Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

@bones_80 Good to see you checking in Ian. I am so sorry about the recent hospital visit – glad you are back home. Are you feeling any better / less pain? 355 days is amazing my friend – keep going strong :muscle:
@cp25 Hey Cynthia its great to see you jumping right back into sobriety. It is a super hard journey my friend, the disease takes over all of us and leaves us feeling empty and disgusted with our addiction. I do know what you are going through – I personally could never get more than a few days and they were only when I was severely sick. You did just celebrate 30 days – it is possible to be on this journey. We just need to face our cravings one moment at a time and know that they don’t last long. We got your back my friend – lean on us :hugs:
@juli1 I am so sorry about the cravings today Jules. Sorry to hear that your SIL was acting so nasty. Grateful that you were able to get through the triggers without caving. Much love to you my friend – 72 days is outstanding!
@anon68572606 Oh dear friend I am so sorry for all the pain that you are experiencing. I can only imagine the difficulty you are facing. It is your nieces birthday and I’m sure your sibling would want to celebrate her day with you all. Sending you love and comfort my friend. :people_hugging:
@peterc I am sorry for the hard time your are experiencing. The drink will not be a solution and will bring you happiness. Do you have a support system in place (a meeting, sponsor…etc) – someone to talk to ? For me, deep breathing exercises or sometimes strenuous exercising helps (I know different ends of the spectrum – find what works for you). We are here if you just need to talk it out.
@icebear 884 Days is awesome Drew – Happy 45th birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating you.
@butterflymoonwoman Many positive thoughts my friend. Like it’s been mentioned, take care of yourself and know we are here for you. :hugs:
@scorpn Many healing vibes to you my friend. Great to see you checking in on 399 days! much love to you :heart:

Checking in on Sunday evening
326 days free of weed and alcohol
741 days free of cigarettes
It was a super lazy day in bed. Had a hard time getting up but grateful that i was able sleep and get the rest my body needed. DId get to spend some good quality time with my sis which was lovely. Wishing everyone had a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hi Peter :wave: I know how that struggle feels. I could barely string together 24 hours let alone 3 days for a very long time. I have over 135 resets (bc sometimes I didn’t even bother changing it). One day it just stuck. Finally.

For me, something just clicked and I knew I was done. I really can’t explain it but just keep on trying. Once you get there, never look back! Good to have you here :blush:


Day 26. Almost missed the check-in. Have an awesome night.



I’ve been tired and my nose it starting to bother me. I think it’s the second hand smoke from my neighbors. It seeps through the door frame and heat vents. I honestly don’t understand it. I NEVER smoked a cigarette in my house. Even when it was 0° outside. If you want to do it in your own house, fine, but in a building with 7 other apartments? Selfish :angry:

Same ol same ol day. Worked, relaxed, drove for an hour, bed. I should’ve gone shopping but there’s always tomorrow. The chef at work found me a deal on tires for my car so I may check that out. I need them to pass inspection, which is overdue. I have anxiety about seeing cops every time I drive somewhere.

This date, for the past 3 years, has always made me sad. Had covid not happened, I would have 4 years today. Not that I know that for sure, but I’m fairly certain. It is sad to think about, but it’s okay too. I’m here now with a new date and I’ll get to a year in 3 more months. Which seems like no time at all in the grand scheme of things. This is just the way it was supposed to go. Well, I need a snack before some well deserved sleep. Goodnight :heart:


Day 55:

Day started out great, gorgeous fall morning, good coffee and music. My kids came over for pancakes. They may not come over just to see me, but they always come for my pancakes and I’m definitely not above bribing them to get them here!

Kids hung out for quite a while and then had to go to their moms for dinner. I was supposed to go to a friends house for a bbq and to watch football, but I wasn’t feeling it. After my kids left I just felt a little off and definitely didn’t feel like socializing. I just wanted to be home. Luckily my friend understood, well she said she did, but I felt good that knew I was in no mood to go and stayed home.

Got stuff done around my house, got my November workout done, watched some football and got things ready for tomorrow. First day back to the gym is tomorrow at 5am and the workouts are ruff! Always feel better when they are done, but waking up at 4:30 is daunting!

Going to try and get some sleep, talk to you all tomorrow!


Checking in for day 379 AF.

Life got in the way yesterday so I wasn’t able to check in. Had a long lie in (for me) yesterday morning until 9am, so woke up feeling pretty good.

Stayed away from the gym to let my body heal from a couple of injuries, but went to watch my team yesterday afternoon with one of my sons and some friends, and that killed a few hours. Sometimes I don’t want to go as these types of social events often involve a lot of boozing, but because I don’t really go out anymore it’s also the only time I see some of my friends.

