Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

My husband and I use this Friends term too :rofl: :heart:


I’m grateful to see you here this morning. :hugs: Did y’all go ice fishing? I haven’t been yet this winter. I always have a good time. :fishing_pole_and_fish:


I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep. I’m grateful that I very rarely have random, meaningless dreams (or if I do, I don’t remember them).

I’m grateful for feeling calm today. When my child is suffering, it’s extremely difficult for me, because I want to turn back time and hold him close and make it all better. I’m grateful to know that there’s always hope.

”Hope” is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.

I’m grateful for Emily Dickinson. I’m grateful for hope.


I’m grateful for this thread and everyone on it.

I’m grateful I’m alive and healthy but I am struggling with perimenopause and crazy hormone swings that make me depressed and then happy and then depressed again. It’s dizzying and I’m not used to it and I really don’t like it. Clearly right now is a depressed swing. I have so much to be happy about and grateful for but I just feel…blank inside.

I’m grateful I was able to give a big bag of cans to the local homeless guy. He’s gruff but grateful for them.

I’m grateful my dog had such fun playing fetch with his friend earlier and is now snoring in front of the door.

I’m grateful I’m madly in love with my husband so I don’t have to get prickly and annoyed by all the valentines celebrants around.

I’m grateful for all the masses of people who will crowd my shop this weekend (manifesting them all right now lol).

Most of all I’m grateful to be sober today.


Today I’m grateful I piqued my little seedlings. I love it when I’m in time with my plan when to grow what :blush:
Today my English is horrible and I’m grateful I notice it. Grateful I skipped an instruction today, I don’t know why but my gut feeling told me to stay home. Grateful I always believe in my gut feeling, it never misguided me. Grateful my husband is back from the forest, they were felling trees. I like the smell of freshly cut wood on him :blush::pig_nose: Grateful for my cozy bed. And for laughter with the cats - they met Roomba today :rofl:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to have groceries in the fridge, gas in my car, and a warm jacket to wear to work.

I am grateful that I have almost made it through my 4 overnight shifts and that I will be able to spend time with my fiance’, sister, and parents this weekend.

I am grateful for my cats and glad this weekend will give me more time for cuddles.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Good evening folks, I’m grateful for sobriety and clear headedness. For meditation and calm days. For willingness to make effort. For my Hunny, we’re there for each other. For jazzy coffee shops on YouTube, for opera.
And for the TS family we have here! :pray:🧘‍♂:raised_hands::four_leaf_clover:


Today I’m grateful that I didn’t have the conversation with myself that went… ‘should I buy wine tonight? How much should I get? One bottle wont be enough because it’s Friday so I’ll buy 2. But if I buy 3 then I will’
’ accidentally ’ have some left over for the next day so I’ll have to drink that to ‘get rid of it’ then I can start not drinking on Sunday. Yes, I’ll do that’
My mind hasn’t been occupied with the logistics of drinking, eg. When to start, what to buy, early morning driving, etc. It’s mentally exhausting.
I’m grateful that I found an online meeting that I related to, it was small, only 8 or so people I didn’t switch my camera on because I looked a fright but I will soon. I felt better after it.
I’m grateful for TS, it really is amazing, I’ve been reading and reading and reading. Thank you to everyone who shares, advises and supports, it means the world.
Have a great day x :sparkling_heart:


I am greatful that its Saturday, and no housework to do, as done a little each night in the week, nice weekend to do as I want, rather than planning on drinking whilst trying not be be drunk, that never worked ever!
So grateful my mood has lifted and I am feeling more positive and motivated in my recovery.
Grateful I painted my nails, sounds weird, but not done that type of self care for years, as they were all bitten. I have been treating them and now they are starting to look pretty.
In essence I am grateful for sobriety and you :pray:


Grateful to be sober
Grateful to be learning about and implementing my boundaries
Grateful to not binge, even after Costco trip
Grateful for warm weather
Grateful for my kids
Grateful for a hot bath


I love the zoom thing. I can listen in while I’m working and looking a fright :joy: I’m not much for chiming in. I feel very self-conscious with words spoken. On here I can read, type, edit and delete if I need to.


I’m grateful that despite some stress, I’m keeping sober.

I’m super grateful for beautiful souls on Talking Sober, my sponsor and my home group.


I’m grateful I want to keep sober more than I want to get drunk.
I’m grateful for my daily Thought for the Day | Daily Meditations | Hazelden Betty Ford reading. I was going to drop it because I didn’t want 4 short daily readers. Someone gave me a new one :grimacing: :kissing_heart: I’m grateful I read all 4 of them this morning.

I’m grateful for all my Al-Anon tools that can be used in my recovery. I’m grateful they help me so much when I’m affected by an alcoholic.
I’m grateful I had a nice night Friday night. Especially on here at TS. @Pica I never feel alone. The best part of my night last night was when someone mentioned their AA meeting was “great!” I’m grateful for other peoples success stories and little Friday night victories. They are a big deal to me. Because it is a big deal. And it helps keep me sober.

I’m grateful I felt so confident in dealing with my alcoholic from my Al-Anon training until “regret” came knocking at my door. Resent doesn’t seem to come knocking anymore. He knows he’s not welcome in my house. But “regrets” came by. “Will I have any regrets?” In dealing with my alcoholic. If things ever go horribly wrong with the alcoholic in my life.
Should I have done this …….
Could I have done …….
Suppose I tried………
Should I have tried………
All I really know is alcoholism, especially someone else’s, is :100: completely out of my control. As long as my life is not unmanageable. Then I’m good.
I’m grateful I got myself out of the future.
I’m grateful my life is manageable today.

I’m grateful to remember how cool it was last night to have Alice purring loudly on her heated bed on my left. And Minnie’s gentle snoring on my right. It was a beautiful little symphony. No linebackers allowed :wink:

I’m grateful I got my Pilates training again today.
I’m grateful yesterday was a nice day to sit out on my deck with my pets. And my blankets. And Elvis Costello :notes:

I’m grateful I get to share my whacky stuff here every day.
And I’m very grateful I get to read every one’s else’s gratitude here each day. We have so much common healthy gratitude to share with each other.
I’m grateful for my wife. I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful for the life we created and have had so far. I’m grateful for today.

Fill the earth with your songs of gratitude
Charles Spurgeon


Good morning all,
I’m grateful that I feel human today! I’m grateful that I will get out in the sunshine for a walk later. I’m grateful for my home and the family in it. I’m grateful that my life is so much better and easier without alcohol. I’m grateful for the dreams my husband and I have for our future- RV traveling, visiting historic parts of America. I’m grateful for love and hope and forgiveness. I’m grateful for all the wisdom I find on TS. I’m grateful that I’m able to “take what I want and leave the rest”.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I am grateful for technology and that it continues to keep us together during the pandemic.
I am grateful for members of NA who have come before me that have experience and are paving the way to amazing new things in our area.
I am grateful that because of my hard work and dedication ( thank you Derek) I can be apart of those new ideas today.
I am grateful that the years I spent suffering were not in vain.
I am grateful that my story might save someone’s live.
I am grateful that I have found my purpose.
I am grateful that my purpose is just to be me.



I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for today.
I am grateful for a 2h call with my friend. Things to think about.

I am grateful for Dora and Paula.

I am grateful that I feel gratitude. I was thinking about this today and sometimes think it’s a gift to be grateful in this society of abundance where I live in. I think I needed to through this shit. I built my own prison. I am grateful that I recognize is as what it is. Drinking every night was a prison. Now fear and being afraid to lose security is another one.

I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful to be surrounded by love. Keely radiates loving kindness, and it feels so good to be around a person who gives and receives equally. I’ve had too many takers in my life.

I’m grateful for Chesney and Cash, their sweet cuddles, and unconditional love. Dogs just know. I love them very much.

I’m grateful that I’m 6 months sober today. I’m grateful that I’m not arrogant about it, and I realize that I still have the rest of my life to go. I’m grateful that 6 months is a pretty great start.

I’m grateful for my oldest daughter who sent this to me today. She has a beautiful heart.

I’m grateful for my tribe here. I appreciate y’all more than I could ever say. :heart:


This was so nice to read, thank you :heartpulse:

I’m very grateful for the community support I have found on TS. I downloaded this app on day 1 and it has helped me immensely.

I need to be on this thread more. Its very uplifting to read everything on here :sunny:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to read that Carolyn @ShesGotMoxie is celebrating six months, way to go, keep moving forward. I’m grateful for a warm home, coffee and shower. I’m grateful for music and exercise, humor and laughter. I’m grateful to have a job to go to. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for meditation, daily readings and prayers. I’m grateful for my good health.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


I’m grateful I woke up sober and went out to enjoy this rare warm and beautiful February day. Although, I’m disappointed I missed whatever discussion happened after my comment this morning. Feel free to pm if anyone sees this and wants to continue.
I’m grateful for the supports helping me through this major grief.
I’m grateful I found my old cell phone in a drawer and was able to look at Tuukka’s puppy pictures. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for my aunt and her feeling safe to be vulnerable about her grief with me.
I’m grateful that loss helps me recognize how much I still have in my life.
I’m grateful for this community and all of your compassion.