Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in Day 14, hi all. Been a hard day, finally slept at around 4am, woken at 7.30 by workmen. Trying to keep busy, nevertheless had The Voice in my ear (left one only, strangely enough) telling me how s–t I feel anyway, what have I got to lose, sooner or later I will pick up again, why not just cut to the chase, etc., etc. So another cup of tea then some shopping. Thanks for all your inspiring stories, so helps to know I’m not alone in my struggles.




I heard 99 cent stores were closing! :-1: Such a bummer. Where will I get birthday wrapping paper now, :laughing:


Checking in on day 276. Whatever our numbers are, today we all get to add another day Of freedom to our counts, so let’s all rock this


@butterflymoonwoman When I think about something 2 years from now I am like whoa that is so far away but when I look back and think how far I’ve coming in the past 2 years I am shocked that I have gone through so much in such a short time. Weird how the mind works. You have been doing a lot of healing in this time and your mind has not caught up to the body (that’s my thinking) like the mind doesn’t know that this is the new life style and it does not need those stimulants to survive. No need to ever apologize for the ramble – your processing through this stuff also helps us process. We are in this journey together my friend. Grateful that you were able to see what you were “missing out” from and none of that sounds appealing. Much love to you dear friend – you are on the right path and crushing it! :muscle:
@danam56 I know right now you are already feeling a bit uneasy with your relationship and for me I would not put myself in a situation around a toxic environment that could lead to a relaspse or worse. The fact that you do see that he is almost as dangerous as alcohol then I feel like you have answered this for yourself. You have come a long way friend. We are here for you :hugs:
@sarath_unrelax great work with your 6 days and all the recovery work you are doing. Keep up the amazing energy and efforts!
@acromouse OOH Cirque du Soleil – abosultely loved seeing a show a few years back. Hope you enjoy! I do hope you can enjoy a short walk without any allergy attacks.
@juli1 Ah hell friend – the mind is a wicked bitch sometimes. You are beautiful and a badass woman! Do not let your mind play tricks with you. The addict mind knows this is how it got you to buckle the last time so is trying its games again. You know better – you know no good can come from the poison and you are crushing it Jules! 74 days and going strong :muscle:
@joyce19 Welcome back Joyce – great work on your day1. Check out the What’s YOUR plan? thread for some inspiration and tips. Glad you are here with us :hugs:
@james83 Way to go James — 30 days aka 1 month is amazing work. Glad to see you pushing forward with your new healthy mentality and strong efforts. :muscle: Keeps tacking up the days
@foxmccloud 77 days is amazing friend. Sorry you are feeling lonely and frustrated. Are you able to go to a meeting? Do something fun for yourself? Meet up with friends for some sober fun? Hoping your day turns around for you. Rural living can be lonely at times. Sometimes I video call my friend and we just do a similar activity like cooking or watching a movie together—just a thought :thinking:
@mrsodh I loved reading your post. Grateful that you are not feeling triggered and happily stacking up your sober days!. Your pancakes look fantastic – glad to see you making the pancake tower and that everyone is enjoying them. :yum: OMG – all this talk about pancakes has got me craving some LOL.
@dan.h84 WOOT WOOT 2 weeks is amazing Dan. Glad to see you doing so well in your journey -keep up the amazing work :muscle:


This one is epic


Day 107.

Just back from a six mile walk along the Grand Union Canal and then Regents park canal to Primrose hill.

Circled back around through Swiss cottage and South Hampstead. Absolutely beautiful day out there, might have a wee tan… :joy::joy:

Feeling healthy :blush:


I’m feeling like that too today. Bored, frustrated, just meh. One of those days I suppose. I keep myself busy. Wishing you a sober day friend.