Back to the office this morning - hope you all had a great sober weekend



It actually get’s easier and easier the more days are passing. At the beginning I would constantly look up how many days I am sober.

Family and friends are used to it now and it’s normal for them that I don’t drink anymore.
I do sometimes feel like I am more boring now… but ok that is better than ruining my life and feeling constantly ashamed.

Back from a holiday with friends that drink. I felt like they didn’t drink as much as they normally would, maybe because of me?
It did cross my mind ‘maybe just one glass of wine with this good dinner and great company’ but I know what happens if I do and I feel i’ve come so far why ruin it? Husband is also helping me in those moment. I didn’t give in and happy about that. Luckily, these thoughts are also quickly gone again.

Hope everyone is having an awesome day!


It is just that, escape. It won’t fix anything, help you process anything, nothing actually beneficial. You need the energy, clarity and strength that sobriety brings to be able to face anything.:purple_heart:



In today’s episode of ‘first world problems of a sober person’ my daughter has put a cute keyboard on my phone and it is so annoying to use! I keep automatically doing what worked on the default one and this one is a little different. Very cute tho.




Glad I did a long :bike: commute to work yesterday as today we’re back to :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: on my day off. That’s OK. Some house chores to do. Feeling bodily a bit tired but mentally pretty good, certainly compared to a week or two ago.

I do need to keep up the work (ODAAT of course) to stay connected in the analogue world, to consciously refrain from looking at my phone every minute of the day, to stop sitting behind my pc all day every day. I don’t feel I need to go cold turkey and abstain 100% from internet like I did and do with substances. In today’s day and age that’s impossible anyway.

I do need to be, and stay, conscious of the pull and the lure of the endless little cues and triggers that keep us going back to the screens and keyboards. Be conscious and resist and think up alternatives. Doing nothing and staring blankly into space is an alternative as well btw.

Having said that I wish you all to have the very best day you can have friends. Sober and clean. Much love from my commute yesterday.

@AnnaE Congrats on 175 days Anna! I can assure you that you aren’t more boring sober. Even when it might take time to bring out the real you after hiding in drinking for I don’t know how long. As to the “maybe I can have one”. These thoughts come and go. And ever less. That’s where for me One Day at a Time comes into play. Maybe tomorrow. But not today.

@Mindofsobermike Thinking of you Mike.


Checking in, all over the place but mostly okay :+1:


Day 22 :four_leaf_clover:

Before starting a busy work week… A beautiful moment from yesterday :sunny:

BTW , The sadness of my relapsed in the third year is still in my heart. :pensive:


Day 303.

I woke with this urge to go see some fucking trees and nature and shit like that. I’ve been cooping myself indoors for too long and I think it’s part of why I feel so low.


Day 142. Focused pretty well at work. Thinking of seeing if I can reduce from working five days a week to maybe four somehow
No rush. But eventually


Heading into day 2 and feeling pretty good, especially for a Monday. Just trying to stay in a positive head space because I know where negative thoughts lead and I DO NOT want to go down that road. Thank you everyone for all of the warm welcomes and words of encouragement. This is such a great app and definitely one of my favorite tools. I’m gonna take it hour by hour, that seems to be a good plan for right now. I just keep myself busy for an hour and before I know it, the time has passed. Have a Motivational Monday everyone!!!:+1:


Day 63 n still sober… Anxious af got court this am at 9 n really don’t know what the judge is gonna do


@JazzyS I had been off for a while with overwork and responsabilities but sober!


Hey all, checking in on day 1247. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 59
I’m looking forward to a stretch of days off this month.
Setting another days intention to check in with my younger self THREE times today.
I’ll let you know how it goes. Hope to get to my first meeting next week with my support friend. I feel nervous but I can do it. :heart:


Checking in on day 0.

I can’t sugar coat using the last three days…I wanted to. A deep overwhelming sadness swept over me at being back from holiday and facing the reality of my possible redundancy (I will know this week, possibly by Wednesday). I was so uncaring towards myself that I decided drinking would be what I deserved. Nothing awful happened apart from a terrible headache for two days straight and feeling wonky and gross. I’m really struggling mentally with so much stuff, worrying and anxious. I need to get my routines back like good food and cooking from scratch, I’ve been eating absolute shite really for days. I didn’t do my swim session either. I also lost my Kindle on holiday so I’ve completely lost that part of my routine as I spend up to two or three hours a night reading as I struggle with terrible insomnia. I’m lost without that, it was actually a treasured companion :broken_heart:

We go again… I’m still hanging in there.