Checking in daily to maintain focus #9

Pick urself up, learn from it!

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Yes it is.

Iā€™m celebrating day 97.

Not craving. Although, my mind has been very blank and numb this week. Itā€™s why I havenā€™t shared much. I donā€™t know what to say.

But Iā€™ll still take it! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you.


I noticed my laugh today, too! What a great feeling.


Donā€™t think of it as constantly restarting, progress is lots of little journeys.

Day 491. Still going. :+1:


Day 69 complete. I survived the trip, including all the flying, down time, excitement, and time with friends without drinking. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had this much fun on a vacation in forever, just because Iā€™ve always been so focused before on how drunk I could get without ruining the trip for anyone else. Since I didnā€™t have to think about that, I was able to be very present with everything that was going on. Back to reality tomorrow.


Iā€™m really glad youā€™re sober. Thatā€™s awesome. Your doing well.

However, youā€™re still in early sobriety. I would not recommend anyone in this stage of their recovery to ā€œtestā€ their sobriety or recovery in this fashion.


Day 89! Wow Iā€™m about to hit 90, and that just feels good :grin:


@Misokatsu thats interesting to read will have a google. Finding it hard as should be putting in so much more effort into job hunt but struggling to find a good fit. My focus is on keeping sober so am on here, reading books etc I have faith it will work out in the end i have put so much effort in mending me Rather be broke and sober. Thank you


@Beardy_McTallman Thank you for saying u werenā€™t trying to be argumentative. I appreciate right now u feel everything is just shit and so what is the point of even trying. I have felt like that before. And when I did the idea of lots of shorter attempts still adding up to something helped, I wasnā€™t throwing out a platitude. Ur a runner, right? Like if u jeff 10 k, those periods of running still count, even if there are periods of walking inbetween, and the running will get longer and faster. And for the point of trying, is if u donā€™t try, u are on a direct downward trajectory. If u try, even if there are peaks and troughs there is a general upward trend, we just donā€™t always see it at the time. Anyway, these are thoughts that helped me, not always straightaway, but eventually.

Sorry @beaniebun didnā€™t mean to reply to u


You can do it you passed first time in unusal difficult circumstanesā€¦ look at your results dont listen to the unhelpful comments which are so unfair and controlling. You driving pass is helping your friend to get some needed healing ( hope it helps) ā€¦ just take it steady at your own pace. The more you drive the more confident you will get. Go out on your own more pull into carkparks etc and practice parking. I did this when i got a campervam it really helped. You can do it :100:

Yeah, I wonder what % of the requirements he meets?

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Day 165 and I feel like my battle is less about booze at the moment but more about my mind, spirit and controlling the internal rage or putting it into something positive.

The lack of booze has allowed me to focus on my mind, heath and wellbeing. I am a trying every day to live better, be better, eat better, think better, love better and deal with challenges better. I say better because the goal is not perfection itā€™s to be better.

God bless you all :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 252! Feeling tired and like I donā€™t have much to say.
Have a great day everyone :sparkling_heart:


I have to agree with you, so I had a drink thatā€™s done but I truly expected to get back on the wagon and pick up where I left off but mentally and emotionally Iā€™m right back at the beginning. I want to drink everyday again. Itā€™s not very pleasant at all. DAY 3.


you donā€™t have to say anything 252 days says it all. Well done.


Second day of my vacation. Yesterday I went to sauna in the morning, read some book, went cycling, catch some pokemons, back home, went for some shopping, catch some more pokemons, back home, almost ordered unneccessary meal, went to visit my sister to help her with some repairs at her place, on my way home I decide to make another tour on bicycle to catch more pokemons :joy:.

All this to avoid my drinking/smoking habit when Iā€™m starting my vacation. Also not playing video games (at home for hours as I used to) makes me feel like Iā€™m already spend 4 days on vacation :smiley: great feeling.


Good morning!

today I have a day off from work. I have an appointment for CBT therapy and for diagnostic tests. normally I have to be clean for 6 weeks to do those tests. my councilor and psychologist made an exception because they were only small slips. today I have to fill in ADHD and autism screeners. personality test, iq test and a few that I have forgotten. it will be a long day ā€¦ I am relaxing now.

Every time I read a piece from this topic. [Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser] (Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser

Already found some good suggestions there. I really need to change my behaviorā€¦ I will post about my behavior later. that will be a long story ā€¦ donā€™t have time for that now.

Wish you all a sober and clean day!
One day at a time, stay strong :muscle:


Thank you, weā€™re in this together. :blush:
Blessings and sobriety!


Hi Paul, I pray youā€™re ok and sober.
Blessings and sobriety!