Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Wishing you quick, quick fever reduction, healing and complete and total recovery. Arghhh. Get well soon. Thanks for saying something. :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Second check-in

Called the night doctor and explained what happened. They send an ambulance, they checked some things. It were the values of an eighteen year old they said :joy:. How thatā€™s even possible with my live only god knows. Must have been my psychological reaction that the meds give a allergic reaction just as I thought they are going to do it. Called the centre and they told me to quit. Which of course makes me scared for withdrawal effect. My prescribing psychiatrist is off today, will speak her tomorrow.



Day 158. Back at work. All ok

Training event this pm

Going to try and cut out the amount of diet coke Iā€™m drinking in an evening and move towards cordial or something. Only a few weeks to Christmas :+1: and this one I am not drinking


Day 178 AF.
Iā€™m feeling unusually good this morning. Maybe itā€™s the medication, maybe itā€™s because both kids managed to get into school today, or maybe the yoga. Iā€™m just going to take it though. Iā€™m eating a leisurely breakfast at the moment.


Hey Julia, how are you doing? I with you and @Cindy1010 back on day 3. We can do this! I wrote out a long list of why I donā€™t want to drink again and have it saved in my phone for easy reference. It includes a description of the shame I feel the next day. Examples of stupid decisions I make when drunk, etc. Itā€™s so easy to forget all that.

Take care of yourself! Hugs


I find this amazing, very existentialistšŸ¤˜


I feel a lot of strength and growth coming from this postā€‹:cool::clap::clap::clap:


75 days!
Feeling goodā€‹:slightly_smiling_face::muscle:


Hey all, checking in on day 1263. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 140. Happy Wednesday to all.


9/10 days

Iā€™m so embarrassed about myself today, my overreaction to work asks is so over the top. Forget poking the bear, anyone asking me to take on more work gets to poke the angry little chihuahua!!

Listening to my ACOA I know I have an insane response to stimulus and thatā€™s through learned self protectiveness. But itā€™s shameful when I go off on one. Boss called me to talk it through as apparently I annoyed him via messaging and he felt I was going off on him. We talked it through and I explained Iā€™m a HSP and have almost ADHD tendencies and overarching perfectionism. I didnā€™t go into anything further as thatā€™s my dirty little secret, right?

Gotta dislodge my teeth from various ankles and learn to PAUSE. do I need to speak? Do I need to fight right now? Am I gonna expire if I let someone one step closer than my ring fence of assumed sanity and comfort? Will I blow up if I just accept? Why do I have to be so bloody minded and commanding and overbearing? Isnā€™t that what my mum did to me? Shame overwhelms me.

Itā€™s definitely something I vow to work on. Not for their sake; for mine! So shameful to be this ugly angry person.


I am 10 hours away from day 18 and Iā€™m feeling pretty good but Iā€™m definitely having to fight the cravings today. Itā€™s weird because theyā€™re there but I definitely feel like Iā€™m not going to give in, although I know that I could at any moment. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: It really is something that takes us over completely. Itā€™s just wild to me how you can set your intentions and say for sure that youā€™re not going to do something but in all reality, if youā€™re honest with yourself, you know that at any moment you could fall right off the wagon so to speak. I may not be in the best mood today but I do know that thereā€™s no pill thatā€™s going to help so I will continue with my morning routine and using my tools in the box. Have a wishful Wednesday everyone!!:+1::muscle::grinning:


Day 118,

Just checking in. Iā€™ve been recruited heavily by another company for sometime, and yet again this morning. Itā€™s like, iā€™m too loyal, iā€™ve only worked at 2 companies since i was 19 ( a very long time ago) and i probably hang in there too long. Its a scary thing to leave. For some people itā€™s not scary at all. I think what keeps me at my present company is: FOLKS DONT BOTHER ME. My boss talks to me once a week in a meeting about what iā€™m doing and thatā€™s it. the 401K situation isnā€™t the best, this other company offers an ESOP which is interesting. Itā€™s just a scary thing. Plus i like everyone here. But the future of my department is very bleak at the moment. They keep losing key people and not replacing them. I dont know.

Have a good day


286 (still, as it rolls over at 7pm)

Checking in this morning bc I became engulfed in a long movie last night that ended around 1am and figured it best to actually go right to bed afterwards.

It was a pretty typical day tho. Got our first dusting of snow :snowflake: Iā€™m okay with a dusting. Itā€™s days like this Iā€™m not looking forward to having to shovel my car out of my 50 ft driveway if our plow doesnā€™t show up on time :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Iā€™ll be looking out for those young kids walking around with shovels, looking to make a buck. I caught them last year for this dayā€¦

This was a couple days after one of our major storms in '22. It had already melted quite a bit!

Iā€™ll check back tonight :grin: Hope you all enjoy your day!


This is all I read from your whole reply and Iā€™ve sat here for ten minutes going through a tumble drier of emotions and speaking it in different voices to understand (annd not be angry about it and pissed off) and with some pause, I realise you are correct. I did. And I feel shame again also now, and that kind of does need to change as itā€™s so unhealthy and unnecessary.

Thank you for your thoughts, I agree with you completely on a lot of what you said. I did seek CBT over fifteen years ago, but the therapist was very inappropriate and I have been a bit scarred by it. Thereā€™s a tonne I can do myself and today, I think, is just the tearing open of the tip of this truth and observing it full on for the first time ever. As it is, not how I want it to be.

Thank you.


I feel ya on changing jobs. It can be such an upheaval to your life. I was at my first job for 12 years and only left bc I had my daughter and needed more money. Now Iā€™m past 8 years in my current job and occasionally think about leaving but the uncertainty makes me stay. When the time is right, weā€™ll know :blush:


Hey welcome to the family Kate. Congrats on 9 days SAF. :v:


Iā€™m in New York, near Lake Ontario. 30 minutes from Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Lake effect snow is no joke.

Welcome btw :wave:


Good morning peeps. Checking in. Very cold this morning in the NE part of the states. Work is going good, gonna start to get busy though the colder it gets. Not happy about having to put the motorcycle away probably for a few months. Maybe weā€™ll get a surprise 60 degree day in December :crossed_fingers:. Hope you all have a great day. Love yaā€™s.
Glad youā€™re right back at it @Juli1.


I went to Buffalo a few years back for a wedding. Really nice there, but holy shit thatā€™s a different kind of cold up there. Stay warm. :v: