Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

I’ve heard good things about The Power of Now. I think I’ll get it on my reading app.


I like the idea of a social media Detox. I think i’m going to do that with youtube.
a 60 day youtube detox. I think i’ll start that today!


Go for it! And tell me how it feels if you want :blush: In my case it does help calming my racing mind and I fall asleep way faster and sleep better :+1:
I really was online a lot, the worst was 8 hours of TikTok on a Sunday.


Making good choices to protect yourself to keep moving forward still hurts


I’ve never used TokTik but that sounds horrendous!


I’ve suffered from neck and back pain for 20+ years. I know it can be debilitating. Even more so sober. I’ve been to physical therapy 3 separate times but it only got me 70% pain free. As already said, heat does help (I’m addicted to my heating pad in the winter), but finding a chiropractor was life changing for me. In between appointments I’ve found this guy, and a couple others, that has many great exercises/stretches for all types of pain. I hope you find relief :heart:


@just_laura 260 is a great number! Anxiety could be a huge factor but also I know for my dad he was dealing with kidney issues for a while and he would pick at his skin as a way to deal with the symptoms (not knowing that the kidney symptoms were causing this) – he finally went to the doctor and got his health back in order and now does not pick at his skin (maybe a similar to what you are experiencing?) The skin picking was his minds way of dealing with other symptoms.
@butterfly0812 congrats on your day 1 and so great that you are feeling the thrill of sobriety. Many more amazing days ahead – stay strong :muscle:
@mischa84 I am sorry love – I know how annoying a pinched nerve can be and hell anything that disturbs sleep can just FRO. Have you tried a warm compress on your neck? I do find that sometimes the relaxing heat helps. I do hope you find some relief soon.

50 days and going strong with a brand new attitude and view on life!! I absolutely love this for you and am thrilled to be on this journey with you. Way to go Jenny :muscle: :clap: :hugs:
@bomdhil 15 days and plodding forward my friend – you are doing amazingly well. My bday is December 12th – my sober date is 21st so I am looking forward to making some new sober memories :heart:
@deelzebub that is super interesting sculpture. I really think you should look into doing an exhibit – maybe that will bring meaning to your work and also joy to others when you share your beautiful pieces? I know it takes time to set it up and then be under the gun to produce the work for it but maybe start working on the pieces with that in mind and then set up the exhibition when you are ready… just a thought. Wishing you a wonderful Friday – thank you for sharing your visions with us :pray:

Checking in on Friday - i am trying to digest some of the test results that have already come back. BREATHE IN AND BREATHE OUT. I managed to get 3 hours of broken sleep last night due to various pains. I am a hot mess but am determined to drink coffee - shower and make the most of this sunny November day!
Sending everyone so much love :heart: :heart:


Awesome! Keep it up!


Sorry to hear about your neck. Sometimes when I spend too much time on the computer I get one and the pain is terrible.

I loves me some alone time. Just me and the quiet i get it so emjoy!


:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 628
Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their day so far. Today im doing a little shopping for a few things I need. I needed a backpack for work and managed to score one on sale for 39.99 normally 89.99! And now im just waiting for the nail place to have an opening. I normally do my own nails but thought id pamper myself today and get them professionally done. No workout for me today bcuz my son has a half day of school. Havent had cravings to use in days now and im soooo grateful for that. Idk what changed in my thinking but something did. Hope u all have a wonderful day! :butterfly:


Day 132. Cold and wet in Liverpool. Nice to be sober dealing with things here. All the stuff with my dad has been good but stressful… I will stay here till he is able to come home and make sure he settles in safely, then I will drive back to Cornwall


Checking in sober. No change there :+1::+1:

Just coming through the first 5 days of Covid that’s not been too pleasant. Hopefully the worst has past now. :crossed_fingers:


Day 625. I like starting my day scrolling this site with you wonderful people. I will continue. Happy days to all. If today is not a happy day just do it sober with me and wait for a happy one to come along and surprise you.


Its no longer your new job when you become disgruntled haha. Just kidding! Congrats!


Happy Friday! Day 17. Slept like crap last night but i think it’s all the stupid Halloween candy im earing haha. So none today! Umm ask me later how that turns out lol. Big issue yesterday where I took my will back and got very angry. Well it ended badly as 1 would expect. Had a major 10th step just a few minutes ago. In a much better place now.

Havwva great day everyone!



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I will add it to my daily count. This is my only social media, youtube is toxic for me. tiktok even worse :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Taking easier on my workout schedule. Yesterday was at Sauna and instead of doing a workout, first time in like 2+ years had a swim. Half kilometer swim / no breaks / In 20 minutes I was feeling like after good run. Quite a good workout. Muscles working as in gym, cardio system working as on run +PLUS that is very healthy for the spine - and I have tons of problems with my spine. Also because of truck job it gets worse, especially the shoulders and neck area.
Instead of active recovery I usually push even harder. 11 hours at work every day, 2-4 run workouts and 2 gym workouts every week. I see that I need to put more balance here as I starting to get traumas, but I don’t know instead of falling back I keep pushing even with when I feel the pain. I sort of like that in a way… Usually when I over-trained I started to drink alcohol. Now there is no alcohol and I push even harder. Good news I kind of feel more energetic and over-training seems like not coming soon.
Still, chilling out in sauna yesterday I understood I need to implement swimming and saunas time to time. Also I think to start to do some yoga training sessions. Yeap.

It’s a bit hard to do changes like theese, as I always was like that - always pushing forward, never giving up… It’s like giving up in a way, loosing my character… I don’t feel ready for quick changes, but I think I can start slowly with small steps…

‘‘If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs’’ - Nietzsche

''You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee


Day 293.

Today I went and splashed out on the most beautiful soft purple bed throw. It just makes the bedroom look sooo much homey-er. It sucks to admit it, but I am actually really liking staying here. Aside from the neighbours (who are on their best behaviour) this has to be one of the nicest places I’ve ever lived in. And I like being able to like… buy stuff for the home, because it’s my place not an AirBnB.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the travel lifestyle. But it’s nice to have like… a homebase, ya know?

Today I’ve also said out loud the saddest yet most adult thing yet. I told my husband I was gonna get a fuck tonne of work done over the weekend, and then take Monday off so I could clean the flat.

Sad? Maybe. Adulty? Absolutely!