Checking in daily to maintain focus #71

Checking in on Day 90 AF, very proud! Will be traveling and helping family do some stuff, then traveling again. So I will be in and out the next few days. Love you all and thank you for your support so far, woo hoo!! :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1631. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in, 14 days without weed, 13 AF. Like I wrote in another thread, my day has been really shitty and hard. I have terrible weed cravings and I got triggered because my “friend” doesn’t understand why I’m living sober. He keeps calling me loser, snowflake and weak person etc. because I can’t handle my drinking and smoking. So, I cut all ties to him, I want him out of my life. I’m now full of fear and doubt, and although a walk helped a little bit, I’m still full of fear and doubt. I just wanna crawl under a blanket and cry. Hardest day so far in my recovery, but I’m not gonna give up. Sobriety is the only way for me. My so-called friend can fuck off. Sorry for this rant, I’m just struggling today. Now I’m gonna listen some spiritual music by Krishna Das and read a book. I wish you all a great sober day/evening!


Day 382. Yesterday was good. Went for a little ride and chilled at home. Work had a Christmas party, which ive known about for a month or so now. At first i thought about going when i first heard of it, but with all the nosey co workers and drama i decided it wasnt something i wanted to attend. It was at a bar which i would of been fine with that, but idk. I just dont really like my co workers so going and hanging with them wasnt really sounding like a good time. But yeah much love


Keep at it. You are not alone. Dial into an online meeting of any kind. They really help :mending_heart:


Day 1142 AF

Good morning, gang. Happy Sunday and first of the month. We’re back in December. This year flew or what?

I’ve been dealing with earaches and headaches again due to TMJ. My acupuncture soreness is back, too. I also crushed my foot years ago with a power jack, and that is starting to hurt again. My body is fucking beat. I’ve been to Kaiser multiple times for X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and PT. They can’t get it right. They just keep giving me meds that only relieve pain temporarily. It’s frustrating. Sometimes, I wish I could numb the pain with alcohol. I need new body parts.

Anyway, I took the little one to the park yesterday. We ran into one of his classmates. I’m glad he found someone to play with. I got to chat with the mom for a bit. I’m usually socially awkward around people, but I was able to handle it well. She was talkative. Even when there were moments of silence, she ended up bringing up a convo. Felt good talking to another human being. This remote gig takes a toll on your mental health. Didn’t do much afterward. Watched Transformers The Last Knight with my eldest. Ngl, the Transformers movies were exhausting to watch, lol.

Woke up at 5 a.m. again. Gonna get my day started and do laundry at the laundromat. Kids are back to school tomorrow, and it’s back to the grind for me.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care. ODAAT :heart:.

@Tito23 Feel better, bro.
@MrMoustache Congrats on your two weeks! :clap:
@Seizetheday Congrats on 11 months. Awesome work. Let’s go!
@Ccn31 Congrats on 90 days :tada:. Have fun traveling.
@Amy30 Cuz Britney Spheres. Makes sense.(dad joke of the day)

Congrats to everyone else. Proud of y’all. Keep grinding!


Oh David, I am sorry you are having a rough day. Crawl under the blanket and have a good cry, just don’t unpack and live there. When you are done, get up and move forward in sobriety.

Yes “friends” like that can fuck off. Delete and block. What you are doing takes unimaginable strength. There is nothing weak or snowflake about getting and staying sober. Stick with us, we get it and are celebrating your 2 weeks clean today and will celebrate your 2 weeks AF tomorrow.

:people_hugging: :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :people_hugging:


Day 3 check in. Spent the day with family and old friends and unexpectedly went for lunch at a pub (which is fine because I’m never tempted to drink early in sober stints) but told them I don’t drink any more and they were a little surprised but supportive. Good to tick off one more group of friends who can now think of me as a non drinker.

Cooking family roast this afternoon with the big football match on TV (Liverpool vs. Man City) then taken a couple of days off work so a nice start to the week.

Keep on trucking !


The way he is treating you is a reflection of himself and his own insecurities. Please don’t let him get you down. You are doing what he is incapable of doing, living a sober life. You do what you need to do to protect yourself and your sobriety.


