Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in with a headache and a bad mood after a pretty much sleepless night. I let myself get upset, well, actually really stupidly upset, at a meeting last night. I felt i was being criticized and questioned needlessly over something i put a lot of work into. Interestingly enough, the person doing the questioning was supposed to be helping me with this and didn’t do a damn thing. I kept it together at the meeting, but melted down on the way home, which then caused a fight with my husband. He doesn’t understand why i let things bother me so much. I wish i knew. I hate feeling like this. I’m a big ball of anxiety and anger and i hate it. I can’t stop rehashing it all in my head. Ugh!!


I like the imagery of a veil being lifted. At the same time it feels like scabs are slowly being peeled off which is a painful yet necessary part of healing. Thank you for the encouragement you’ve given.


Checking in! :wave:t2:
I kicked my day off with a 9K walk. Met some “buddies” on my way;

After that I went to have breakfast at the “plaza” of my town!

Little kitten is doing well so far, she’s only been with me 24 hours, so she’s still settling in! The cutest thing ever, but aren’t they all?

I have agreed to meet a friend on Friday morning to have a coffee at my place, I keep working on my “hang out with friends phobia”! Baby steps! :muscle:t2:


145 days sober
I woke up feeling refreshed and more myself. I went on a hike this morning and did a lot of what I call my crazy talking (talking to my dogs) during it. I felt cleansed after the exercise and saying outloud what I needed to get out of my head. Dogs really are the best listeners.
I was able to get a lot of work done afterwards. I have a 1st edit of the translation finished and had it distributed to several locals to read over and edit. It usually takes me a few edits to get the translation right. I also had another conversation with the potential volunteers and it went really well. They both want to come and have been given permission to make the trip on their end. I got a good vibe from them. Both seemed open and willing to visit a slightly uncomfortable place with an eagerness to teach about addiction recovery to social workers here starting from a very basic level. So now I’ll get more into planning this side of the project. It’s exciting seeing this project progress!


Checking in on Day 16!





Checking in day 652. 24 at a time is all we can do


Day 65 - working hard at protecting my own peace. I have made great progress and need to remind myself of that, but I also feel that demon inside of me wanting to rear it’s head. Working on focusing on the basics and spending time doing things that distract me from my addictions.

Not the easiest few weeks but I think this is what will separate this run at sobriety than all the times before

Wishing you all strength and peace


Checking in with 142 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too. There are so many things I’d like to get done today, hopefully I get my butt up and moving (after this cup of coffee :coffee:).
Have a good day everyone.


Yippee on your 8 months.


Checking in with 6 months today. I stayed awake to watch the counter change. I felt like watching the clock for New Years to come. I have AA meeting this morning then meet with sponsor. Step 4 has to be over soon . Would love today to be a kitchen day. Soup and peach cobbler on menu. Be happy my friends. Today is all we have.


Have someone on speed dial like a sponsor or close friend that you can call if you get the urge. I also stepped outside anytime the urge came. I stuck with Diet Coke all night and water.

Good luck!


Thanks. Stepping outside is a great idea, having a breather to reset


269 days
Didn’t get around to checking in last night.
Busy day at work yesterday. Really rainy in the morning but the temps are starting to pick up, the afternoon was starting to get muggy.
Did a good amount of training yesterday as well as getting out and about.
Just sitting having a coffee before I head to work for a 24hr shift, wil be busy with more training and whatever the day may bring


This is beautiful!
These colors got me :upside_down_face:

210 days sober checking in

Had a wonderful swim with my new swimming googles and some lanes of beautiful butterfly flow worked super easy.

There was a guy coming around that looked exactly like “the pool guy” odysee man, some of you might know. Swimming in another location now, but it’s only 35 km away. I struggled about diving away for a moment :rofl:
But then I noticed details on his legs and different equipment that it can’t be him.
So I turned my fins off to have some chilled lanes in the end and what happened?
He chatted me up and made compliment for my stroke. Okay. Thanks. Lol. But you remind me on something not so good :rofl:

Love you guys :cherry_blossom:


Day eleven. My sleep schedule is shit currently so I’m tired as hell and I have some anger outbursts happening tbh. But I think I already see inflammation going down in my face, and I’m also craving healthy foods. :+1:t2: dragging myself to the store because I need to get some food for my son starting THIRD grade tomorrow can’t believe it :sob: and also my mom is coming to town to help with putting him on and off the bus so I don’t miss school myself since my dad, who usually does it, is out of town. It’ll be nice to spend time with her too. One day at a time, we got this 🫶🏻


@tailee17 Congratulations on six months! :birthday::white_check_mark::dancer: I’ll be there too on September 1st- so exciting


Water fixed me up. I was very dehydrated. Drank 6 glasses. Make sure you drink double the water if you are visiting high elevations! I learn the hard way :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks for replying. Yes it is. There’s no doubt it will be difficult. They are great tips - getting outside will definitely help. Luckily if all gets to much they are all close to home so I can just leave I have to. I need to find a tasty sober drink other than Coke Zero. I love Coke Zero but it makes my mouth taste funny after a while.


Day 8.
Feeling good. A good day. No urges at all today. I’m trying to plan to keep my weekend busy as well as I know that will be a more triggering time for me. I’m learning from this amazing community that planning can really help.