country! Enjoy yours as well! :wink::+1:


Oh my friend, ur such a strong woman! I hope ur PT goes well and that there isnt too much swelling afterwards. I havent done much recovery related stuff this morning to be honest. I did workout tho… only had time for a quick 20 min cardio session. Which im proud of none the less. We have to go grocery shopping so we are on the way now. Will definitly do some recovery related stuff once home tho. Thanks for checking in on me friend. Ur the best!!! :yellow_heart::green_heart:🩷


Nice to see ya Jan.
Glad your doing well and working what you’re working.


Welcome back Jan!