@danny81 Congrats on your 1 week milestone! Glad you are feeling positive. The body and mind go through a hell of a journey in sobriety. Just remember that drinking will not help get you out of any of the lows. Stay strong Danny :muscle:
@lile01 Yeah day 6. Do take it easy Indy. Don’t push yourself too far to fast – it is imperative to listen to your body as it is healing. Please be safe :hugs:
@lexi_liu Nicely done with adding on another month – great work on 14 months of sobriety :muscle:
@suechu Congrats on your 2 week milestone! OOF – that voice can Fuck off – such a liar it is. You will not end up back there cause you are stronger and more determined now. You know nothing will come from drinking and that the addict mind can be very manipulative. Great work on your sober time Sue! Keep up the great work :muscle:

I love that mentality. Great feeling to wake up sober and with no hangovers. Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday you beautiful sober souls!
It is a great start to the weekend. Not much sleep but do feel well rested and alert this morning. Sun is shining and i feel like my emotions are light and airy. My sisters birthday is on Monday and i won’t be able to meet up for the celebration - so glad that she understands and glad that they will all get to go out tonight to celebrate.
Its about to be noon - not much planned for the day - will let it unfold at its will.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Pancakes are my least favorite breakfast food. Too heavy in the morning. I didn’t know Swedish pancakes were different (I had to look it up too @Lighter :upside_down_face:). They look much more appetizing to me :yum: I’ll have to find a recipe!


Feels like I might have gotten half of TS to eat pancakes today.

There’s no other way than the pancake tower :smiling_face:


Omg! I can’t believe I posted that seconds before you posted that :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My now 21 year old doesn’t like pancakes at all.
My 14 y/o refer to it as weekend food.
Last week we made pancakes during the week, and he asked if it wasn’t to unhealthy to eat during the week, because it’s weekend food.
Swedish kids in general get to eat sweets and have sodas on weekends only. Friday and Saturday.

I had to explain that pancakes are pretty healthy if you don’t add to much sugar, and the reason we most have them on weekends is because it takes so long to make them :smiling_face:

Me and the 12 y/o can eat almost anything in the morning. Leftover Pizza,Tacos,or whatever as long as it’s tasty and preferably warm.

The 14 y/o is not a breakfast eater at all, but during the weekends he doesn’t wake up until lunchtime so pancakes works well :blush:


That’s called perfect timing :laughing:


Agreed! I can only handle eating them for dinner. In the morning I would have to go lay down after breakfast :smile:


So glad u feel rested today even tho u didnt get much sleep. Hope u have a fantastic day! Ur sister and my husband share the same birthday! Thats cool! Glad she understands that u cant partake in the celebration.


Leftover pizza makes for a delicious breakfast!!!


I was raised eating that way. Very different compared to how my friends, and most Americans, were raised. Healthy meals all week but come Saturday morning, I knew we’d be getting something good for breakfast! Then off to Skateland for pizza, nachos, cotton candy, and loganberry (which isn’t technically soda, but the sweetest drink I was allowed).


That’s pretty much the general rule around here.
My parents owned a fastfood place where they sold hotdogs,chicken nuggets,hamburgers and things like that.

And my father was best friend with the local pizza place owner, so we did have “junk food” pretty often. They smashed their own burgers, bough good quality sausages, made their own mashed potatoes, and all that. So it was nothing like McDonald’s or Pizza hut. Didn’t eat at McDonald’s until I was a grown up, Pa refused to buy burgers in the city when he had an entire restaurant with burgers back home :smiling_face:

I loved to stay at my grandparents house when I was a kid, grandma made food like meat stews, hare and real home cooked food from whatever my grandpa and Pa was able to hunt :blush:


Hello, everyone! Wanna congratulate everyone on all of their sobriety accomplishments. I’m still reading through the thread to catch up.

Checking in. Day 115 AF. The boys and I made it to mom about 5:30-5:45 yesterday evening. It felt like we hadn’t seen her months lol. We spent most of the night in the pool until it shut down at 10:00pm. We woke up this morning and ate breakfast downstairs; now I’m sitting poolside again with the boys. I cherish these moments because there were times I wouldn’t dare go do anything with the family because of being so irritable and discontent. I wish I could back in time and do it all over again…but I know that’s not possible, all I can do is be the best husband, best father, best son, best brother and best supporter for the ones I love.
Have a good day, everyone :heartpulse::metal:t4:

Thought I’d share a few photos of us last night.
I love these guys! :heart: