Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Congrats on 5 months without that processed crap :clap: Glad youā€™re feeling the benefits too. At my fittest, 10 years ago, my diet was impeccable. Zero sugar(besides minimal alcohol at that time), and only whole foods. I felt amazing! I think I eat healthier than most, but convenience has become the issue. It takes a long time to eat a salad :sweat_smile: At work, I often grab the most calorie dense, fastest thing I can eat standing up, or bring a liquid diet of protein shakes and smoothies. Or, I donā€™t eat at all, then tell myself later a 700 calorie piece of cheesecake is fine to fill the deficit :roll_eyes: Something Iā€™d like to work on again. Thanks for the inspiration :pray:


155 days sober
I went into town this morning to do my bazar shopping and ran into some American tourists. I ended up talking to them for a long time then taking them on a bit of a tour of the area. It was very interesting for me to see their reaction to things. Iā€™m also American (but have lived the past 13 years overseas) realized that what they found different/strange is just normal everyday things to me. Honestly I canā€™t even remember these things being strange or uncomfortable when I moved here. I never really experienced a culture shock and I think part of that had to do with my strange upbringing.
Itā€™s weird for me seeing other Americans. I found the interaction with them bizarre and it felt foreign. Iā€™ve not been to my home country in 13 years and almost never see other expats and I know that Iā€™m not very American anymore but for me it really felt more of a culture shock when interacting with them. They also were wanting to drink and was surprised when I said I am sober. So far Iā€™ve only had an easy going response when invited to drink and me saying no and this was the first time where I felt slightly uncomfortable or judged somehow. There wasnā€™t anything negative today just felt different. It makes me think how will I react if I ever do visit my home country again.


Hey got six stitches last night cut myself and didnā€™t stop tell i got to er go figure lol im feel like a yoyo these days between getting hurt physically or hurt emotionally I just donā€™t know what direction my life is going just trying to to the next right thing i guess and push through this hope everyone else is being strong if your not remember your not alone. And everyone has to start somewhere even if it starting over and over . One day at a time and to stay busy it helps have a great day


Us Americans can be a bit much sometimes, lol. Funny you mention this bc I actually find your day to day life fascinating. Whatā€™s normal to you is so very different than anything Iā€™m used to. It seems harder, yet easier, at the same time. I was going to mention this the other day but worried it might offend you :sweat_smile:


Ha no worries Iā€™m hard to offend and I enjoy topics like this. I donā€™t notice how different my life style is until people who arenā€™t used to it come around. There are definitely more difficult parts of life here because of the culture like that you just pay a bribe to get out of trouble or teachers can beat kids without getting into trouble or bridekidnapping being a normal part of society. Lack of any good medical care is a hassle but life is also so so simple and easy going in many ways.
But Iā€™m just used to the ways things are. Only sometimes mostly in the winter I wish I had running water in the house. :joy:


Day 189

Hello there :wave: Rough night of insomnia. Finally slept 3-9a. Good enough! Day off today. Iā€™ve been enough and done enough. Adrenaline, bye!

Itā€™s strange how we get into ā€˜never enoughā€™ headspaces, or at least I do. No matter what gets accomplished, I only see the undone and find myself lacking. Not today. I have time to enjoy as well as work. I can become obsessed with work and it isnā€™t healthy. I lose my perspective. I feel myself winding up. Enough for now. Itā€™s all coming together. My body is sore so I will cook and watch shows today. Read. Stretch.

Big cold front tomorrow. Little Fall preview. Iā€™ll open up the house and enjoy. Itā€™s coming!

Have great sober days :heart:


60 days, checking in. I ranted some time ago about my toxic ā€œfriendā€ who was and is a total a-hole against me. I told him I had to go the psychiatric ward where Iā€™m still at and his response was something like ā€œyouā€™re a weak snowflake.ā€ This was the last time I let him offend me, so now I have blocked his phone number and all the social media accounts. I donā€™t need that kind of creep in my life. He has insulted me a lot during these years and in the end when time passes he apologize. But Iā€™m done with his apologies and as far as Iā€™m concerned, Iā€™m tired of being Mr.Nice guy. He can and should piss off.


Good Job! Your own peace is and should always be the most important thing. Youā€™re absolutely right that you doesnā€™t need that kind of friends. Friends is supposed to be supportive and and not offensive. I know it can be hard, I broke up with who I thought was my best friend for 20 years, for the same reason a few months ago. Havenā€™t spoked since and my life is so much more calf and positive now.

Iā€™m so proud of you for finally taking that step.


Checking in with 152 days sober.
Iā€™ll stay sober today too.
Tomorrow will be 5 months sober. Honestly Iā€™m surprised Iā€™ve made it this far. Those first 50 days were SO incredibly hard. Iā€™m happy to have found this place. I make sure to read on the relapse thread daily to remind myself Iā€™m not healed, even though I feel so much better and in control.
One day at a time.


Thanks alot! Indeed, it ainā€™t easy, but our own wellbeing is the most important thing. Iā€™m really glad you also got rid of your so-called friend. Well done, my friend!


Sorry for the bad night of sleep but hope you have a good day off relaxing and taking care of yourself then hopefully a good sleep later. We all need those type of days.


Yes!! So proud of you! You got this!


Lunch time Friday workday check in.
The light at the end of a hard household work week is in sight.
My wife was at a work event last night and said she spent a lot of time bragging about what an amazing partner and father I am.
She spent lots of time thanking and complimenting me when she got home late last night.
We are still way behind on house/life to-do list, and it takes a lot of work to keep things going here family-wise but:ā€¦My head and heart are in a wonderful place right now.

Happy Friday to you from me.


Checking in on Day 2, Work today in a few hours. Got quite a bit of sleep last night. Going to eat a huge lunch and drink plenty of liquids. I can do this!


Another sober day
Just checking in


Iā€™m sorry for your loss! :pensive:


I had a Drā€™s appointment today. Heā€™s still not happy that my blood glucose levels are in the safe zone so heā€™s added another medication. I see him again next Friday.

I almost didnā€™t come to my AA meeting today but here I am. Glad I made it. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll share or not despite thinking the whole week that I will. Iā€™ll read the room 1st I think. Take care you all and be safe :v:t2:


Yeah not nuch of a friend if he treats you like that. Perhaps youā€™re better off without them. Take care :v:t2:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Today it was the last day of our trainee, she works just for the summer at our office. One of my colleagues opened a bottle of cava to toast. I declined, but seriously, the smell alone seemed nauseating to me. I never was a cava drinker in the first place. The results os my friends biopsy came back, she hasnā€™t got breast cancer, finally some good news! :clap:t2::blush:


Thank you my friend. :blush:. I appreciate it. And a slow day to appreciate life is helping already. I can get sucked into rushing around easily, still. Meanwhile the seasons are changing and there are beautiful butterflies everywhere. The deer are grazing. Nice breeze and not as hot. I donā€™t want miss the Wild Life :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Iā€™m really lucky to have them.

Have a great day and thank you for your support.