Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Grateful to see you L.
Welcome home :pray:t2::heart:


Grateful for ten days, a safe place to sleep, a job, my family.


I’m grateful for new books. :yellow_heart:
I’m grateful I found out one of my friends reads tarot cards. And that he randomly decided to read mine without me asking.
I’m grateful the universe is always giving us signs.
I’m grateful I’m open minded
I’m grateful I’m compassionate
I’m grateful I’m optimistic and hopeful
I’m grateful for my feelings
I’m grateful I’m not alone
I’m grateful for all the beauty in this world
I’m grateful for long walks outside with Rue
I’m grateful for tea
I’m grateful for random pink birds that block traffic while crossing the road
I’m grateful for love
I’m grateful it’s always the answer
I’m grateful


Aw, thank you dear pal! And back at’cha, Billy. :wink: :orange_heart:


Grateful I, too - like many of you, enjoyed a nice quiet Sunday.

Grateful I plugged away on more paperwork catch-up, but not all crazy and rushed. With nice tunes and my coffee, after a sound-ish sleep.

Grateful I’m committing myself to a better sleep schedule this week - not going to shortchange myself there! I should almost set a counter for that…

Grateful for the lovely phone chats today - touching base with my pals in other locales.
Grateful for heartfelt chat with ex-beau of this time last year. Grateful with time to see where pieces fall into place in my life. Not like a hallmark card, no. Way messy. And beautiful.

Grateful for the meeting tonight, even though it was a challenging one. Always something to learn. And so much about my own response to things.

Grateful I got ready for my week: laundry done, food in the frig all ready for meals, bills paid. Adulting can feel so rewarding in recovery!

Grateful I will soon tuck in and wake up to a new day, a new week.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful for a good night’s sleep. Not too much jetlag.

Grateful for my kids’ going back to school.

Grateful I have the rest of the week off until I start my new job. Need to get organized.

Grateful for a nice cup of coffee in a cold morning.

Have a great beginning of the week, everyone! :heart:


Today I am grateful for

An extra day of holiday before going back to work tomorrow.
A good sober sleep last night and hopefully minimum jet lag after a 9 hour time difference (I slept from 11pm to 7am :relaxed:)
My best friend for letting me stay in his apartment this week before I get home to my dogs on Saturday.
My dogs - can’t wait to see them
My amazing Mother for being there recently and just checking in regularly to let me know she’s thinking about me and praying for me during my travels (she is an angel :innocent::heart:).
My job - even though it’s hard to go back to work after a holiday, I am very grateful for my job as it allows me to be able to do the things I love and I am very lucky to have the flexibility I get with it.


Morning gratitude. I’m grateful for a long talk with a friend yesterday, it helped me to settle with a decision I made after two weeks of looking at the arguments and opinions of my therapists and my lawyer. I have to communicate it to my lawyer today and I’m a bit tense about it. I’m grateful I’m taking the next step with this, babysteps.
I’m grateful I learned to take it easy on mondays, being stressed about everything awaiting me on monday ruined my sundays for far too long.
I’m grateful that holiday season is over and all people are back to work, including myself. To be honest, I could enjoy my time like the last two weeks for some weeks longer. I’m grateful I feel relaxed.


I’m grateful to be sober 201 days. I’m grateful for the peace in my life, free from all toxic people. I’m grateful for clarity in my mind and getting stronger and more healthy every day. I’m so grateful to be changing my life before it would have been too late. I’m grateful to be alive, really alive with goals and appreciation for even the little things in a day that brings me happiness and peace of mind.

I wish you all inner peace in your journey!


Grateful for:

A new year sober
My home
My kids
Getting back on my feet
Coffee on a Monday morning
My WFH job
Yoga and meditation
Heat cause NY is colder than Laos :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Good morning sober fam,

Today i am feeling greatful for…

My sobriety, 253 days free from weed and alcohol
My husband and his help with chores yesterday
Boscoe and the joy he gets from walks
A long walk with a sober sister
A productive sunday adulting yuk
Waking up refreshed and ready for the day
No hangovers for 8 months
AA fellowship
TS fellowship
Keeping with my calorie counting, 2 weeks in
Losing inches
Feeling healthier
Feeling motivated
A great team at work

Love to you all on your journies


Bit of a slow start this morning, but I’m grateful that even my slowest sober start is a million times better than my best slow start when I was drunk. Despite the rusty gears this morning I knocked out my dog walk, a short online strength class, and even put on make up like a real adult person going to work in an office! I missed my bus, but still made it to work on time and I’m looking on the bright side and using the opportunity to stop and get gas and a couple groceries I forgot this weekend. I’m grateful to be sober and to feel good in body and mind. Yeehaw bring it on Monday!


I’m grateful I got waylaid this morning and my routine is all fucked. But in a really good way.
I’m grateful I feel like doing my gratitude now. And it’s way out of my natural order of things.

