Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Checking in this evening. Today wasnt too bad actually. I dont feel as overwhelmed or burnt out which is good. Going to make sure moving forward that i make time to pray and do my gratitude list in the mornings. I think that helped alot. I work this weekend so I am getting ready for that also.

Our full time nurse (the one that is leaving us to move to another province) called in for her last 3 shifts. I have tmrw nights shift to do myself which sucks, but what sucks even more is that we had a gift for her and now i dont know how to give it to her. I did find her on fb and messaged her. But unsure if she will bother to respond. Im actually quite emotional about her leaving. Shes been with us for 6 years! She will be greatly missed and i hope she knows that.

Other than all this, im going to get some self care in and get a good rest tonight. Hope u all do as well :butterfly:


Huge congratulations :smiley:


My cell phone suddenly has a green streak of light right down the center and it’s only 10 months old. Sigh. I used to drink over stuff like this, which is mind boggling to me now. Any little thing would be a reason to drink. Tonight I’m going to stay sober though. That feels good, to know I don’t have to drink when life throws me some little curve ball. Hope everyone has a good night!


Congratulations on your 11 months Ann.
Happy to read you checking in.


2 weeks is great! Keep up the good work.



Busy night at work. My feet are hurting again. Kinda bummed that I didn’t check my phone until 9pm bc my mom text to see if it was alright that my daughter slept at a friends, but by the time I got back it was too late. I could’ve had a night off!!! Damn :face_exhaling: I told her next time she doesn’t have to ask me. Just to let me know where she is. Anyway. Gotta be up early-ish so I’m winding down. Hope you all have a good one :heart:


Just a quick check in at the end of day 48. It’s late. Everyone have a good night.


Day #209 after yesterday’s things this morning im going to the seaside :grin: my boy yesterday told me pack your things we are going for 2 days to the sea :grin: Sunny Beach - Wikipedia it’s going to be the first time sober at the beach :beach_umbrella: it feels great :+1: now we are traveling 256 miles :smiling_face: will check later today. The mood is great :smiley:


Not much weight on it Aga. Sometimes just the barbell just to practice technique.
The last deadlifts I did where with the green weight plates and they are 10 kilo.
But the squats with barbell I do with 5 kilo at the moment. I’m a beginner :grin:


*Day 2110 :walking_woman:
I like the way my sober days numbers look today :sunglasses:
So here they are, also because I have no nature picture to share at the moment. Have worked all day for the whole week so no walks for Soberwalker beside that walk to work :hugs:

Today? Work, but just for one hour ore so to finish stuff. And then holiday! :tada:
Tonight I will be sleeping in a Yurt tent!
So…I will be less here too, I need a little bit of shutting down from everything.
But back here within a week!
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Checking in day 9

Today was a tough one the morning started out fairly decent. We were in a time crunch today at work trying to get as many things done as possible, with it being the end of the week and end of the month. I left for lunch with my co worker (who is a good friend of mine) I was feeling pretty stressed, (he knows Im sober and knows I struggle with it) we grabbed our food and took our time getting back because it’s Friday. Later that afternoon we had parts that needed picked up so I ran after them. On the way back I ended up driving past the liquor store and started to think about stopping just for a case, after a while the thought came and went. Five o clock rolls around everyone had clocked out but I still had about 25 minutes worth of stuff left to do before I could head on home. I’m clocked out and in my truck headed home at five thirty ish. Drive past the liquor store on the way home and start to wonder why can’t I be a normal person. I pulled into my driveway and it kinda calmed my nerves and stress. I’m safe here there’s no booze here. I chatted with my wife and held my son for a little bit while going over the plans for the weekend and my honey do list. We have an above ground pool we set up and take down every year, she had called and made the appointment with the fire department they’re going to drop off water sometime tomorrow. So my wife and I grab the liner the poles and filter out of the shed and start setting it up, well you’ll never guess who comes pulling in the driveway with a cooler. my coworker and his wife they came to chat
I was quiet the whole time. it literally threw me for a loop he knows I’m trying to stay sober. but came to my house un announced to drink right in front of me? Like WTH. I understand it’s his Friday as well but if you’re going to be drinking stay away from me. I’ve been thinking about it all night :confused: wish me luck for the morning

Have a great morning everyone I’ll be back tomorrow



I’m going to have to skip the longer ride on my road bike I had planned for today as my throat and nose (as well as my whole body) still won’t cooperate 100%. Will do a shorter ride on my other bike to get groceries and just be out for a bit. Come home, watch cycling and football. Cook. Rest. Read a bit.

That should about do it for today. One day at a time. Yesterday was good. To experience in how stuff in your mind is being organized differently in real time is crazy stuff. EMDR can do that. My therapist had me standing up doing it yesterday, which helped in being able to stay relaxed better. and after I got cheese and eggs from the dairy farm to the east of town. Today it’s to the west. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

@Lefty624 You do this for you. And others might not appreciate or understand what you’re doing and why. You might need to ask for respect for your boundaries. That’s might be good. BTW, what’s a normal person? Ever met one? I haven’t. We’re all mad with our own particular oddities. We don’t drink which is not such a bad oddity to have I tell you. Keep going, you’re doing great friend. See you later. No luck needed, a clear mind and steady hands will take you where you need to go. :people_hugging:


Ahw. You got me Meno! :people_hugging: :tulip:



Been pretty depressed lately, thankfully its been in a more lowkey way, though, and not super intense. Got through the 5 day music festival completely sober and super proud of myself for that. Just got home from work and ate, now I’m just sitting here, probably gonna shower and sleep soon. I just feel so bored and lonely and empty. Been feeling that way a lot and it’s definitely not my favorite combination of emotions. Going to a birthday party tomorrow and not feeling ready to socialize. I’ll probably just stay for a bit and then leave early. Maybe I’ll have more fun than I anticipate, who knows. Everything just feels kind of pointless right now and empty. I think what I’m missing is connection. I have friendships and whatnot but ever since my fiance died, nothing is the same. I dont have that deep of a relationship or feel that close to anyone anymore. It all just feels so surface-level, even when its not. Its just not enough. And i just have to live with that now. And im feeling serious lack of interest in things, nothing just seems fun right now.

Hope everyone is having a good night/morning. :pray:t2:


Yes!!! The opposite of addiction is connection. You ever saw the TED talk by the guy who coined that phrase? It’s really eye opening. I’m going to see it again right now. Glad you’re here friend. We’re in this together. :people_hugging:


I’m sorry to hear about your job, but you are good to be shot of that shit…

You have reminded me of my childhood holidays in Sunny Beach and Bulgaria. It was absolutely epic and I remember them fondly. I for one will be grateful for any photos as that place has a real special place in my heart :heart: enjoy it!


EMDR can be quite remarkable with a top practitioner. My wife went through a long treatment of EMDR therapy and it was excellent for her. I hope you get gains too my friend, you deserve it. :heartpulse:


Love this! Thank you for sharing :heart: it’s so true.


Day 371. Mazey festival near us all weekend. Basically lots of food, things going on and people getting absolutely drunk out of their skins… All weekend. It was the festival last year where I gave up drinking afterwards. My wife had been away. I went into town at lunch for a quick pint and then ten hours later staggered home. Incoherent…armed with a kebab…my wife called at 9.30pm.and said I was incoherent.
A year later and I’m sober.

We may walk down later and grab some food and see what’s going on and then come home.


Thanks :sun_with_face: of course i will share photos you have to come ones again in Bulgaria and to see the other places near to Sunny Beach :parasol_on_ground: for example - Nessebar another beautiful place to stay at the seaside Nesebar - Wikipedia