Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

One day at a time


One month 9 days in and wow I cannot believe how weird and vivid my dreams are every night :flushed: typically they are some sort of nightmare. last night we were all boarding a plane and had to walk through some water to get on it. We were somewhere tropical so there were sharks. Once we were on the plane it was angled so the windows were in the water. We said what if the sharks got through the windows and what do ya think happened next :crazy_face: typically they involve any of my exes, all the way back to middle schoolā€¦like I said, nightmares :rofl::rofl:

I shared about it on Facebook and someone had written ā€œPost accute withdrawals will go on for months even years welcome to the club!ā€

I looked it up and didnā€™t realize there was a second stage to withdrawal called PAWS, Super interesting.

Really struggling with insomnia, feelings of depression/irritability and lack of energy, and cravings - all symptoms of paws so it makes sense.


Im new at this as well i just keep reading and it is getting a lil easier plus the more youre on here the more youll get to do


Very glad to see you, sorry for the hardship thatā€™s still upon you my friend. Huge congrats on reaching this beautiful number in your sobriety. :heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Iā€™m proud of you girl. Make sure I never catch you up.


Just a quick check in on day 25. Have a good one :v:


Thank you i appreciate it :face_holding_back_tears::pray:t2:


Day 235. Belated Merry Christmas everybody :christmas_tree::santa:


She actually revealed she looked into one for dealing with grief (the death of her father). She had never told me that beforeā€¦Weā€™ll do a date night this week and kind of lay our cards on the table.


Made it to 7 days sober! Woo hoo! A new personal record for me.

Still on thiamine and multivits, but starting to feel a little stronger. Iā€™m still utterly exhausted and have been invited to a NYE party so thatā€™s thrown me off a little bit. Itā€™s my 21st birthday on the 1st Jan, so everyone wants it to be a massive party, and I have no idea how to tell people I wonā€™t be drinking!

Have my drugs and alcohol appointment tomorrow morning, I think Iā€™m going to get my hep c results back so Iā€™m feeling a little anxious about that, and then I have to travel back for a GP appointment.

Off to make myself some ginger and lemon tea and settle down for the night! Hope everyone has had a good day.


Checking in two days before 2 years alcohol free.

About 2 hours ago my daugthers friend call, my daughter stepped over in a slippery stair and then also fell. So I had to go get her. It was not far from home, only few minuts, but she could not walk. So I go get her, carry her on my back, she is 15.

Can you imagine if this was 2 years ago? Would I be sober enough or at least steady on my feet and abel to get her? I dont think so. No, I know I would not be!


Fantastic day! Sauna sessions, bit of swimming, jacuzzi, all place just for us :relieved: Then walk in Gouda (first time there, very nice city), delicious coffee and Thai massage which I didnā€™t know my husband planned for me. That was also my first time having Thai massage and it was sooo good.
The only one difficult moment was when we went to the wine shop to buy some for him, he got a phone call and left the shop for few minutes. I was waiting for him there, walking around, looking at all those bottlesā€¦ But I didnā€™t take any! It crossed my mind but just for a second. I won! I took some non alcoholic Gin & Tonic little drink which was basically just tonic but 2 x more expensive :sweat_smile:
Grandma stayed with the kids, she managed to put them to sleep, nobody get hurt, grandma is not traumatised, kids I hope also not :sweat_smile:
We definitely needed it.
Iā€™m happy.





Iā€™m learning right with you! Iā€™m not all that tech savvy so it takes me a bit. Shoot when I was 30 cell phones didnā€™t exist!:joy::crazy_face:


Hey family, quick check in.
Today is my 7th day of my new life and i couldnt be more proud of myself.
The withdrawal symptoms are easing up and im starting to feel better.
I was actually able to eat half a meal which is more than I have in a while.
I even went to my first ever AA meeting this afternoon and got past the state of denial I have been in with regards to my alcoholism.
The meeting was good, a lot of much older people that had been through a lot more than I have spoke about their experiences and that opened my eyes to so much.
When I spoke, I could hardly get any words out, which is kinda rare but Iā€™ll put that to nervousness and anxiety.
I mentioned my age to the group (34) and saw a few people smile and the next speaker (57) spoke about where he was at my age and that also gave me hope that I still have many many beautiful years ahead.
Overall I felt very welcome and they invited me to a few different groups and said do as many as you can, and that I will.
I almost didnā€™t go because it was absolutely pouring down with rain but I could not let that stop me and by time I sat in my chair in the meeting the sun was shining in the room like a complete different day.
AA took my details and said somebody will call me and support me with the meetings or anything I need so, today was very progressive.
I am loving and embracing this process, and I cannot say enough about how proud I am of myself and all the TS group for choosing life.
Thank you all for continued support, and Iā€™m here for each and everyone if you need me.
Love you all :v:t5::blue_heart:


I did it and am putting a sober head on my pillow tonight :hugs:


It sounds like a good and productive day for you @Newlife89 Iā€™m pleased you have found IRL connection and this community. ODAAT


So glad to hear that youā€™ve had a such a beautiful day @Mischa84
You more than desere it!!!
Iā€™m happy for you :people_hugging:


Feeling good :blush:
Looking forward to start the new year sober and with a clear head to make it a good one straight from the first day.


Congratulations @happyfeet :tada::tada::tada: