Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Reset yesterday, on day 87. Ugh.
Family early Thanksgiving. Drink pre-poured at my place setting. Should have just given it to someone else or taken it back to the kitchen.
Stopped at one for a few hours, then surprise overnight guests (cousin of my wife) showed up at my door.
I said dozens of nos in the last 3 months, and didn’t keep my wall up. Cheap, fun escape got me.
Not going to beat myself up on here or through a regret party. Going to smarten up and smash through this week, and get back to 90+ days. :muscle:t2:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Today has been a calm day! No stress factors, the festivities in my town are over!
I did some clearing out this morning, I announced 4 chairs on FB to be picked up for free, as my mom gave me two really nice chairs which she can’t take once she’s moving. The lady came and picked them up as promised (not always the case!), it’s nice to give them a second life. I also took out 2 more garden chairs to our local “cleaning point”, and left them there to be picked up by somebody who might need them. Getting rid of unnecessary stuff makes me feel good!
I also plan to get rid of my guest bed (which has been used 5 times on the past 15 years), and turn that room into a small home gym! This is still in progress!
This afternoon I went for my 7K walk, and unfortunately my WE is almost over! Tomorrow back to work! :muscle:t2:


@JennyH I am so saddened to hear this. Please stick close, we care and will support you. :people_hugging:


251 days AF

Icebath is opened!

Lets call it desensitization, starting with 9 degree…

What an amazing effect on body and mind already. Started Sunday morning after a fully depressed Saturday. Stepping out I was like newborn.

Second one today after work.
3 minutes each.
Wim Hoff breathing.
Endorphines after 2 minutes like firework!

Can’t wait for more ice :ice_cube::ice_cube:
Had several situations where I felt damn strong and deeply focused. Body is warm somehow.

How is your journey going @Conor80?

Love you guys :heart:


Moving can me extremely stressful! My mom is moving at 74, just 4 months after my dad passed, cause her contract ends, and she HAS to move out (they’re doubling her rent…(insane things going on in certain parts of Spain). I’m helping her with a lot of stuff (paperwork, organize the transportation bla bla), and it’s even stressful to me, and I’m not the one moving! I hope better days are to come for you!


I started listening to “The Wim Hof Method”, and I stopped shortly after, I think ice baths are not my thing! :sweat_smile:


Brilliant :star_struck: I love doing my dips first thing in the morning although I missed a couple of days there but I was in this morning 10 minutes at 10 degrees ( 50 degrees Fahrenheit) but it’ll get lower by the end of the week as temperature drops


@Juli1 8 degrees?! Jezuschrist, you are some next level of badass! I had 13/14 today and it was more than enough for me. And I stayed only 1min. @Conor80 10min?! Another crazy one!
When I’m gonna be big, I want to be like you :wink:


Checking in day 280 AF :blush:


Checking in day 2. Feel incredibly anxious, shame, guilt all the horrible feelings, not eating, can’t sleep. I hope it gets easier and that I can use this awful situation and turn my life around. It’s comforting to see familiar faces on this thread, racking up the days, months and years still here going strong (congrats to you all) during all the relapses and stop starts I’ve had with this. I KNOW this is it for me, I am a non drinker & I am going to make sure that never changes! But I can’t wait for these few months to pass until it gets easier. :pray:t2:


Day 471. Good day today. Have a fab day folks. Work was interesting…weather has been shocking…we have a squirrel who comes to rhe garden but i found him dead today.that was really upsetting


I’ve but doing it a few months now and build myself up to the temperature but as the temperature drops I will probably not spend as long as that in it everyone does what suit them best well done you :+1:


Unfortunately this is part of the process but it’s where you learn all you new life skills and learn about yourself and find out that your a lot stronger than you think and time is a great healer, well done Pamela :+1:


Day 50
At work there is a lot to do. I should have done some things at home, but was just too tired. Oh well, I will have to do it tomorrow then :neutral_face:
Our cat seems to have developed hyperthyroidism. Apparently that happens a lot in senior kitties. She will get medication that hopefully will normalize her blood pressure. I do not think that it will be possible to become more inactive :smile:
Have a great sober day!


Hey Jeslie! Yeah totally, moving is quite the process, but I actually really appreciate the validation.

I hope things go smooth with your Mothers move :slight_smile: here is to brighter days!


I’m back!!! After a 2 month hiatus from this thread, I knew I needed to check in. I didn’t intend to take a break that long but man have I been putting in work behind the scenes. I have grown so much as a person. The last time I checked in was day 46 and I’m so proud to check in today on day 104. Triple digits!!! :metal:t2:Yesterday was one of the best days of my life… I GOT MARRIED to my best friend :blue_heart: The craziest part was that we got married at a brewery. We booked the venue over a year ago. When I started my journey in recovery a few months ago, I remember thinking to myself how hard it was going to be to stay sober on my wedding day. It turned out to be quite the opposite. I didn’t have any cravings at all! The owner of the brewery was amazing and so flexible with all my requests for alcohol-free options. I had the most fun dancing the night away, and because I stayed sober, I have the best (and clearest) memories of everything that happened. I woke up today feeling incredible. They weren’t kidding when they say your future self will be thankful for the decisions you made. I’m so glad I was sober for my wedding day, it made it that much more enjoyable. Here’s to another new chapter :blue_heart:


Stay on the path of recovery and ull never have to feel this way again :slight_smile:


WOW!!! U look so beautiful!!! Im so happy to hear that ur still doing so well in recovery. Congratulations on triple digits!!!


Awe thats sooo sad :frowning: i wonder what happened to him. Im sorry that the start to ur day wasnt the best


310 days
Checking in for yesterday. Was good day gym in the morning then a chill day at home with the kids, its second week of school holidays now.
Then we off loaded the kids for a sleepover at their cousins and the wife and I went out for dinner and then to see a comedian. Was agood night out.