I’m so fucking grateful for Al-Anon. Especially last night.
I’m grateful to be proud of myself after sharing last night. We share in order around the circle. The guy behind me is living a :100: shit show. Every aspect of his life is :100: unmanageable. The lady after me was broken down in tears and couldn’t stop crying.
Anyway, I’m just very proud of myself and grateful I shared my feelings and my struggle. It’s not a contest. Believe it or not. But in the past. I might not share my simple hurt struggle broken hearted feelings because they don’t seem so bad. But I did it anyway. And I’m so grateful I did.

I’m grateful I don’t know if my story helped anyone.
I’m grateful I know sharing my story last night helped me sooooo much. I Even had 2 aha!! moments during my share.

I’m grateful I had the best moment last night before bed. An apology from my loved one. Now,….I know to never ever. NEVER!! expect an apology. But I always ALWAYS think it would be nice. And I can’t seem to shake that.

I’m grateful doing nothing about someone’s drinking yesterday paid off. Yes sometimes doing nothing pays off. I’m grateful I did take of of myself yesterday. Just me. That’s all I can take care of.

I’m grateful for thinking yesterday that “This too shall pass.” It did of course.

I’m grateful I slept like a rock last night. More like a boulder. Maybe it was those 3 meditations yesterday. Or my meeting. I don’t know. I woke up at 1 am ready to get up :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I couldn’t believe it was only 1am.

I’m grateful I don’t punish myself with booze anymore. I’m grateful I’m still alive. The reality is. We don’t all make it. But together we can.
Love you guys.

Found it.
Let go.
How would your life be different if you learned
to let go of things that have already let go of you?
From relationships long gone,
to old grudges, to regrets,
to all the ‘could’ve’ and 'should’ve,
to the dead friendships you still hang on to
Free yourself from the burden
of a past you cannot change."

  • Dr. Steve Maraboli

I’m grateful for this community, and all the support I get here.

I’m grateful to have a choice today to not drink or use

I’m grateful that my problems today are being dealt with in positive manner not acting on impulse

I’m grateful that my job has enough faith in me to send me out of town for the week to take care of business and know I will work hard and complete the tasks

I’m grateful for my small family, and small circle of friends

I’m grateful for the 12 steps

I’m grateful for my sponsor

I’m grateful to be alive and actually live today and not just exist only to destroy myself and everything around me


I am grateful for a doctor’s appointment which went well and they will take care of a new insulin pump.
My HbA1c is the best I remember, freaking 6.0%.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a nice chat in my house.
I am grateful I am home on time without stress for my yoga course.
I am grateful I can most probably go in a clinic in the Alps once I have a new pump. :upside_down_face:
I am grateful I am in contact with a single person of the company for my fridge. I hope she’ll call me tomorrow.


Today I’m grateful for a productive day. I’m grateful everything went well, no problems. I’m grateful I did office work, chores, cooked, went to the post office, was of help for others, napped and will head to bed soon, sober, tired and content. I’m grateful for your post @Dazercat, it makes me happy to read that doing nothing paid off in such a lovely way.


I’m grateful for life and family today! Today is sober day 5 for me. I found out I have COVID most likely thanks to my last bar outing last week, but I count it as a blessing because it’s 5 days working from home away from bad influences. Thus, by the time I emerge from this I should be at ten days and on a great stride! For now I’ll relax, fire up the work computer and do what I can. Feeling alright light symptoms like a regular cold.


Thank you for sharing the song with me and for being here.

Ironic you said the quote broke your heart. My book is called Broken Open. Maybe breaking isn’t so bad :heart:


I am grateful that my couch doesn’t move.
I am grateful for equanimity and how I have been able to practice that during this illness. I am grateful that I have not attached any feelings to the mornings I wake up thinking that I might be over this bug because within a couple hours I am shown that I most certainly am not. I can see why my life was so difficult before, why I was always in emotional turmoil. Emotional turmoil caused by myself. I am grateful for the daily relief of that and the choice I have today if I want to suffer or not. I am grateful that I love myself and that I belive I have put enough time in suffering. I am grateful that I choose not to grip onto anything today.

I am grateful that my higherself took my humaness to the grocery store on the way home and she just led the way. I am grateful that my mind doesnt put up a fight as much anymore. I have been planning a new feeding idea since the new year but havent been well enough to put it into action. I am grateful for meditation and visions.

I went on a book buying binge…I am grateful that I can concentrate on books and absorb what I read. I am grateful for responsible Dr’s who truly take care of their patients. I am grateful for the people who believe in themselves and follow their dreams, who write books when they are stay at home moms, or doing something else as a job. I am grateful for people who take risks, who have visions and forge forward to reach their goals. They inspire me, I am very grateful. :sparkles:


Grateful for restful sleep and for waking up ready for the new day.

Grateful I’m not filling a mug with the wrong things first thing in the morning. I’m so grateful those days are behind me.

Grateful I can still wake up my boys with hugs and kisses.

Grateful for my hubby, and his quiet support.

Grateful for my fluffly dog - she is the sweetest!

Grateful I have a few days between jobs to get ready for my next challenge. Grateful I’m going to start this one in a much better place than every single previous one. Can’t wait to see how it will turn out to be :blush:

Have a wonderful day, everyone! :heart: