Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

Checking in sober.

Busy weekend. I finished with Davis Cup tennis in Manchester with my sister.


Check In, Challenging times in different areas of life, and absolutely grateful to be going through all the motions sober …. :sweat: take it easy - -1 step at a time :ok_hand:


D A Y 1 3 3. Tomorrow morning brings a new week. Full of promise. A chance to grow. Stay disciplined.


Checking in. Feeling really bad today. I even had some serious thoughts about drinking. Haven’t heard from those demons in a long while. Instead I took a nap and will try to hit an online meeting tonight. Thanks for the kind words @JazzyS and @SoberWalker. You’re right I should probably talk to my psychiatrist.

Keep up the fight everyone. Much love.


Checking in
Day 581
Im feeling very disconnected today. Im not necessarily in a bad mood or anything just feeling blah :disappointed:

Work went okay but getting to work was again another story. Basically, detours that werent marked properly so i was waiting at the bus stop for a good 40 min and was again late for work.

Im also really allowing others opinions of me or things that I do effect me too much. In the problem i could care less honestly what others thought of me, but now being clean and sober, it all of a sudden matters. Idk. I havent done anything wrong so ill let it be. I have no control over people or what they think of me anyway. Im just feeling less than right now.

Tomorrow my son will be home from school as his school nurse is sick. So we will be doing a bunch of running around (grocery shopping). I am making sure that i hit the gym in the morning also bcuz I absolutely need to build that healthy routine again. Im tired of living the way i have been living when it comes to my health. And i have to be the one to make changes. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Hope everyone has a great day today and has a lovely start to their week tmrw :butterfly:



Day 6. A Peaceful and a Calm day.


@icebear I hope you feel better. It’s not easy with constant thoughts about drinking. My prayers and love :pray:t4:


Drew, it pains me to hear that you’re struggling with this taper. It’s no joke stuff. But I am so grateful that you can come here and share with us so you aren’t alone in it. A meeting sounds like a good way to get out of your thoughts and your own mind for a few moments. As hard as it is, are there other things you’ve done or can do to help in the most difficult moments? Put headphones on and blast some music? Or listen to a soothing voice in a podcast on something interesting? (That’s a go-to for me) Anyway, I don’t want to get stuck on offering suggestions but just wanted to say I’ve been there and it sucks. You will come out the other side of this and staying sober is so important to the process, too. Hang in there.


Thank you my :heartpulse:friend. Glad to be on this journey with you again. Your amazing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 5!

Peaceful Sunday!
Learning to be still and let my thoughts come and go. Remembering feelings aren’t facts. My rumination is mostly on the past, my ex, his cheating etc…my tramua. I’m trying so hard to heal and move on. Feeling everything now where as for years I would escape with substance…or sit myself in a depression neither helpful or healing.

Tools I’ve used today that have helped. Connecting…reaching out to my sponsor, family. Deep breathing, online meetings, prayer…a lot of prayer :pray:t5: Being present and grateful. Something that a friend from my meetings told me that helps is be BOLD everyday. B…breathe…I… observe…Listen+internally, externally, D decide. This helps me be present in the moment, not so reactive and Courageous. As all will be well :pray:t5:

Find out tomorrow when I go into treatment. Grateful and :thinking: (afraid) this means real change and time too so the work. I can! I will with the help of my higher power!


Bit tired but just wanted to check in. Had a really great weekend with my family & a great birthday today. I have always been a low-key person on my birthday, so dinner with hubby and kids is what I like. Hubby got us a date night organized and we’re going to see Jim Jeffries :slight_smile: I cant wait. Last time we went to a show was either John Prine or Justin Townes Earle…and that was pre-pandemic…dates obernight are few ans far between so Im excited. Love our home & went and gathered anpther laundry basket of apples today.

My husband was telling the kids that usually as people get older they tend to calm down…but not their mom, she gets crazier and crazier :slight_smile: He said this as I was up a ladder shaking the apple tree with sheer fucking joy to get the apples to fall. Happy 24 everyone xo.


Checking in sober day 63.

Mostly a relaxing weekend but dealing with a nagging headache.


one week! 7 days AF :smiling_face: getting clarity on a lot, many things shifting, feels good i’m excited to be here and continue :metal:t4:


Checking in on day 55.


Congratulations on ur 1 week!!


My bonus daughter is here sleeping over!
Day 343 sober

We have to figure out some things for her house, so for now, she’s spending the night :blush:


@catmama23 just thinking of you today – hope you are doing well.
@holysquid great to see you and doing so well at 195 days!
@sadmemequeen Yikes – sounds like a hell of day yesterday. I do hope you are much better now and grateful that you and your grandpa are ok. Beetlejuice the musical –wow – have a wonderful time! :heart:
@jennyh Hope you had a wonderful day. Sounds super productive. Love that you made your space into a sanctuary – so important to have space for yourself.
@sabrina80 I do hope that some rest helps and the tired feeling is not long Covid bs. Grateful that work is feeling less stressful to think about . Yeah to having the psoriasis calmed down!
@calgary5577 Way to go and stay strong today – not falling into the urges and doing self care instead. Do not let the shame and guilt get to you – you are doing so great my friend and feeling those feelings will only result in making room for your DOC. Sorry that you are dealing with a SO drinking around you – may want to check out the following thread - Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?. Hoping it helps.
@galen_82 way to go my friend – changing up your daily routines and finding healthier habits. Keep at it – the tiredness will lift in time. Beginning is rough as our bodies are going the detox phase. Stay strong :muscle:
@will3 great sober time under your belt – I am sorry you are having struggles in other parts but grateful that you are doing so sober!
@icebear Do hope that you start to feel better soon my friend. Grateful that you will be attending a meeting tonight – do hope it helps with these drinking thoughts. We are right here with you – you are not alone.
@butterflymoonwoman You are absolutely right – YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG – screw other’s opinions. You are a beautiful caring human being and we love you to pieces. I do hope you and your son have a wonderful time together tomorrow! Much love my dear friend – Here’s to making changes – I am with you on that – Tomorrow is a new day!



Have a wonderful date night with hubby - you deserve this and so much more!

LOL - you made me laugh with the imagery of you shaking the apple tree - hope you got some yummy apples :yum:

th (1)
Celebrate you today and celebrate loud – say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!!! Its your day.


@lotusflower Hey Des – way to go on finding healthier ways to deal with the feelings and not escaping with a substance. 5 days is awesome! Keep going strong. Looking forward to your treatment starting soon. Grateful to have you on this journey with us.
@JuliaLuna Way to go on your 1 week milestone Julia! Keep strong and fighting for a better life.
@tailee17 Hows Sunday treating you Lam?

Checking in Sunday evening
270 free of alcohol and weed
685 days free of cigarettes

WOW - it’s been a low key day and I did get in a 4 hour nap today (Damn that felt good) – it was just from being tired cause i stayed up late - not because i was hungover or dealing with my CF. Feels like a normal Sunday afternoon activity. So much catching up here - i love how active TS has been lately. Love how so many souls are here working on a better addiction free life.
Much love to all you beautiful souls! :heart: :heart: