Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Today i’m grateful that i can sit on my balcony and read this thread drinking coffee on the morning.
Grateful that i can read books again, that i open up my head for information, thoughts, inspirations which i couldn’t see in past 3 months.
I read @M-be-free49 reply about relationships and feel kind of the same. Made me think about my own way now - sobriety helped me to see clearly that i’m with the wrong person and i stayed with him partly because felt guilt because i drank. My mind was messed up. This relationship lasted for 3 months, and in the days of my drinking i could stay in such relationship for a year suffering. Now i’m able to not get stuck in it at least for so long, and this is the progress i’m grateful for. Grateful for experience i get going through it.
Grateful that i listen to music and sing again, depression seems to dissolve bit by bit. There’s so much beauty in the world, i’m grateful to god i can finally touch it a little.
Grateful to be sober today. And grateful for the sunny weather.


Grateful to be sober -
that means grateful to remember everything, grateful to have no guilt
grateful to have no headache/nausea
grateful to have energy to cook / play with kids
grateful my kids aren’t worried / sad
grateful my husband isn’t disappointed / checking on me constantly
grateful I didn’t waste money
grateful I can use money for something else


Today I am grateful for a gorgeous and chilly Saturday morning. I’m grateful I get to work at the nursery for a few hours today. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about nurturing plants, their tendencies, like and dislikes…probably good practice for when I decide to enter into a relationship again…we’ll start with plants :wink: I am grateful for the choice this afternoon to walk as long and far as I can on our city rail trail or cozy up with records, candles, and tea…or maybe a bit of both. I am grateful for the freedom of options that sobriety brings as the day would take a much different, desperate turn at midpoint without it and then tomorrow would be a miserable wreck. I am grateful for the book I just finished where I learned that when I was younger (sort of) and did stupid, stupid things while drinking, that wasn’t only because I was desensitized and “in vino veritas” as though “the real me” was shining through. I was actually chasing the pleasure – the dopamine as alcohol wasn’t doing it for me anymore that day so I needed something else to keep me from coming down. That extended into non-drinking hours of the day as well and particularly during hangovers. It helps to see where the addiction was prevalent throughout. Gratitude helps to maintain the balance without extremes. This thread helps to remain consistent with that. So grateful!!!


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful to God please shine your healing light through me to keep my darkness at bay and to guide me to better do your will. I’m grateful to have the ability to continue to work on my recovery. I’m grateful that the harm I have done to myself and others is reversable. I’m grateful that I can pray for help to remove these fears of failure regarding, school, relapse, any and all relationhips. I’m grateful that I can set aside these things and chose to enjoy whatever today brings to the best of my ability. I’m grateful for the smell of my coffee brewing. I’m grateful for all my family and friends. I’m grateful for this thread and all of you gratidudes. I’m grateful that I get to make pizza for dinner and chair a meeting at the treatment center much later today. I’m grateful that I slept well and have slowly been waking up earlier. I’m grateful once again for all of you and for allowing this space to feel safe.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it people like you. Ya you!!


You don’t need to talk about it until you are ready. If you haven’t heard of Brene Brown I highly suggest her podcasts, TED talks and books. She also has a website.

Reading her helped me get through all the shame I was feeling, maybe it will help you too.

We all belong here. Every stage of everybody’s recovery is valuable to each other. You may experience something during the begining of your recovery none of us has experienced and we can learn from you. This is an even playing field there is no hierarchy. We are just a bunch of addicts who come together to support and love on each other every damn day. I really hope you stick around.


