Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Forgiveness does not equal forgetting. A person once told me that Forgiveness is more than making peace with another person. Forgiveness also makes peace with ones emotions. Its saying its ok to feel the way you felt, but now its time to move on. In the caae of a toxic person…its perfectly ok to go through Forgiveness and then keep your distance to ensure your own well being…

My 2 cents.


@selflove_42 Great to see you checking in friend – congrats on your 45 days!
@soberwalker Impressive time and I’m glad that sobriety is now just a fabric of your being – not taking effort. Hope you enjoyed your day of doing absolutely nothing :hugs:
@leveller So glad wife is home and that you are able to help her – fingers crossed that all goes well with blood work tomorrow :pray: Do share your sketches on the artists thread with us when you have a moment
@acromouse Great job on your 1 week no overeating… impressive timers all around! Glad the meds are working friend – continued healing :hugs: :pray:

The end result is that you did not drink and that is a huge accomplishment! Sorry that your mood swings are getting worse – hope you had a relaxing rest of the day :hugs:
@wakikki Another month in the books love – that is something to be proud of. Glad that the symptoms and pain is manageable. I do hope that you are able to find a replacement psychiatrist to help you with your diagnosis. Keep drinking the nutridrinks at least – you do need nutrition to sustain you and keep pushing forward :hugs:
@skhan ooh that free time can cause boredom and angst. Hopefully you can find new hobbies or activities that will help fill in that space. I do find that keeping busy mentally and physically was key in the early days of my sober journey
@deelzebub YIPPEE so excited to be celebrating this milestone with you- can’t congratulate you enough :tada: ;tada: Grateful to see how far you’ve come in this past year – keep going strong Delia :muscle:

Totally makes sense – it is the addiction that is the problem. Great work on your double 4’s! In addiction recovery we are not just working on keeping ourselves clean and sober but also learning what caused us become addicted in the first place and heal that. Finding new routines and ways to deal with life’s ups / downs in a healthy way. Great to see you working so well on your recovery – keep stacking up the days! :muscle: Connection and community is key – glad you are here sharing your journey. You are not alone :hugs:


@1in8billion SOOOO lovely to see you checking in friend. Great to hear about your 80 days of sobriety too. WOW – a lot has happened in such a short time. I am happy that you are travelling and finding yourself. Sorry that you are dealing with a few stresses – hopefully you can stay in touch with your fling and who knows what the future holds for either of you. Right now you are working on you and I think its brilliant that you are travelling and exploring. Grateful you figured out your log in and are reconnected here – we are here for you friend. Grateful that you know to lean on us :pray: :hugs: Looking forward to celebrating your 3 months with you soon :tada:
@butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry that you had such a hard night love – hope your son is doing better today and am so very grateful that you will get some sleep tonight :hugs: Glad you were able to find the energy to get in a work out – that must have helped with the mental exhaustion. Sending you love my friend :heart:

Sorry others are giving you a stink eye or not approving – its your lives and you do what works for you – Period! Not everyone has the same path to follow and nor should they. Big hugs to you and your mom – keep thriving Mira :hugs:
@PositiveThoughts 137 days is impressive work. When you are go go go at work and home then its only reasonable that you hit a wall. Try to find some time for yourself and remember that no DOC is going to help out – you have come to far to start over now. Sending you strength :muscle:
@soberbilly Congrats on completing your 30 day challenge Billy. :tada: Feel like I have learned a lot from your challenge as well and appreciate you sharing this journey with us.

Checking in on Tuesday evening
Not much going on - i did manage to get in my walk and workout today but have been just mellow for the rest of the day. Grateful for leftovers and summer fruits as i did not have to cook today. Going to catch up on some accounting and call it a day!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day #5 sober from everything :smile_cat:

Feeling a bit better today. I’m learning to have unconditional life acceptance and reminding myself to be patient with sobriety and that my life will improve with time. I shall get the things I want in life or at least have the capacity to deal with other problems in my life if I just keep sticking to being sober. If I run back to cocaine, my life will just be on pause again. I’m looking forward to a brighter future :smile_cat:

New CA sponsor is going really well! He actually lets me attend both SMART Recovery and CA unlike my previous sponsor. He seems to think like me and has a similar story with addiction which is good :3


Love everything about ur post!!


Awe thank u!!! Ur comment was soo sweet!


Day 352. Decent enough day. No complaints.


One week today. Spent it enjoying the beautiful spring weather with my family :heartpulse:


YIPPEE Congrats on your 1 week friend – what a lovely way to celebrate :tada: :tada: :clap:

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Congrats @Deelzebub on a double win today! I see you fighting the good fight


Good very early morning lovely people.
03.30 here the dawn chorus has started and its just getting light, almost sun up.
Im drinking tea in my dressing gown sat in the garden. I shall be going back to bed soon. I jthought this is too nice a morning to miss out on.
Hope you all have a good one today


Checking in at the end of day 24. It’s late and I’m tired.
Hope every one has a good night.



My stomach is upset. Nothing too spectacular but I definitely feel off since yesterday afternoon. Slept like sh*t. I just called in sick. Back to bed for now. I’ll have as good a day as I can and expect the same from you all. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love.


Hope you are feeling better soon mate. A bit of rest will be good for you :+1:


Feel better quickly, please :purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart:
Luna please take care of him, too.



Beterschap @Mno :pray:

*Day 2086 :walking_woman:
Had an easy day yesterday just as planned.
Today? Maybe a walk before work, work and in the evening the kids are visiting.

Have a nice day ore night all of you (including myself :smiling_face:)


#8th day started, feeling much better settled and aligned with what being sober actually means compared to previous attempts. Quality of sleep could be a bit better, but I know also from your posts it just takes time. Feeling much more free compared to alcoholic days. Take care :wink:


Day 353 AF

Today was relatively uneventful. Work was a breeze and I finished the evening with a metaphysical development circle. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done one of these but it was nice to connect with like minded people and to nurture my spirit.
Heading to bed feeling very relaxed and peaceful.

Sleep well everyone!



I was in a good mood all day. Refreshing after the last week of uncertain anxiety. It was a great day at work. Our manager took the day off for her fiancés birthday, so there was an easy-going vibe. Hoping the rest of the week follows suit :pray: It’s gonna be a long one. I am looking forward to Thursday. There’s a fundraiser for my daughter’s school at the roller rink where I took figure skating for 10 years as a child. It’s themed ‘Roll into the Decades’ and says dress up as the decade of your choice. I’m thinking 70s or 80s to go with my skates. Should be fun :grin: Have a great day everyone :heart:


Checking in on day 584 alcohol free.

It’s my youngest son’s 21st today too, so we have cause for celebration today. I’m taking him to the gym with me this morning for a birthday workout and then we’ll go out to dinner tonight.