Running in Recovery in 2024

Nice!!! You were definitely zipping along in the dark!!!


How do you run with PF? Do you just deal with the pain or have special shoes? I’m starting to go crazy without running. I miss it so much :cry:

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I had a good few months of doing no running. I wear NB880’s, have for years. I saw a podiatrist and he gave me some inserts to support my arch, that he then modified over the course of a couple weeks as he saw how I was walking.
Edit: I tried to add some pics of them but its not working

I then started back very slowly with couch to 5k. But in the initial phase running would not have been possible. I had to stop kickboxing as its training barefoot and switch to boxing so i could put my insert into boxing shoes.
As far as going crazy I can definitely relate, I started back biking again that helped with my mental health.


I went to the sport massage guy today and it was not helpful at all. If anything my foot hurts more than before I went. He said my archs are good though. I did ask if getting insoles could help
Months without running sounds equivalent to prison time. Maybe that’s dramatic but damn I need my mental health running time.


For me it was having to stop kickboxing, not running also had an effect but I was only running once or twice a week. Getting back into mountain biking and then getting some boxing shoes so i could box helped me.
I got acupuncture to loosen up my calf and achilles.
The podiatrist explained it that the tears in the PF would get worse/tire out over the day, then when I slept they would start to heal, hut in a relaxed position. So when I woke up it would tear all over again. The first 5 mins every morning was like walking on glass for my one foot




What amazing scenery!!! Gorgeous day for a run!!

I did a short 7k today - felt good to hit the pavement again after skiing :smirk:


Week 3 run 3 couch to 5k done on the treadmill at work. PF is feeling good. Hip flexors are super tight, not from running, just all the time. Not sure whats causing that.
Was feeling good today and started to think about putting in an extra 5mins or so of running but talked myself around that last time I strayed from the program my PF flared up and I was back to square 1. Patience.
I’m practicing patience now for the payoff of hopefully being able to run for the rest of my life.


This is a good statement. I need to practice the patience as well. I was walking the dogs this morning and noticed my PF pain was less than normal. My first thought was to try for a run. I didn’t and I’m not going to because it would just throw my recovery progress backwards.


I ran years ago in competitive road races but had to quit because of Patella Femoral Syndrome pain that just wouldn’t go away. A few years ago I started up again but then woke up one day with plantar fascitis - which has since gone away. I run now and then still. My pace is remarkably different than what it used to be (no surprise). I’ve switched almost entirely over to cycling (MTB/road/gravel) as it’s easier on the joints - unless you wipe out that is!


I read this book recently which is quite interesting. One of the primary themes surrounds not just adventure

racing or an ancient tribe of runners but begins with the question: why does my foot hurt?


I’ve read that one. I really enjoyed it. I just finished one of Dean Karnazes book “The runners high” and it was really good too. Mostly just a telling of his last ultra days. He still runs but not long distance anymore


I also recently got back into mtb after getting pf. Kind of a blessing as I had forgotten how much I loved mtb. Gave it up after having kids and now they’re older ive got a bit more time for it


Better you than me!! Mtb just feels way too out of control for me; give me a nice bike path any day :slight_smile: I’m just not cut out for mud…(so needless to say - tough mudders or obstacle races are OUT)


I got back at it in 2017. Now I have 6 bikes :joy: . We have a great single-track network in our river valley. I love the speed and light weight of road and a couple years ago started rural gravel riding. Love it all. Probably helps my mental state more than anything else I do.

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Nice. I see you’re from Canada. Im in NZ and we have some great bike parks. One only 25mins from my place. I spent the weekend in Rotorua, which is world renowned for its trail network. My wife was doing a trail run that was attached to the UTMB world series of ultra trail run races. I took my bike but the bike gods were not on my side

Edit: to add more running content as we’ve just derailed this thread with some 2 wheel nonsense.
The winner of the Rotorua UTMB 100mile race finished the run in 15hrs. Which is 5’30m/km or 9m/mile :exploding_head:


That’s awesome! I live in Alberta, Canada. We’re about 4 hours from world famous Banff in the Canadian Rockies and also about 4 hrs from Jasper. Incredible riding and everything else. We both seem very fortunate!



Yes I was thinking the same. Running! Thats a crazy pace for 100 miles. I read some of David Goggins book. I dont know how a body makes it that far without completely breaking down!

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My partner ran 23km, and there was a 50km race finishing at the same time. Even those distances people were pretty broken crossing the line. My wife did maybe 2 longish runs in the last 2 months as training so she was pretty broken haha.
Yea I’ve read goggins book and listened to him on Rogan. Pretty crazy. Didn’t he get rabdo from an ultra marathon? Theres a point where it must become more about the mental, than any actual training you’ve done

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I wouldnt be surprised that he did. I agree about the mental being it. I’ve run 35k and felt like I could keep going at the same pace indefinitely but its a definite mental struggle to want to keep going.

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