Day 1: No Shopping
Day 1: No binge eating


Day 526
Rubbish weekend continues. I’m looking forward to being.back at work tomorrow as thsts something I’m good at :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for your kind words, they really lifted me up! I’m feeling a little better now, thanks to this forum and a walk I took. I deleted and blocked my “friend”, so he can’t harass me anymore. Thanks again, you’re the best! hugs


Thank you so much! You are absolutely right! hugs


First of all I want to congratulate everyone that hit milestones this morning, well done!!!

Day 1,634 clean and sober today. Day 4 completely off the one medication I was tapering off of, so far so good without any withdrawal symptoms whew! I am hoping my body will be able to heal from the side effects of that medication, they say things could possibly return to normal in about a year. I read that the side effects for some people are permanent and I’m hoping it’s not the case with me.

Super proud of everyone here, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Glad you’re making progress too :blush: For the longest time, my orange boy would only sit on my lap if I placed a pillow on it :joy_cat: I think it had something to do with stability bc if I moved the slightest bit, he’d jet right off!

Love my orange weirdo :heart_eyes_cat:


241 days sober
I slept pretty terrible last night but had a fairly good day despite that. Got all my chores done early so I went on a hike but skipped out on a run. Then went to Sunday group. It was encouraging today to hear what was talked about and then had tea afterwards. It was just a good time together.
I was pretty tired after so had a relaxing afternoon on my own. Cuddled with my dogs and enjoyed watching the snowfall from my window.
I’m starting on my new project tomorrow and am really looking forward to it! Am hoping to have a better sleep tonight and have a good start tomorrow.


3 weeks clean and sober


Getting there, made it through another night. Seeing my BF get drunk last night was another reminder of why I’m not drinking… Maybe he’ll get sober again, maybe not, definitely thinking he should though.


Hey beautiful people :sunflower:

Checking in Day 14

Started my morning with yummy breakfast and a prayer. Tried to go slow and enjoy each bite. Going to take the pup for a walk and then head to the dollar store and decorate a bit for the holidays. It’s also a gentleman’s 31 year sober date today at my new home group so was going to make a card for him. I am hopefully meeting with my sponsor today before our meeting as well which im a bit nervous for as I don’t really know what to expect but she seems kind, active in the group and strong in her sobriety, also things I hope to attain. So I will do my best to heed her advice.

Wishing everyone strength today with whatever they may face :muscle:


@Just_Laura I also was wondering about the legality of last minute shift changes. I’m sorry that she is so incompetent and it’s affecting peoples livelihood. Hope that shit gets sorted quickly.
@MrFantastik hell yeah .I’m so very happy to see this and happy for you! 365 days is amazing work :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:…will celebrate your 1 fully completed year with you tomorrow. Keep showing up for yourself :confetti_ball::tada:

Yikes…that sounds like my nightmare. I know I can’t take a change in temp but doing so non stop all day would kill me. Hope you are getting plenty of rest and healthy replenishment. Sending healing vibes your way

Doesn’t sound stupid at all! Sounds like progress! Great to hear that you both had such an enjoyable evening :hugs:
@seizetheday way to go!!! 11 months is amazing :muscle:t4: :muscle:t4:. Love seeing the days stack up for you :tada::confetti_ball:
@Dilettante big hugs my friend. I’m sorry for the emotional ride. There is happiness on the horizon… keep working your toolkit and stay connected to good support. This will pass :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:
@Climbin sorry friend…can be hard going through holidays or special moments without loved ones. I’m sure your mom was with you in spirit. Glad your weekend was relaxing
@Ccn31 awesome work Kara! 3 months is amazing work :muscle:t4: :clap:t4:. Good luck with all the travelling
@MrMoustache you are doing great and I’m sorry for the so called friends in your life. Cut them out…we can’t help those who refuse help and furthermore we can’t be tied to those who only want to bring us down or keep us from succeeding. It does hurt and stings but it is the best for your recovery. Hang in there my friend… ODAAT
@Timetochange sorry the weekend had been so rubbish. Be proud that you held onto your sobriety. I do hope your day and week ahead pick up for you
@sobernow way to go…3 weeks is a wonderful amount of time…keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@JP123 yeah to 2 weeks :confetti_ball::tada: it’s normal to feel nervous but I’m sure it will go well…best of luck with your sponsor today

Amazing milestones… great work everyone!!! Keep going strong :muscle:t4:

Checking in Sunday morning…snowy day here. Still feeling off but better than past few days. I know I overdid it with prep for Thanksgiving and now I’ve got to recharge.
Thank goodness for good entertainment and leftovers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: