April 9, 2024, 2:28pm
People who aren’t addicts don’t know. It’s just impossible to know what it is and how it feels without first hand knowledge. That’s why we are together here. And yes, weed also brings its own particular stigmas, like it’s not as harmful, or not as addictive as other drugs. I know better and most people here do too. Anyway, let me give you some links to useful threads here, and finish with one where you can find many of us on a daily basis. Hugs.
Hello and welcome
With more than 50,000 topics, 1.8 million posts and 40,000+ members, it can be hard to know where to start. This topic has been put together to help you with that.
We are people from all over the world who are working out how to do life sober - from alcohol, other drugs, sex and love addictions, self harm and much more . . . we all have different stories and are at different places in our journey, but we are all here today and that’s what matters!
Rules and Gui…
There are so many helpful resources available to us on our sober journeys. I wanted to share this list for those who are interested in non traditional resources.
Please note: I created this thread with alcohol recovery in mind and it is U.S. based as well. As a straight white past middle age woman (SassyRocks), it is based on what resonated and helped me in my journey. Over time, I have added in resources for some other addictions (found at the end of this post), but it is heavy with resources …
How many days sober are you and what is your #1 tip for people if you could only give 1. I’ll go first.
I have 1,832 days sober today and my best tip is work on your sobriety every single day. If that’s spending time here, going to meetings, reading sobriety literature, listening to sobriety podcasts whatever it is do it every day.
If you hang out on Talking Sober long enough, you will undoubtedly see someone, usually one returning from a relapse, being asked, “What’s your plan (to staying sober)?”. While this question may often be rhetorical, it is an important one to answer for yourself.
I feel that sobriety has 4 distinct phases that you should plan for.
The Pre-quit phase (days/weeks leading up to quitting)
The Withdrawal Phase (Day 1 to Day 30)
The Post-Withdrawal Phase (Day 30 to Day 90)
The Sustain/Recovery Phase…
Checking in day 100