I’m grateful how fucking fantastic I felt yesterday!
I’m grateful I truly believe it is because I don’t drink and wake up hungover and then plan my day around getting my next drink so I’ll feel better.
I’m grateful I didn’t have a headache 2 days in a row working on 3.
I’m grateful my wife notices it and it drives her just a little bit crazy because I won’t shut up on our walks with the dogs :rofl: but she rather have me like that than painfully quiet.
I’m grateful I had a really nice dinner last night at a really nice restaurant. Kelly? Not so much! Not my problem. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I ordered stuff I liked for me. We have totally different taste and I almost always bend to her liking. And I don’t mind. But there’s so many things I don’t order because she doesn’t like that appetizer to share. Or whatever. Last night I enjoyed the hell out of my roasted garlic bulb. :yum: all to myself. And I enjoyed my warm Brie, all to myself, with all the weird fixins.
And it was GREAT!
I’m grateful I felt comfortable to try my first non alcoholic cocktail. I’ve been afraid to do this. But it was something I’d never order and unlike anything I’ve ever drank so it was ok. It was good. I’m grateful I’m still afraid to order a Virgin Mary. Me a Mary go waaaay back. I’m afraid she’d just be a tease.
And I’m most grateful I didn’t have to wait for my second drink. The bartender was swamped and Kelly didn’t get her second cocktail till she was almost done her dinner :grimacing: so she never got a glass of wine with dinner :grimacing: This right here would have totally ruined my whole dining experience if I was still drinking. I would have been furious. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: No matter how great the food and service was. And it all was great. It wasn’t or servers fault. I could see the bartender working his ass off. Seriously you all have no idea how this would have totally ruined my night.
Not only that, I’m grateful I didn’t come home and make extra cocktails after dinner to make up for it. I would have showed them :grimacing:
I grateful because today would have been a crushing hangover on a whole ‘nother level. I can almost feel it talking about it.
Fuck my liquor, beer and wine. Fuck you!
Somedays I really wish my wife could quit drinking and have the freedom I have. She stumbled out of the restaurant. Passed out on the couch. And I’ll have a nice long morning of quiet time. I mean if we didn’t go out to nice places like that she wouldn’t have cocktails. But is that fair to me? I don’t do these kinds of places often here in Flag. I’m grateful I can share this with you all. No responses necessary. I just didn’t feel like going there on the checkin thread. I’m good. Especially since I can share this with my favorite peeps. :hugs: it helps to just vent.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for my wife.


Me too that’s why I always ordered a bottle!!!

Grateful my restaurant bills are much less expensive now.

Today is Saturday and I have nothing on my calendar, I am so grateful for that. I have choices today because my life is not conducted by drinking and drugging. I am grateful that humility has become one of my most practiced spiritual principles, it keeps me on even playing field with the rest of you. I am grateful for love and the power to give that away. I read that if we think of happiness as a spiritual principle we will feel happier. I heard something at a meeting " I made a decision to stop using and I haven’t picked up in over 30 years, why can’t I make a decision to be happy?" Grateful for people’s shares, I get so much from them. Grateful that I managed to clean up when I did, and I have hope that I can find some strength.



Frankly you all.
I don’t think addicts want our advice. That’s the last thing my son and daughter wanted when they were in recovery. I think we just want to be heard.
Edit: and acknowledged :heart:


I really wanted to order a mocktail when I went to the play the other day. I wanted a virgin Bloodymary. I was so paranoid that they would accidentally make it with booze that I stuck with tonic water. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 34 and I’m grateful for my dream of being in a house on the first level, each room congested, cramped, cluttered but then I walk up a sturdy wooden staircase and there are rooms with lots of windows, sunlight, sweet smells and safety. All my dreams of houses prior were of rusted spiral staircases, dark descent, anxiety, dread to a basement with no windows. Grateful to now be awake, hopeful and sober.


That reminds me when I accidentally got real coke instead of diet coke. Many many years ago when nobody cared. The next time I ordered I was so paranoid that I tested it with a glucose test stripe and was only calm when it said low :see_no_evil:


I essentially meant offer “support”, but it seems that some jumped on the word “advice” and ran with it. A few days ago, a newly sober person posted how they were feeling and what they were dealing with that day, and my empathy for them overwhelmed me. I had been working through the same feelings. I told them that and relayed to them the things that were helping me. They came back later that day to say that they had taken my “advice” and it carried them through the day. I immediately felt like I’d been punched in the gut, because I’m in no position to offer advice. On the other hand, showing that empathy and support helped someone get through their day. I’m trying.


Thanks so much, Stella. I sincerely appreciate your kindness and presence. I will check this out right now. :blush::purple_heart:


Grateful for this and the willingness and determination to keep going. I appreciate you all. :purple_heart::slightly_smiling_face:




On your 30 days


Way to go, congratulations on your thirty days and a thousand nights. Keep on moving forward.

Grateful that you shared your thoughts on advice because its a very normal feeling that myself and as you’ve heard many others share.


Grateful today for another sober Saturday. Love it…love it. :heart: Staying around the house…puttering around the kitchen…hanging with the doggie.:paw_prints: So grateful for my life and the peacefulness of it. :pray: Glad that i stopped drinking and that my weekends dont consist of wall to wall vodka from am to pm. That i can and choose to enjoy life sober as I head into day 53 in the early morming hours tomorrow :sunrise_over_mountains:.


I’m grateful for my life. I am grateful to be alive and to have a loving husband, a beautiful step daughter, a wonderful family, and my kitties.

And I am grateful for all of you.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that even though I worked today, it wasn’t to bad. I’m grateful that I came home to a clean house and dinner thanks to my wonderful family. I’m grateful to have time to relax and unwind. I’m grateful that I have tomorrow to do what I want. I’m grateful for books and documentaries.
@ShesGotMoxie congrats on 30 days!!
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart: